So the Wii and 360 were the dominate systems of the 7th generation than? because the ps3 was destroyed by both either in game sales or system sales.
So the Wii and 360 were the dominate systems of the 7th generation than? because the ps3 was destroyed by both either in game sales or system sales.
How does a console with no games dominate anything?
Yeah, i remember when people said the PS3 had no games day and night. Look how things played out, lots of people where left in the corner with the dunce hat last gen.
I think we all remember the PS3 playing catch-up all generation long.
The PS3 turned it around after a great patriotic Playstation war against the fascist xbox invaders,, won the metagame and surpassed Xbox360 in worldwide sales as far as i know. The outcome of last gen left a sweet taste in my mouth and proved that all my hopes in the PS3 were not misplaced, just not for the reasons i had originally thought, mistakes were made, mistakes were amended and it PS stood tall in the end and now there is no competition for the PS4 as the dominant console this gen.
So the Wii and 360 were the dominate systems of the 7th generation than? because the ps3 was destroyed by both either in game sales or system sales.
You can certainly argue the Wii was because of how crazy well it sold albeit you won't have anyone here admit it because it wasn't really a console for the core gamer.
I don't know what mental gymnastics got you to the whole destroyed idea though. The PS3 consistently outsold the 360 to close it's 1st year lead and the two roughly tied by the end of the gen.
Got a link on the game sales?
How does a console with no games dominate anything?
Yeah, i remember when people said the PS3 had no games day and night. Look how things played out, lots of people where left in the corner with the dunce hat last gen.
I think we all remember the PS3 playing catch-up all generation long.
The PS3 turned it around after a great patriotic Playstation war against the fascist xbox invaders,, won the metagame and surpassed Xbox360 in worldwide sales as far as i know. The outcome of last gen left a sweet taste in my mouth and proved that all my hopes in the PS3 were not misplaced, just not for the reasons i had originally thought, mistakes were made, mistakes were amended and it PS stood tall in the end and now there is no competition for the PS4 as the dominant console this gen.
The Ps2 had a headstart on the competition and outsold the others by over one hundred million units, the Xbox360 had a headstart and had it closed in by the PS3 and even surpassed, despite having very few titles at launch and being more expensive. It was beautiful, it was the great patriotic Playstation war. The Xbox will always be the carpetbagger that relied heavily in one freaking first person shooter to maintain its viable existence.
Every time another PlayStation game that massively flop there should always be threads like this. It's a place for suicidal cows to come in, feel accepted, feel safe and secure, sing kumbaya, massage and spoon each other and while embracing each other tightly they whisper in each other's ears "everything will be okay" over and over. You know the massive flop really did some damage when it brings back fanboys from the dead to try to soothe the hurt. Sure cows could be the worst most annoying fanboys and the bitches of SW but they could be also be the most funny. *hugs*
World wide sales mean nothing ... its all about winning america ... consoles live or die with america ... america is Xbox one land so ps4 will lose for another gen ... no console has ever survived without strong American sales no matter how well they sell outside of america ... been this way forever with console wars
World wide sales mean nothing ... its all about winning america ... consoles live or die with america ... america is Xbox one land so ps4 will lose for another gen ... no console has ever survived without strong American sales no matter how well they sell outside of america ... been this way forever with console wars
Still not as bad as the old 'Americans are racist because they'll only buy the 360 instead of the PS3.' (Which also ignored the fact that the Wii sold more, IIRC, as well as the PS2 from the gen before.)
You can thank retard cows like Casharmy for that toxic shit.
World wide sales mean nothing ... its all about winning america ... consoles live or die with america ... america is Xbox one land so ps4 will lose for another gen ... no console has ever survived without strong American sales no matter how well they sell outside of america ... been this way forever with console wars
Still not as bad as the old 'Americans are racist because they'll only buy the 360 instead of the PS3.' (Which also ignored the fact that the Wii sold more, IIRC, as well as the PS2 from the gen before.)
You can thank retard cows like Casharmy for that toxic shit.
Who the heck said the United States was racist because they were buying mostly xbox? That was never the truth, they bought the Wii mostly , then xbox and PS3, by the end it was mostly PS3 , followed by the 360 and the Wii was dead in the water but having already sold millions of units above the other two. Every generation prior the average consumer in the United States purchased mostly japanese video game products, its not even worth discussing. Buy american never applied to video games.
Japan on the other hand, does favor their own video game consoles and games, but they dont do it out of racism or a nationalist agenda, its the strong cultural differences, they play a bunch of silly shoot them ups, dating sims and niché titles that are never released overseas, many of which are only released for the Playstation systems.
A shame that such a "great" gaming console has such a shit selection of... you know... games to play on it.
The ps4 is only being bought cause thats how stupid people are in believing sonys BS and the piss poor games they've given out since launch proves that. Only suckers got bought into the hype. Nothing to be jealous about the ps4. No games the ps4 has that would make you knock over a granny. The ps4 games run at 30fps and never again will it reach 60fps unless its a shooter or i would say racing games but the ps4 can't even do that LOL.
The ps4 has the WORST exclusives since launch and only thing sony fanboys will brag about is sales in games. You get none of that money. The only thing you'll get is shit games which is just about ALL of sonys ps4 exclusvies. Hmm...good trade off. Thats great your happy for little Tommy over in Kentucky that was stupid enough to buy The Order but in the end u both get suckered in by sony. Wheres ur Driveclub FREE version 5 long months later? Again played for suckers. They probably want it to quiet down so you be stupid enough to forget about the free version. The online service for sony is terrible. Pretty obvious they did not use any of that money from plus suckers to get the online better cuz its the same crappy servers as the ps3 only worse.
Games with ACTUAL gameplay the ps4 can only do 900p in games like AC Unity/ Battlefield 4/ Hardline/ The evil within/ Watch Dogs/ etc etc. So the ps4 lacks on that department. TR Fraud edition is a great example of ps4 games NOT able to do 60fps. The game constantly dropped and NEVER could stay a smooth 60 w/o it dropping to low 30s. Only games sony has is LBP3/ TLOU remastered & resogun but those are on ps3. Better off getting it on ps3 since its the same game and FREE online and not have to pay for that trashy service. Hm thats a no brainer to me.
So uh...yeah keep telling yourself sony is the best to justify your purchase and make yourself feel better and seeing how awful the ps exclusives have gotten.
Lem meltdowns are the best.
Nah. I'll put TC's asking for Xbox to be spit on as a better meltdown. Its a fucking plastic box of electronics and he got that butthurt by it he is calling for Jihad against it LOL
@blackace: blog it
Didnt you read my friend, he owns all three systems. He is unbiased.
We all know owning all 3 consoles doesn't make one unbiased, but does say he is closer to it than those that will deny themselves offerings by others. I'll listen to his opinion longer than Tormentos' that's for sure. Its like politics. My uncle says he is fair and balanced but ONLY watches Fox news. You cant even approach fair and balanced unless you'll actively look to take in the other side(s).
How does a console with no games dominate anything?
Yeah, i remember when people said the PS3 had no games day and night. Look how things played out, lots of people where left in the corner with the dunce hat last gen.
I think we all remember the PS3 playing catch-up all generation long.
The PS3 turned it around after a great patriotic Playstation war against the fascist xbox invaders,, won the metagame and surpassed Xbox360 in worldwide sales as far as i know. The outcome of last gen left a sweet taste in my mouth and proved that all my hopes in the PS3 were not misplaced, just not for the reasons i had originally thought, mistakes were made, mistakes were amended and it PS stood tall in the end and now there is no competition for the PS4 as the dominant console this gen.
My girlfriend says that doesn't taste sweet....................But hey, I am not Japanese. Guess Kaz has a different diet than me.
No company that went from absolute domination to barely a tie with the 360, billions in debt (about 16 at the time) by the release of the WiiU can see that gen as a winning gen. Now you, quite obviously are a huge Sony fanboy. To the extant that it actually personally insults you when others make fun of Sony. Now I know plenty of PS gamers who are not like that. They may prefer PS but they still put playing video games, not the corporate manufacturer first. Its you zealots of companies that you aren't even employed by that make this place worth it for the laughs.
World wide sales mean nothing ... its all about winning america ... consoles live or die with america ... america is Xbox one land so ps4 will lose for another gen ... no console has ever survived without strong American sales no matter how well they sell outside of america ... been this way forever with console wars
Uhhm, I am pretty sure the PS4 is out selling the Xbox One in my home country dude. Now if you are optimistic about the rest of the gen, well whatever makes you smile. I for one believe the PS4 will outsell the X1, even here in the home of the brave. Doesn't mean I am going to swear eternal allegiance to it.
The Xbox one is gonna sit through this entire generation, flat on its ass, looking up to the Playstation 4 in terms of high quality exclusives and sales, which tend to lead to high quality titles from the third parties.
Its cute to watch Microsoft, trying to compete with PS plus with their own Games with Gold, once the trend setter with Xbox live, now a mere follower the Playstation struck them back hard and they simply didn't get back on their feet.
High quality exclusives???? You mean like Driveflop, The order 1880flop, Knackflop, Killzone Shadowflop, and Infamous Second flop. Yeah buddy, those all make me want to rush out and get a PSbore. The best decision I ever made was dumping that POS weeks after launch. I knew even then that the PS4 ultimately would be all bark and no bite, all show and no go....!!! Just because it looks and sounds like a V8 muscle car doesn't mean squat if the driver is an 80 year old Woman who goes 20 mph under the speed limit. All of this supposedly superior tech and the PS4 has yet to wow anyone!! Bloodborne will be the next in a long line of overhyped and overrated PS4 titles. I predict a 7 at best!!!
I think we all remember the PS3 playing catch-up all generation long.
The PS3 turned it around after a great patriotic Playstation war against the fascist xbox invaders,, won the metagame and surpassed Xbox360 in worldwide sales as far as i know. The outcome of last gen left a sweet taste in my mouth and proved that all my hopes in the PS3 were not misplaced, just not for the reasons i had originally thought, mistakes were made, mistakes were amended and it PS stood tall in the end and now there is no competition for the PS4 as the dominant console this gen.
The PS3 passed the Xbox 360 in the metagame in 2013, mind you. Months before the new Xbox and Playstation shipped, and months after the new generation already started; thus, it played catch-up all generation long. As for sales, don't know and don't care. I play games, not sales.
The PlayStation 4 could have sold 50 million units by now, that still wouldn't change the fact that it's only got one good exclusive game out of five total released in a 16 month period and I only use this thing a few times a month. Console hardware unit measurement doesn't mean anything to us, it's an irrelevant metric for people with weak arguing skills that can't actually rationalize a grounded point why their system is better. Avatar grossed the most money a movie has ever seen at the box office, over two billion dollars, does that make it the best movie ever created? Of course not...
The PlayStation 4 has a long ways to go in terms of becoming a great console, and it may be in the lead in terms of sales, however Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software, updates, features, functionality, apps and exclusive games department. If this trend continues and Sony keeps stumbling and being arrogant and lazy, Microsoft will capitalize on it and they will slingshot past them, the groundwork for this is already in motion.
The PlayStation 4 has a long ways to go in terms of becoming a great console, and it may be in the lead in terms of sales, however Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software
Software? That's not correct.
The PS4 has more retail games and total games than the Xbone. Not just DD games, but physical retail games as well.
As a games console, the PS4 has a huge lead in library which is shocking considering both machines released at the same time a week apart back in Nov 2013 (when I picked up both).
What you said about exclusives is true, but it's a very slight lead. It's like rating the tallest midget. Personally, I'm disappointed with both machines and still enjoy my last gen consoles, Wii U, and PC more than my Xbone and PS4...I'm sure this year will change that.
That isn't even comparing the very sad state of affairs the $60 XBL GWG Xbone free game program is over the $50 PS+ PS4 free game program. Even starting late, the Xbone for the last 6-7 months have only given one "free" XBL Xbone game which guarantees GWG won't be catching up anytime soon as Sony offers minimum 2 PS+ games a month but many months offers 3-4 PS+ PS4 games a month. PS+ PS4 also has offered full retail games on the PS4, something Xbone has not done yet for GWG.
32 PS+ PS4 games vs. 11 Xbone GwG games. Unlike others that don't subscribe to both services and can't fairly compare (usually subscribe to one service or none), I do have a sub to both and I've downloaded every single one of these titles. The quality PS+ vs. Xbone games argument falls in PS+ favor using metacritic on all the PS+/GWG games as well. Gamers that subscribe get higher quality and more games on PS4 PS+.
From a consumer's perspective, there is no reason as to why both machines that are the same age, Nov 2013, aren't very similar in amount of quality games and "free" games services. It's a lopsided advantage for the PS4 in the total games category and the PS+/GWG games category. Such a one sided victory when it comes to "games consoles" surely must be noticed by consumers as well. Especially when the Xbone released at a higher price and it's online service is more expensive. PS+ should NOT be offering 3x as many "free" games as the competition.* *I type "free" in quotes because they aren't free as it's part of the subscription. It's just a quick way to get the point across and I'm typing this to avoid semantic arguments about what free means. We all get it which is why I used quotes and made sure each time to type out "GWG" and "PS+".
When it comes to games for consumers to play, the PS4 is very much leading that race by a surprisingly hefty margin for such young consoles...again though, not enough to impress me, but clearly that's a huge advantage besides the "sales" and "more graphics power" arguments.
When it comes to software, it's the PS4 that is burying the Xbone, and by a large margin considering these machines young ages. Again though, I will give the Xbone kudos for the slight lead on exclusives, but not much as I said, both machines are very young and don't have many exclusives to even chatter on about. That's not even talking about the upcoming developers/publishers/1st party debates on which company creates more exclusive games, Xbox or Playstation. Historically, Playstation makes more games. They aren't always good, but the same could be said of Xbox or even Nintendo.
The PlayStation 4 has a long ways to go in terms of becoming a great console, and it may be in the lead in terms of sales, however Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software
Software? That's not correct.
The PS4 has more retail games and total games than the Xbone. Not just DD games, but physical retail games as well.
As a games console, the PS4 has a huge lead in library which is shocking considering both machines released at the same time a week apart back in Nov 2013 (when I picked up both).
What you said about exclusives is true, but it's a very slight lead. It's like rating the tallest midget. Personally, I'm disappointed with both machines and still enjoy my last gen consoles, Wii U, and PC more than my Xbone and PS4...I'm sure this year will change that.
That isn't even comparing the very sad state of affairs the GWG Xbone free game program is over the PS+ PS4 free game program. Even starting late, the Xbone for the last 6-7 months have only given one "free" XBL Xbone game which guarantees GWG won't be catching up anytime soon as Sony offers minimum 2 PS+ games a month but many months offers 3-4 PS+ games a month for PS4. PS+ PS4 also has offered full retail games on the platform.
32 PS+ PS4 games vs. 11 Xbone GwG games. Unlike others that don't subscribe to both services and can't fairly compare (usually subscribe to one service or none), I do have a sub to both and I've downloaded every single one of these titles. The quality PS+ vs. Xbone argument falls in PS+ favor using metacritic as well.
When it comes to games for consumers to play, the PS4 is very much leading that race...again though, not enough to impress me, but clearly that's a huge advantage besides the "sales" and "more graphics power" arguments.
Hey rocket scientist, before you went off into your little tangent that I couldn't give less of a f**k about, did you ever stop to think "why is he saying exclusive games so much?"... No of course you didn't, exclusive games are the defining reason to buy one platform over another, they are the major differentiating factor between consoles. If I own a PC, Wii-U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3 do you think that I care what multi-platform games are on the PlayStation 4? Of course not, they essentially exist everywhere else on every other platform I own, they're not a reason to get or own a PlayStation 4...
The PlayStation 4 as a system only has five exclusive games, five, not 233, but five...
Killzone Shadow Fall
Infamous Second Son
The Order: 1886
Four of these games are quite poor and Infamous is the only decent game, in 16 months this console has delivered one game worth owning, in 16 months, that is abysmally pathetic...
Software? That's not correct.
The PS4 has more retail games and total games than the Xbone. Not just DD games, but physical retail games as well.
As a games console, the PS4 has a huge lead in library which is shocking considering both machines released at the same time a week apart back in Nov 2013 (when I picked up both).
What you said about exclusives is true, but it's a very slight lead. It's like rating the tallest midget. Personally, I'm disappointed with both machines and still enjoy my last gen consoles, Wii U, and PC more than my Xbone and PS4...I'm sure this year will change that.
That isn't even comparing the very sad state of affairs the $60 XBL GWG Xbone free game program is over the $50 PS+ PS4 free game program. Even starting late, the Xbone for the last 6-7 months have only given one "free" XBL Xbone game which guarantees GWG won't be catching up anytime soon as Sony offers minimum 2 PS+ games a month but many months offers 3-4 PS+ PS4 games a month. PS+ PS4 also has offered full retail games on the PS4, something Xbone has not done yet for GWG.
32 PS+ PS4 games vs. 11 Xbone GwG games. Unlike others that don't subscribe to both services and can't fairly compare (usually subscribe to one service or none), I do have a sub to both and I've downloaded every single one of these titles. The quality PS+ vs. Xbone games argument falls in PS+ favor using metacritic on all the PS+/GWG games as well. Gamers that subscribe get higher quality and more games on PS4 PS+.
From a consumer's perspective, there is no reason as to why both machines that are the same age, Nov 2013, aren't very similar in amount of quality games and "free" games services. It's a lopsided advantage for the PS4 in the total games category and the PS+/GWG games category. Such a one sided victory when it comes to "games consoles" surely must be noticed by consumers as well. Especially when the Xbone released at a higher price and it's online service is more expensive. PS+ should NOT be offering 3x as many "free" games as the competition.* *I type "free" in quotes because they aren't free as it's part of the subscription. It's just a quick way to get the point across and I'm typing this to avoid semantic arguments about what free means. We all get it which is why I used quotes and made sure each time to type out "GWG" and "PS+".
When it comes to games for consumers to play, the PS4 is very much leading that race by a surprisingly hefty margin for such young consoles...again though, not enough to impress me, but clearly that's a huge advantage besides the "sales" and "more graphics power" arguments.
When it comes to software, it's the PS4 that is burying the Xbone, and by a large margin considering these machines young ages. Again though, I will give the Xbone kudos for the slight lead on exclusives, but not much as I said, both machines are very young and don't have many exclusives to even chatter on about. That's not even talking about the upcoming developers/publishers/1st party debates on which company creates more exclusive games, Xbox or Playstation. Historically, Playstation makes more games. They aren't always good, but the same could be said of Xbox or even Nintendo.
Hey rocket scientist, before you went off into your little tangent that I couldn't give less of a f**k about, did you ever stop to think "why is he saying exclusive games so much?"... No of course you didn't, exclusive games are the defining reason to buy one platform over another, they are the major differentiating factor between consoles. If I own a PC, Wii-U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3 do you think that I care what multi-platform games are on the PlayStation 4? Of course not, they essentially exist everywhere else on every other platform I own, they're not a reason to get or own a PlayStation 4...
The PlayStation 4 as a system only has five exclusive games, five, not 233, but five...
Killzone Shadow Fall
Infamous Second Son
The Order: 1886
Four of these games are quite poor and Infamous is the only decent game, in 16 months this console has delivered one game worth owning, in 16 months, that is abysmally pathetic...
When you are completely wrong, you respond like that? For shame. No need for ad hominems, but I'll grant you a tit for tat for that Rocket Scientist blip:
Hey Rocket Surgeon, you wrote EXCLUSIVES as a separate point next to SOFTWARE:
The PlayStation 4 has a long ways to go in terms of becoming a great console, and it may be in the lead in terms of sales, however Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software, updates, features, functionality, apps and exclusive games department.
The PlayStation 4 has a long ways to go in terms of becoming a great console, and it may be in the lead in terms of sales, however Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software... and exclusive games department.
Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software... and exclusive gamesdepartment.
software... and exclusive games
Those two points about software and exclusive games you separated, not I. By typing "software" mistakenly as you did you created a hole in your entire point. SOFTWARE and EXCLUSIVE GAMES are completely different categories that you typed out in an effort to bolster an argument, but you were mistaken.
Regarding listing out PS4 and Xbone exclusives, that has no relevance to me or my point. I already spoke about exclusives being in the Xbone's favor, however slight. If you want me to list the Xbone exclusives, you will find a list also filled with some mediocre titles but it will be slightly longer. Let's save that time for someone who cares to argue that because my point was that you included SOFTWARE and EXCLUSIVE GAMES next to each other. I spoke of SOFTWARE FROM YOUR QUOTE. I also stated neither machine is very impressive and I would know considering I am subscribed to both services and eagerly buy every high quality exclusive that releases, which isn't much at this point.
For the record, I agree that exclusives are vital. Both machines have a piss poor exclusive library, but the Xbone has a slightly better exclusive library at this time over the PS4. Is that enough to make up for the sheer amount of software the PS4 gets? That's up to the consumer. Will the Xbone have a lead on exclusives by the end of 2015? Again, I don't know, but it doesn't look like it basedon what we know is coming down the pike and historically Playstation and Xbox 1st party output.
Get this, I understand all about exclusives (& how significant they are to gamers like me) and I said the first time I got that. Sony is aware too, but their problem is supporting the PS3 with 1st party software longer than M$ did with 360. When those PS3 studios come to PS4 as is happening now, it will be a whole new ball game. It's your point about "software" that I took issue with since it was incorrect.
Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software, updates, features, functionality, apps and exclusive games department. If this trend continues and Sony keeps stumbling and being arrogant and lazy, Microsoft will capitalize on it and they will slingshot past them, the groundwork for this is already in motion.
You call Sony arrogant and lazy painting M$ a would be hero in this scenario you've created. However, the "hero" to the consumer would be the company providing the most games for their games console, which is actually Sony and the PS4. Furthermore, Sony's full strength is wrapping up on the PS3 where M$ abandoned creating exclusive 1st party 360 titles much earlier that Sony (at best cross gen Xbone games) to roll out early Xbone mostly non-cross gen exclusives. Regarding quality, I agree both companies need to step it up, especially Sony with regards to quality exclusives....but that was never my point for quoting you.
My point was you posting "Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software," which was false.
The PlayStation 4 has a long ways to go in terms of becoming a great console, and it may be in the lead in terms of sales, however Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software
Software? That's not correct.
The PS4 has more retail games and total games than the Xbone. Not just DD games, but physical retail games as well.
As a games console, the PS4 has a huge lead in library which is shocking considering both machines released at the same time a week apart back in Nov 2013 (when I picked up both).
What you said about exclusives is true, but it's a very slight lead. It's like rating the tallest midget. Personally, I'm disappointed with both machines and still enjoy my last gen consoles, Wii U, and PC more than my Xbone and PS4...I'm sure this year will change that.
That isn't even comparing the very sad state of affairs the $60 XBL GWG Xbone free game program is over the $50 PS+ PS4 free game program. Even starting late, the Xbone for the last 6-7 months have only given one "free" XBL Xbone game which guarantees GWG won't be catching up anytime soon as Sony offers minimum 2 PS+ games a month but many months offers 3-4 PS+ PS4 games a month. PS+ PS4 also has offered full retail games on the PS4, something Xbone has not done yet for GWG.
32 PS+ PS4 games vs. 11 Xbone GwG games. Unlike others that don't subscribe to both services and can't fairly compare (usually subscribe to one service or none), I do have a sub to both and I've downloaded every single one of these titles. The quality PS+ vs. Xbone games argument falls in PS+ favor using metacritic on all the PS+/GWG games as well. Gamers that subscribe get higher quality and more games on PS4 PS+.
From a consumer's perspective, there is no reason as to why both machines that are the same age, Nov 2013, aren't very similar in amount of quality games and "free" games services. It's a lopsided advantage for the PS4 in the total games category and the PS+/GWG games category. Such a one sided victory when it comes to "games consoles" surely must be noticed by consumers as well. Especially when the Xbone released at a higher price and it's online service is more expensive. PS+ should NOT be offering 3x as many "free" games as the competition.* *I type "free" in quotes because they aren't free as it's part of the subscription. It's just a quick way to get the point across and I'm typing this to avoid semantic arguments about what free means. We all get it which is why I used quotes and made sure each time to type out "GWG" and "PS+".
When it comes to games for consumers to play, the PS4 is very much leading that race by a surprisingly hefty margin for such young consoles...again though, not enough to impress me, but clearly that's a huge advantage besides the "sales" and "more graphics power" arguments.
When it comes to software, it's the PS4 that is burying the Xbone, and by a large margin considering these machines young ages. Again though, I will give the Xbone kudos for the slight lead on exclusives, but not much as I said, both machines are very young and don't have many exclusives to even chatter on about. That's not even talking about the upcoming developers/publishers/1st party debates on which company creates more exclusive games, Xbox or Playstation. Historically, Playstation makes more games. They aren't always good, but the same could be said of Xbox or even Nintendo.
Hey rocket scientist, before you went off into your little tangent that I couldn't give less of a f**k about, did you ever stop to think "why is he saying exclusive games so much?"... No of course you didn't, exclusive games are the defining reason to buy one platform over another, they are the major differentiating factor between consoles. If I own a PC, Wii-U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3 do you think that I care what multi-platform games are on the PlayStation 4? Of course not, they essentially exist everywhere else on every other platform I own, they're not a reason to get or own a PlayStation 4...
The PlayStation 4 as a system only has five exclusive games, five, not 233, but five...
Killzone Shadow Fall
Infamous Second Son
The Order: 1886
Four of these games are quite poor and Infamous is the only decent game, in 16 months this console has delivered one game worth owning, in 16 months, that is abysmally pathetic...
When you are completely wrong, you respond like that? For shame. No need for ad hominems, but I'll grant you a tit for tat for that Rocket Scientist blip:
Hey Rocket Surgeon, you wrote EXCLUSIVES as a separate point next to SOFTWARE:
The PlayStation 4 has a long ways to go in terms of becoming a great console, and it may be in the lead in terms of sales, however Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software, updates, features, functionality, apps and exclusive games department.
The PlayStation 4 has a long ways to go in terms of becoming a great console, and it may be in the lead in terms of sales, however Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software... and exclusive games department.
Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software... and exclusive gamesdepartment.
software... and exclusive games
Those two points about software and exclusive games you separated, not I. By typing "software" mistakenly as you did you created a hole in your entire point. SOFTWARE and EXCLUSIVE GAMES are completely different categories that you typed out in an effort to bolster an argument, but you were mistaken.
Regarding listing out PS4 and Xbone exclusives, that has no relevance to me or my point. I already spoke about exclusives being in the Xbone's favor, however slight. If you want me to list the Xbone exclusives, you will find a list also filled with some mediocre titles but it will be slightly longer. Let's save that time for someone who cares to argue that because my point was that you included SOFTWARE and EXCLUSIVE GAMES next to each other. I spoke of SOFTWARE FROM YOUR QUOTE. I also stated neither machine is very impressive and I would know considering I am subscribed to both services and eagerly buy every high quality exclusive that releases, which isn't much at this point.
For the record, I agree that exclusives are vital. Both machines have a piss poor exclusive library, but the Xbone has a slightly better exclusive library at this time over the PS4. Is that enough to make up for the sheer amount of software the PS4 gets? That's up to the consumer. Will the Xbone have a lead on exclusives by the end of 2015? Again, I don't know, but it doesn't look like it basedon what we know is coming down the pike and historically Playstation and Xbox 1st party output.
Get this, I understand all about exclusives and I said the first time I got that. Sony is aware too, but their problem is supporting the PS3 with 1st party software longer than M$ did with 360. When those PS3 studios come to PS4 as is happening now, it will be a whole new ball game. It's your point about software that I took issue with since it was incorrect.
So you misunderstood the context in which I was using software, and instead of asking if that pertained to games which it does not, you decided to go rambo all over this thread saying things I couldn't care less about...
Thank you for wasting my time.
Hey rocket scientist, before you went off into your little tangent that I couldn't give less of a f**k about, did you ever stop to think "why is he saying exclusive games so much?"... No of course you didn't, exclusive games are the defining reason to buy one platform over another, they are the major differentiating factor between consoles. If I own a PC, Wii-U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3 do you think that I care what multi-platform games are on the PlayStation 4? Of course not, they essentially exist everywhere else on every other platform I own, they're not a reason to get or own a PlayStation 4...
The PlayStation 4 as a system only has five exclusive games, five, not 233, but five...
Killzone Shadow Fall
Infamous Second Son
The Order: 1886
Four of these games are quite poor and Infamous is the only decent game, in 16 months this console has delivered one game worth owning, in 16 months, that is abysmally pathetic...
When you are completely wrong, you respond like that? For shame. No need for ad hominems, but I'll grant you a tit for tat for that Rocket Scientist blip:
Hey Rocket Surgeon, you wrote EXCLUSIVES as a separate point next to SOFTWARE:
The PlayStation 4 has a long ways to go in terms of becoming a great console, and it may be in the lead in terms of sales, however Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software, updates, features, functionality, apps and exclusive games department.
The PlayStation 4 has a long ways to go in terms of becoming a great console, and it may be in the lead in terms of sales, however Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software... and exclusive games department.
Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software... and exclusive gamesdepartment.
software... and exclusive games
Those two points about software and exclusive games you separated, not I. By typing "software" mistakenly as you did you created a hole in your entire point. SOFTWARE and EXCLUSIVE GAMES are completely different categories that you typed out in an effort to bolster an argument, but you were mistaken.
Regarding listing out PS4 and Xbone exclusives, that has no relevance to me or my point. I already spoke about exclusives being in the Xbone's favor, however slight. If you want me to list the Xbone exclusives, you will find a list also filled with some mediocre titles but it will be slightly longer. Let's save that time for someone who cares to argue that because my point was that you included SOFTWARE and EXCLUSIVE GAMES next to each other. I spoke of SOFTWARE FROM YOUR QUOTE. I also stated neither machine is very impressive and I would know considering I am subscribed to both services and eagerly buy every high quality exclusive that releases, which isn't much at this point.
For the record, I agree that exclusives are vital. Both machines have a piss poor exclusive library, but the Xbone has a slightly better exclusive library at this time over the PS4. Is that enough to make up for the sheer amount of software the PS4 gets? That's up to the consumer. Will the Xbone have a lead on exclusives by the end of 2015? Again, I don't know, but it doesn't look like it basedon what we know is coming down the pike and historically Playstation and Xbox 1st party output.
Get this, I understand all about exclusives (& how significant they are to gamers like me) and I said the first time I got that. Sony is aware too, but their problem is supporting the PS3 with 1st party software longer than M$ did with 360. When those PS3 studios come to PS4 as is happening now, it will be a whole new ball game. It's your point about "software" that I took issue with since it was incorrect.
Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software, updates, features, functionality, apps and exclusive games department. If this trend continues and Sony keeps stumbling and being arrogant and lazy, Microsoft will capitalize on it and they will slingshot past them, the groundwork for this is already in motion.
You call Sony arrogant and lazy painting M$ a would be hero in this scenario you've created. However, the "hero" to the consumer would be the company providing the most games for their games console, which is actually Sony and the PS4. Furthermore, Sony's full strength is wrapping up on the PS3 where M$ abandoned creating exclusive 1st party 360 titles much earlier that Sony (at best cross gen Xbone games) to roll out early Xbone mostly non-cross gen exclusives. Regarding quality, I agree both companies need to step it up, especially Sony with regards to quality exclusives....but that was never my point for quoting you.
My point was you posting "Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software," which was false.
So you misunderstood the context in which I was using software, and instead of asking if that pertained to games which it does not, you decided to go rambo all over this thread saying things I couldn't care less about...
Thank you for wasting my time.
If you had only wrote "exclusives" and not also included "software", I wouldn't have quoted you.
You mistakenly included both (software and exclusives) in your post and I sought to correct the oversight since software and exclusives are two completely different points. Users argue about software/total library over the years here and others argue for exclusives. Many other readers don't know the truth about the Xbone's total software and could read your post and leave misinformed. It seemed to me you didn't know their was a difference between the two categories you laid out based on reading your post which is why I graciously also included a link. I've seen many people make that mistake saying the Xbone has a bigger software library actually...perhaps that means M$ has fantastic PR and marketing, I'm not sure.
Regarding your final line: ditto.
Hey rocket scientist, before you went off into your little tangent that I couldn't give less of a f**k about, did you ever stop to think "why is he saying exclusive games so much?"... No of course you didn't, exclusive games are the defining reason to buy one platform over another, they are the major differentiating factor between consoles. If I own a PC, Wii-U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3 do you think that I care what multi-platform games are on the PlayStation 4? Of course not, they essentially exist everywhere else on every other platform I own, they're not a reason to get or own a PlayStation 4...
The PlayStation 4 as a system only has five exclusive games, five, not 233, but five...
Killzone Shadow Fall
Infamous Second Son
The Order: 1886
Four of these games are quite poor and Infamous is the only decent game, in 16 months this console has delivered one game worth owning, in 16 months, that is abysmally pathetic...
To be fair, PS4 does have some decent indie exclusives / console exclusives, but no more so than the Wii U. I still believe PS4 needs several killer exclusives this year, because we know the XB1 and Wii U are both getting them (and already have them). I think this is the year that gen 8 console sales really start to spike, and pretty much every gamer will have at least one system by Christmas (2 if 1 of them is a Wii U like I have lol, I love the exclusives, but want some of these multiplats) so now is make it or break it time for the PS4.
If you had only wrote "exclusives" and not also included "software", I wouldn't have quoted you.
You mistakenly included both (software and exclusives) in your post and I sought to correct the oversight since software and exclusives are two completely different points. Users argue about software/total library over the years here and others argue for exclusives. Many other readers don't know the truth about the Xbone's total software and could read your post and leave misinformed. It seemed to me you didn't know their was a difference between the two categories you laid out based on reading your post which is why I graciously also included a link. I've seen many people make that mistake saying the Xbone has a bigger software library actually...perhaps that means M$ has fantastic PR and marketing, I'm not sure.
Regarding your final line: ditto.
I didn't mistakenly do anything, I meant software and it had nothing to do with games. The fact that you took that out of context and applied a game connotation to 'software' that was not implied is not my problem, that's a mistake on your part. You talk as if software is intrinsically tied to gaming when it's not, software may or may not have anything to do with gaming, in the future be more mindful of that and less on the offensive...
Software? That's not correct.
The PS4 has more retail games and total games than the Xbone. Not just DD games, but physical retail games as well.
As a games console, the PS4 has a huge lead in library which is shocking considering both machines released at the same time a week apart back in Nov 2013 (when I picked up both).
What you said about exclusives is true, but it's a very slight lead. It's like rating the tallest midget. Personally, I'm disappointed with both machines and still enjoy my last gen consoles, Wii U, and PC more than my Xbone and PS4...I'm sure this year will change that.
That isn't even comparing the very sad state of affairs the $60 XBL GWG Xbone free game program is over the $50 PS+ PS4 free game program. Even starting late, the Xbone for the last 6-7 months have only given one "free" XBL Xbone game which guarantees GWG won't be catching up anytime soon as Sony offers minimum 2 PS+ games a month but many months offers 3-4 PS+ PS4 games a month. PS+ PS4 also has offered full retail games on the PS4, something Xbone has not done yet for GWG.
32 PS+ PS4 games vs. 11 Xbone GwG games. Unlike others that don't subscribe to both services and can't fairly compare (usually subscribe to one service or none), I do have a sub to both and I've downloaded every single one of these titles. The quality PS+ vs. Xbone games argument falls in PS+ favor using metacritic on all the PS+/GWG games as well. Gamers that subscribe get higher quality and more games on PS4 PS+.
From a consumer's perspective, there is no reason as to why both machines that are the same age, Nov 2013, aren't very similar in amount of quality games and "free" games services. It's a lopsided advantage for the PS4 in the total games category and the PS+/GWG games category. Such a one sided victory when it comes to "games consoles" surely must be noticed by consumers as well. Especially when the Xbone released at a higher price and it's online service is more expensive. PS+ should NOT be offering 3x as many "free" games as the competition.* *I type "free" in quotes because they aren't free as it's part of the subscription. It's just a quick way to get the point across and I'm typing this to avoid semantic arguments about what free means. We all get it which is why I used quotes and made sure each time to type out "GWG" and "PS+".
When it comes to games for consumers to play, the PS4 is very much leading that race by a surprisingly hefty margin for such young consoles...again though, not enough to impress me, but clearly that's a huge advantage besides the "sales" and "more graphics power" arguments.
When it comes to software, it's the PS4 that is burying the Xbone, and by a large margin considering these machines young ages. Again though, I will give the Xbone kudos for the slight lead on exclusives, but not much as I said, both machines are very young and don't have many exclusives to even chatter on about. That's not even talking about the upcoming developers/publishers/1st party debates on which company creates more exclusive games, Xbox or Playstation. Historically, Playstation makes more games. They aren't always good, but the same could be said of Xbox or even Nintendo.
Seeing listwar always makes me chuckle, especially in the context of highlighting the PS4's library.
This idiotic TC acts as though because the PsBore is selling so well means that the Xbox One is doing poorly. The Xbox one is outpacing the 360 at the same point in time. Not sure how that's a bad thing.
I've never seen a machine like the psBore sell like this based on so much hype. Actually it reminds me of when the Wii first came out. But at least with the Wii Nintendo was at least offering something different with motion controls the public never seen before. With the PSBore it is offering nothing except crappy flops, a sh*t online network which steals credit cards but NOW CHOOSE TO CHARGE their customers, a boring UI, crappy firmware updates which do nothing except attempt to fix the previous update and the blue light of death.
Also IMO the Xbox One is not only the better gaming machine but also the better all around media and entertainment device. By the way where is DLNA for the psBore? The psBore is so overrated it's not even funny.
Lems can try and justify their fanboyism with their mediocre games lineup all they want. More's the pity for them that the wider audience sees through their bullshit and excuses and going for the console with more and better games: the PS4.
PS3 didn't really make a comeback, it was more like a slow and painful climb to industry relevance after Sony's fall from grace. Sony had the Japanese console gaming market on lock which floated the PS1 and PS2 for them and now they're nothing but a pittance of what they used to truly represent. I used to think I would never need any other gaming systems but a Playstation hooked up to my TV but as it stands right now the PS4 is the least interesting platform to own.
The PS3 NOT ONLY made a comeback,it became a profitable platform and paved the road for the Playstation momentum the PS4 has been built upon and boy after a whole gen of "LAST PLACE, THIRD PLACE, IRRELEVANT, GONE FROM FIRST TO LAST, XBOX IS THE NEW PLACE TO GAME ON" watching the tables turned so dramatically is beautiful, I dont want the XboxOne to die a peaceful dignifying death as a last place console, i want it spit on, kicked while its down and thrown tomatoes at as the last place DRM trojan horse it was conceived as and kicked out through the back door of the industry, consumers all over the world, specially in Japan will make that metaphor translated into objective quantifiable numbers that indeed represent that.
Of course you love that Japanese jizz. Are you Japanese? The Xbox brand had one majorly successful gen in which it was never the World wide leader, just the US and UK among a few others. SONY owned this industry, and fell so hard. That is what makes their fall so funny. They were so full of themselves and it was just desserts to see them brought down to earth again. Why do you think they didn't go with another Cell processor? Because they had to accept 3rd party devs don't want to work on their non sense bitch tech. The timing of this thread is so perfect with the smack down Sony is getting with the Order. Anybody with an inkling of intelligence knows your hiney is red about that flop so you had to make a "look!!!! My console is the top seller and coolest, still!" thread.
Play games, enjoy your console but spare me the corporate love affair
Well said, SW has always been a epidemic of butthurt Cows.
however Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software,
More games on the PS4 as SolidTy so easily demonstrated.
Desperately trying to play catch up is not a good thing.
features, functionality
No one cares about TV integration.
Bwahahahahahaha, yeah, that dev kit in the summer is gonna make all the difference.
and exclusive games department.
Oh, wow.
If this trend continues and Sony keeps stumbling and being arrogant and lazy, Microsoft will capitalize on it and they will slingshot past them, the groundwork for this is already in motion.
This has been a consistent lemming hope since E3 2013. It never happens. Keep hoping, bitter Sega drone.
Lems can try and justify their fanboyism with their mediocre games lineup all they want. More's the pity for them that the wider audience sees through their bullshit and excuses and going for the console with more and better games: the PS4.
When looking at next gen retail games not available on each others competitor consoles, the Xbox one currently has 11 games rated above a 7.0 at metacritic 5 of which are exclusive while the PS4 only has 5 games rated 7.0 or above with only 3 being exclusive. When it comes to quality titles the Xbox one clearly has a lead over the PS4 at the moment.
If you had only wrote "exclusives" and not also included "software", I wouldn't have quoted you.
You mistakenly included both (software and exclusives) in your post and I sought to correct the oversight since software and exclusives are two completely different points. Users argue about software/total library over the years here and others argue for exclusives. Many other readers don't know the truth about the Xbone's total software and could read your post and leave misinformed. It seemed to me you didn't know their was a difference between the two categories you laid out based on reading your post which is why I graciously also included a link. I've seen many people make that mistake saying the Xbone has a bigger software library actually...perhaps that means M$ has fantastic PR and marketing, I'm not sure.
Regarding your final line: ditto.
I didn't mistakenly do anything, I meant software and it had nothing to do with games. The fact that you took that out of context and applied a game connotation to 'software' that was not implied is not my problem, that's a mistake on your part. You talk as if software is intrinsically tied to gaming when it's not, software may or may not have anything to do with gaming, in the future be more mindful of that and less on the offensive...
Yes you did mistakenly list "software" and "exclusives" as evidenced by all this backpedaling.
@nyadc said:
Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software, updates, features, functionality, apps and exclusive games department.
I listed out the numbers, which you have not. If you would like to pretend to add that you meant something more by software (since you already also listed "updates", "apps" and "features" as separate), you failed to list any numbers as I did. (i.e. 233 PS4 games vs. 156 Xbone games. 103 retail physical PS4 games vs. 93 retail physical Xbone games. If you want to pile numbers on top of those numbers to include more software for Xbone and PS4, by all means demonstrate what other types of software you wish to include, but keep in mind they can't be "updates, features, functionality, apps". It's not going to happen because in what you wrote, you pigeonholed the software to mean games. Even pretending to be inclusive to more types of software that are NOT "updates, features, functionality, or apps", there is still more pieces of software (including games and whatever else you wanted to pretend count as if you had not said the above sentence) on PS4 than Xbone. I gave numbers and evidence whereas you have not.
It's obvious and I pointed it out in spades what software is in the above quotes as so many users before you have made the same tragic mistake (some boast up software deliberately in attempts to misinform).
Thanks for wasting more of our collective time with this charade.
Eh, happy gaming.
I see all this list shit being passed around from different sites, but this is SW and it seems impossible for anybody to produce an up-to-date meta-game count. I checked stevo's sig but it seems outdated.
@GrenadeLauncher: what better games dipsh*t?
The ODOR? Failclub? Knack?
The ODOR!!!! Priceless!!!
Lems can try and justify their fanboyism with their mediocre games lineup all they want. More's the pity for them that the wider audience sees through their bullshit and excuses and going for the console with more and better games: the PS4.
I own both. Tout the number of games all you want, its lost on me because I don't want to play them. InfamousSS was fun, and thank the Lord Bloodborne is around the corner.
however Microsoft is absolutely burying Sony in the software,
More games on the PS4 as SolidTy so easily demonstrated.
Desperately trying to play catch up is not a good thing.
features, functionality
No one cares about TV integration.
Bwahahahahahaha, yeah, that dev kit in the summer is gonna make all the difference.
and exclusive games department.
Oh, wow.
If this trend continues and Sony keeps stumbling and being arrogant and lazy, Microsoft will capitalize on it and they will slingshot past them, the groundwork for this is already in motion.
This has been a consistent lemming hope since E3 2013. It never happens. Keep hoping, bitter Sega drone.
1.) Like I already tirelessly explained to SolidTY, software does not only apply to games, you people need to read.
2.) They're not trying to "play catch up", they caught up within the first three updates, they've subsequently had 13 after that and more than surpassed their competition.
3.) Just because media and TV integration may not be your thing, it probably is in all reality and you're simply playing up the PlayStation 4 by downing the Xbox One... Don't downplay something simply for the sake of doing so, millions of people care about these things, myself included. It's nice having a console with other purposes besides sitting on the entertainment center and collecting dust when games aren't being played.
4.) Applications... You know programs and features you can make use of to use your console in other ways, yeah, Microsoft has nearly double of them... Not entirely sure what that stupid devkit comment is about...
5.) In terms of exclusivity the Xbox One is doing just fine, you using an average of five games and some derogatory picture is quite pathetic, also the Xbox One has 10 exclusive games not including the fitness programs/games giving the console more exclusive variety. The Master Chief Collection could technically be counted towards the Xbox One only exclusive lineup as Halo 2 is a from the ground up remake, and not a remaster of the original Xbox version, something The Last of Us would not qualify for. Then we come to Microsoft exclusives, the games which appear on both the 360 and Xbox One only, in that regard as well the options are more varied and stronger than anything on the PlayStation 3/PlayStation 4 only, Forza Horizon 2 for example.
Ryse and Dead Rising 3 were Xbox One only exclusives for nearly a year with no mention of them coming to the PC until about a month before it happened. That is 10/11 months on the market as Xbox One only exclusive games and still counts as they were entirely Xbox One exclusive during their period of relevance with no mention or knowledge of them coming to anything else.
6.) I'm not hoping, with the disasters that Sony has been having in terms of games I can see them falling behind as people are getting sick of it and second guessing their purchases of the PS4. The PlayStation 4 is game centric and has very little to offer beyond that, the Xbox One is just as game centric but it offers many other features and advanced functionality for usage that the PlayStation 4 simply does not, this makes the Xbox One equally as useful as the PlayStation 4 for gaming and more useful as a system in that non-gaming downtime.
If Bloodborne doesn't end up being amazing or it ends up only appealing to a niche like every other Souls game empirically has, the PlayStation 4 will be in serious trouble.
LOL, after The flopping Order: 1886, butthurt Cows on suicide watch needed to reassure themselves about their PS4's value, to brighten up their sad days. LOL
When looking at next gen retail games not available on each others competitor consoles, the Xbox one currently has 11 games rated above a 7.0 at metacritic 5 of which are exclusive while the PS4 only has 5 games rated 7.0 or above with only 3 being exclusive. When it comes to quality titles the Xbox one clearly has a lead over the PS4 at the moment.
How cute, counting multiplats like Titanfall, Forza Horizon 2 and broken ports like the Disaster Chief Collection? Don't waste my time. Xbone has no games.
1.) Like I already tirelessly explained to SolidTY, software does not only apply to games, you people need to read.
Oh yes, those monthly bug fixes and TV integration. Wow, that's really a differentiator.
2.) They're not trying to "play catch up", they caught up within the first three updates, they've subsequently had 13 after that and more than surpassed their competition.
Nice try. Game hubs only appeared last month. They've been playing catch up since launch and will be doing so while they hoodwink their dumbass fanbase with bug fixes.
3.) Just because media and TV integration may not be your thing, it probably is in all reality and you're simply playing up the PlayStation 4 by downing the Xbox One... Don't downplay something simply for the sake of doing so, millions of people care about these things, myself included. It's nice having a console with other purposes besides sitting on the entertainment center and collecting dust when games aren't being played.
Millions of people are also held in insane asylums for their own protection. No one wants your garbage TV gimmicks. Deal with it, Segadrone. Don't forget to go order a pizza while you wait for games.
4.) Applications... You know programs and features you can make use of to use your console in other ways, yeah, Microsoft has nearly double of them... Not entirely sure what that stupid devkit comment is about...
People buy a game be a games console. They don't do so to order pizza. They don't do so to browse websites. They don't do so to watch GIFs. It's fairly self-explanatory: trying to up your console with garbage is hilarious.
5.) In terms of exclusivity the Xbox One is doing just fine, you using an average of five games and some derogatory picture is quite pathetic, also the Xbox One has 10 exclusive games not including the fitness programs/games giving the console more exclusive variety. The Master Chief Collection could technically be counted towards the Xbox One only exclusive lineup as Halo 2 is a from the ground up remake, and not a remaster of the original Xbox version, something The Last of Us would not qualify for. Then we come to Microsoft exclusives, the games which appear on both the 360 and Xbox One only, in that regard as well the options are more varied and stronger than anything on the PlayStation 3/PlayStation 4 only, Forza Horizon 2 for example.
Ryse and Dead Rising 3 were Xbox One only exclusives for nearly a year with no mention of them coming to the PC until about a month before it happened. That is 10/11 months on the market as Xbox One only exclusive games and still counts as they were entirely Xbox One exclusive during their period of relevance with no mention or knowledge of them coming to anything else.
Those are the top five rated AAA exclusives on the Bone. Sorry.
Sure do feel sorry for people who bought a console for Dead Rising 3 or - even worse - Ryse. Xbone has a mediocre lineup.
6.) I'm not hoping, with the disasters that Sony has been having in terms of games I can see them falling behind as people are getting sick of it and second guessing their purchases of the PS4. The PlayStation 4 is game centric and has very little to offer beyond that, the Xbox One is just as game centric but it offers many other features and advanced functionality for usage that the PlayStation 4 simply does not, this makes the Xbox One equally as useful as the PlayStation 4 for gaming and more useful as a system in that non-gaming downtime.
If Bloodborne doesn't end up being amazing or it ends up only appealing to a niche like every other Souls game empirically has, the PlayStation 4 will be in serious trouble.
You've been saying that since launch. Never happens. Fact is, no matter how weak the PS4's lineup might be the Xbone's even limper selection isn't going to change minds or turn heads.
Good luck justifying that cable box, Segadrone, it's gonna be a long gen for you.
When looking at next gen retail games not available on each others competitor consoles, the Xbox one currently has 11 games rated above a 7.0 at metacritic 5 of which are exclusive while the PS4 only has 5 games rated 7.0 or above with only 3 being exclusive. When it comes to quality titles the Xbox one clearly has a lead over the PS4 at the moment.
How cute, counting multiplats like Titanfall, Forza Horizon 2 and broken ports like the Disaster Chief Collection? Don't waste my time. Xbone has no games.
I clearly separated games between the two categories (exclusive/non-exclusive), and didn't show favoritism between the two consoles, Xbox one leads both. I would add more games for the PS4 if it clearly wasn't lacking quality titles at the moment.
(MCC is not apart of that list as well as it is not a next gen/current gen game, but just a collection of last generation or previous games)
Agent, don't damage control the order review, you're above that silliness. We play games, not sales here.
the irony is that most people here don't actually play the games they trash
a sh*t online network which steals credit cards but NOW CHOOSE TO CHARGE their customers, a boring UI, crappy firmware updates which do nothing except attempt to fix the previous update and the blue light of death.
In what way is it ******? How many users got their credit card info stolen and used for unauthorized transactions and frauds? Where was the PS3 standing at this point in its lifespan?
The PS4 is a juggernaut that will keep stomping the Xbox one without mercy this entire generation and an eventual WiiU comeback is foreseeable at this point it is expected for it to displace the Xbox to dead last place where it belongs.
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