I still don't understand all the ps3 bashing, all the xbox 360 bashing, when one of the worst consoles ever made, is getting away just because it has motion sensing controller. I know it seems like I don't own a wii, but I do. I bought 3 games for the first 6 months (warioware, super paper mario, and zelda tp), and later bought smg, and zack and wiki. I find it amazing how the ps3 is getting flamed all around when there is around 30 games worth getting, and around 60 or so in 2008, while the wii has around 8 games worth getting in two years of life. I hate metroid prime, and while enjoyed the other paper mario games, played super paper mario, and thought it was not only the worst paper mario game ever made, but also one of the dullest games I've ever played. The game got away with high scores because of its 'innovativeness', not because its gameplay was any good (which it sucked).
I am also amazed that no one appreciates how last gen the wii is. When a game like super mario galaxy comes out, and people are giving it perfects, is humiliating. The game compared to xbox 360, and ps3 standards looks terrible, and doesn't even match graphically to some xbox games. I would believe that in order to receive a perfect score graphically at least for the wii, is to beat graphically the best game last gen. While this game can't hold a candle to games like beyond good and evil, splinter cell chaos theory, ninja gaiden black, and re4. Why did such low standards coem about, when they give perfection to a game that doesn't even technically compare to some last gen games. And don't say I don't care about art style of smg, because it is beautiful. The game was probably the best mario game ever made, and was my goty of last year, but lets be honest that game doesn't deserve 10's at all.
Now lets get to the future line up. Now that xbox 360, and ps3 are getting burnout paradise, dark sector, Rainbow six 2, army of two,Battlefield: Bad Company, and Viking: Battle for Asgard in the next 3 months. The wii next year is only getting as of now, mario kart wii, super smash brothers brawl, no more heroes, endless ocean, samba de amigo and okami for their 2008 line up. In their whoel line up for the year, I could only care about 3 games (super smash brothers brawl, mario kart wii, and samba de amigo if it is good). To be honest, I would rather buy a console which could only play xbla, and psn games over the wii right now.
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