"Because of the solitude of the island, and the various ways its mysteries can unfold, there's not a linear series of events. But there is a story. Through audio logs, and other media I won't spoil, The Witness quotes the observations and experiences of real-life physicists, astronauts, psychologists, religious figures, and explorers. Many drone for too long, extending their sermons long after their points are made. But when The Witness errs on the side of subtlety, it excels. It tells a human story, with thinkers who share a common thread: they're all trying to make sense of the world around them.
There are still things about The Witness I can't make sense of--some clues I might never notice, and some puzzles I might never solve. But the hints are there. It might not all be clear at first, but that's okay, because I'm always learning."
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