[QUOTE="sirk1264"][QUOTE="Out_Kast3000"][QUOTE="AdobeArtist"]Heavenly Sword. Lair. Uncharted. Neither game exceeding 10 hrs, all on Blu Ray.
Bioshock. Oblivion. The 1st being 20+ hrs, the 2nd being much much longer. And Mass Effect confirmed with several hrs of gameplay and numerous worlds to explore. On DVD9.Cows, for your own sakes, give up the "Blu Ray Advantage" card. It's been shattered. Graphically X360 is equal to PS3 an in some cases better. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING on PS3 that X360 isn't capable of. I'll even go so far as to say MGS4 could technically be done on X360, licensing aside.
This is NOT a slam against PS3. I fully acredit it as a very capable console. But this whole argument "gameX that's on PS3 could never be done on X360 because it's hardware and media format is limited", has been completely blown out the window. And please PLEASE don't give me the tired old "just wait" either. Yes PS3 games will get better. So will X360 games.
Just give it up already.
Give him reasons as to why the x360 won't get better. If you can't then just shut up.
I'm not in the mood for arguing with someone who obviously has 0 knowledge on what he's talking about.
Well that shows you don't have any reasons. So therefore don't correct anyone unless you have valid reasons towards his statement. The fact you have shown no reasons to why his statement was wrong further shows you have no idea what your talking about.
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