'Im going to burst alot of peoples bubbles. There is no such things as hardcore gamers! You dellusional children you either do 2 things 1) you do play games 2) you dont play games. There is no number 3) You play hardcore games! as there is no such thing as hardcore gamers nor games unlike porn. Your a gamer as simple as that, So stop trying to catergorize yourselves into a new criteria to make your sad little existance that much easier to cope with.
Whats a hardcore game? Lets see. A game with Blood, Guns, FP View, Swearing! Wait a minute that kind of stuff is added to games to make children feel all grown up about themselves in there bedrooms. Wow how fun that must be pretending your a adult because you play games with a 15 certificate thats so hardcore when your 12. Games like CoD are not hardcore theyre violent, Halo Violent, GTA violent. Violenct game are violent games not hardcore so stop using this word constantly.
Wasnt this stupid comment created by the media to make children feel appreciated when people like R* are bigging up there games with comments like "This is gonna be awesome, 18 rated, Bloodsoaked, Swear-a-thon, Hardcore gun-fest for all, for all you hardcore gamers" which basically translates to "The Whole games content is based around swearing, Gun, Blood and is aimed at people with little to zero maturity".
Theres 2 people in this world.
Gamers or Non-gamers! your either one or the other.
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