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it's a bit blurry. does the main protagonist wear contact lenses and because he was rudely awoken to go to war he forgot to put them in?my_name_is_ron
That's called a real effect.
Because, when you look at something closer than another object, you cannot see the other object clear.
It forces you to focus on what's actually realistic. I love it!
[QUOTE="my_name_is_ron"]it's a bit blurry. does the main protagonist wear contact lenses and because he was rudely awoken to go to war he forgot to put them in?OmniscientGamer
That's called a real effect.
Because, when you look at something closer than another object, you cannot see the other object clear.
It forces you to focus on what's actually realistic. I love it!
Ya 'depthh of field' effect.ArmA has it - and it makes the game a whole lot cooler.
Black also had a blurring effect when realoding aswell.
Dont even bother. These fanboys dont get it. They only see things in their way. Any to them can look bad. But teh teh halo3 will be teh bestist uv da ho whide word.KillfoxIndeed. PC gaming is not about playing games on maximum settings. It is about having fun and enjoying games. Console players just can't comprehend the fact that some people play games with what they have and don't mind the fact that they can't run the game on max and all of that crap. PC gamers are some what at fault for this because all they talk about here is playing games at max and they rarely talk about playing games on lower settings and using tweak guides to get better performance which leads to the "you need to upgrade every day" kind of thing. Some people just don't know a good shooter when they see one in the works and since all the console people talk about is graphics I fail to see their "beef" with Crysis.
this post doens't do the game justice. this game just needs to come out for PC gamers and hpefully on console.ocdog45How does the video not do the game justice?
:evil:My only problem is...this christmas I dont know if I should get a gaming PC,or PS3.Sigh...I hate being confused.
[QUOTE="Killfox"]Dont even bother. These fanboys dont get it. They only see things in their way. Any to them can look bad. But teh teh halo3 will be teh bestist uv da ho whide word.smokeydabear076Indeed. PC gaming is not about playing games on maximum settings. It is about having fun and enjoying games. Console players just can't comprehend the fact that some people play games with what they have and don't mind the fact that they can't run the game on max and all of that crap. PC gamers are some what at fault for this because all they talk about here is playing games at max and they rarely talk about playing games on lower settings and using tweak guides to get better performance which leads to the "you need to upgrade every day" kind of thing. Some people just don't know a good shooter when they see one in the works and since all the console people talk about is graphics I fail to see their "beef" with Crysis.
if it's a question of playing the game with what the gamer has then surely the console gamer understands that better as there is no option to upgrade a console and if there's a really good game that looks awful then the console gamer would have to make do. i'm sure it's just the minority of pc gamers that insist on running everything at max and upgrading their system every fortnight but the option is there to every single pc gamer to make their system better so that it can handle the cutting edge games. you can't put something new into a console to make the game look and run smoother...
Indeed. PC gaming is not about playing games on maximum settings. It is about having fun and enjoying games. Console players just can't comprehend the fact that some people play games with what they have and don't mind the fact that they can't run the game on max and all of that crap. PC gamers are some what at fault for this because all they talk about here is playing games at max and they rarely talk about playing games on lower settings and using tweak guides to get better performance which leads to the "you need to upgrade every day" kind of thing. Some people just don't know a good shooter when they see one in the works and since all the console people talk about is graphics I fail to see their "beef" with Crysis.[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"][QUOTE="Killfox"]Dont even bother. These fanboys dont get it. They only see things in their way. Any to them can look bad. But teh teh halo3 will be teh bestist uv da ho whide word.my_name_is_ron
if it's a question of playing the game with what the gamer has then surely the console gamer understands that better as there is no option to upgrade a console and if there's a really good game that looks awful then the console gamer would have to make do. i'm sure it's just the minority of pc gamers that insist on running everything at max and upgrading their system every fortnight but the option is there to every single pc gamer to make their system better so that it can handle the cutting edge games. you can't put something new into a console to make the game look and run smoother...
Yeah, console gamers should understand PC gaming to some extent, but for the most part they do not. Console gamers tend to say that you need to upgrade every 6 months in order to play these games, you need a $3000 PC in order to play the game, and all kinds of stupid crap. They think this because like you said they don't have the option to upgrade so they are always playing a game on their system's "max". So they think that since they don't have a choice, PC gamers don't have a choice either. All they understand is the elitst mentality of playing games at uber resolutions and 8xAA 4xAFAS blah blah blah because most of the time that is all PC gamers here talk about.[QUOTE="my_name_is_ron"]Indeed. PC gaming is not about playing games on maximum settings. It is about having fun and enjoying games. Console players just can't comprehend the fact that some people play games with what they have and don't mind the fact that they can't run the game on max and all of that crap. PC gamers are some what at fault for this because all they talk about here is playing games at max and they rarely talk about playing games on lower settings and using tweak guides to get better performance which leads to the "you need to upgrade every day" kind of thing. Some people just don't know a good shooter when they see one in the works and since all the console people talk about is graphics I fail to see their "beef" with Crysis.[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"][QUOTE="Killfox"]Dont even bother. These fanboys dont get it. They only see things in their way. Any to them can look bad. But teh teh halo3 will be teh bestist uv da ho whide word.smokeydabear076
if it's a question of playing the game with what the gamer has then surely the console gamer understands that better as there is no option to upgrade a console and if there's a really good game that looks awful then the console gamer would have to make do. i'm sure it's just the minority of pc gamers that insist on running everything at max and upgrading their system every fortnight but the option is there to every single pc gamer to make their system better so that it can handle the cutting edge games. you can't put something new into a console to make the game look and run smoother...
Yeah, console gamers should understand PC gaming to some extent, but for the most part they do not. Console gamers tend to say that you need to upgrade every 6 months in order to play these games, you need a $3000 PC in order to play the game, and all kinds of stupid crap. They think this because like you said they don't have the option to upgrade so they are always playing a game on their system's "max". So they think that since they don't have a choice, PC gamers don't have a choice either. All they understand is the elitst mentality of playing games at uber resolutions and 8xAA 4xAFAS blah blah blah because most of the time that is all PC gamers here talk about.yeah, the gs forums are incredibly irrepresentative of the general game-playing public. especially system wars
The rocket launcher/mortar made me crap my pants. I can see many, many drunken nights just sitting up in the jungle randomly shooting mortars at the enemy camps and seeing all the carnage that ensues. Seriously, this game just looks so polished now.
This will be the new king of the genre, the new bar will be set.
I watched the new video, and I must say. Crysis is looking EVEN BETTER than before, not just visually, but gameplay wise. The A.i is also looking alot sharper, running away, jumping over fences ect.
And the weapons and effects are awesome.
The rocket launchers 'bombardment' ability is wicked, and the weapon modifications is the best, and most slick ive seen in a game.
Oh boy I cant wait to get my mits on it. That and the Sandbox Editor :D
'edit' /\ haha funny we both mention the rocket launcher that the same time :P
[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"][QUOTE="my_name_is_ron"]Indeed. PC gaming is not about playing games on maximum settings. It is about having fun and enjoying games. Console players just can't comprehend the fact that some people play games with what they have and don't mind the fact that they can't run the game on max and all of that crap. PC gamers are some what at fault for this because all they talk about here is playing games at max and they rarely talk about playing games on lower settings and using tweak guides to get better performance which leads to the "you need to upgrade every day" kind of thing. Some people just don't know a good shooter when they see one in the works and since all the console people talk about is graphics I fail to see their "beef" with Crysis.[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"][QUOTE="Killfox"]Dont even bother. These fanboys dont get it. They only see things in their way. Any to them can look bad. But teh teh halo3 will be teh bestist uv da ho whide word.my_name_is_ron
if it's a question of playing the game with what the gamer has then surely the console gamer understands that better as there is no option to upgrade a console and if there's a really good game that looks awful then the console gamer would have to make do. i'm sure it's just the minority of pc gamers that insist on running everything at max and upgrading their system every fortnight but the option is there to every single pc gamer to make their system better so that it can handle the cutting edge games. you can't put something new into a console to make the game look and run smoother...
Yeah, console gamers should understand PC gaming to some extent, but for the most part they do not. Console gamers tend to say that you need to upgrade every 6 months in order to play these games, you need a $3000 PC in order to play the game, and all kinds of stupid crap. They think this because like you said they don't have the option to upgrade so they are always playing a game on their system's "max". So they think that since they don't have a choice, PC gamers don't have a choice either. All they understand is the elitst mentality of playing games at uber resolutions and 8xAA 4xAFAS blah blah blah because most of the time that is all PC gamers here talk about.yeah, the gs forums are incredibly irrepresentative of the general game-playing public. especially system wars
You should feel good. Your one of the ones that actually get us hermits. If more people would just listen and stop telling themselves what they should think and stop being so narrow minded. Im glad that you have been so patient with us and trying to understand. You made this thread so much more rewarding. I understand to a lot what your saying.
[QUOTE="Jenovawitness"]Can anyones computer run this masterpeice?smokeydabear076A lot of people can run it.:P
Man more misconceptions. Lots of people will be able to max with puppy easily. PC gamers are willing to pay the price to play games at max settings. Which doesnt mean you have to spend a lot of money. Ill be able to easily with my new rig. Q6600, P35, and 8800GTS/X/HD2900XT. Still not sure yet. Plus i got got my monitor. So sweet.
A lot of people can run it.:P[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"][QUOTE="Jenovawitness"]Can anyones computer run this masterpeice?Killfox
Man more misconceptions. Lots of people will be able to max with puppy easily. PC gamers are willing to pay the price to play games at max settings. Which doesnt mean you have to spend a lot of money. Ill be able to easily with my new rig. Q6600, P35, and 8800GTS/X/HD2900XT. Still not sure yet. Plus i got got my monitor. So sweet.
Thats a pretty beast-like PC you got there.[QUOTE="Killfox"]A lot of people can run it.:P[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"][QUOTE="Jenovawitness"]Can anyones computer run this masterpeice?smokeydabear076
Man more misconceptions. Lots of people will be able to max with puppy easily. PC gamers are willing to pay the price to play games at max settings. Which doesnt mean you have to spend a lot of money. Ill be able to easily with my new rig. Q6600, P35, and 8800GTS/X/HD2900XT. Still not sure yet. Plus i got got my monitor. So sweet.
Thats a pretty beast-like PC you got there.Thanks. I plan on all building around the end of july towards the beginning of august. See. I got $800 from my paretns for graduation and I also got $1800 from my party that i had for it.(I can only spend some of that) Then i got my birthday which i rake in about another $600. I also work. So my rig really all depends on much i make over the summer and how much i actually have to spend. Ill most likely have around $1500 to spend. hopefully.
Graah this makes me remember I need a new video card!
Still stuck between the 8800 320/640 or 2900 512
Grrraaaah what runs Crysis and UT3 better will be the ultimate decider.
The 8800 640 is still a tad cheaper.
Im kind of in the same boat as you. I dont know if how these cards perform in DX10. I would think the HD2900XT would since it seems to be more fitted for DX10 games. Drivers are getting better as well. I dont know. Or i might just go all out and get a 8800GTX but i dont know how the HD2900XT will perform next to a GTX. So im gunna have to wait and see.
[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"][QUOTE="Killfox"]A lot of people can run it.:P[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"][QUOTE="Jenovawitness"]Can anyones computer run this masterpeice?Killfox
Man more misconceptions. Lots of people will be able to max with puppy easily. PC gamers are willing to pay the price to play games at max settings. Which doesnt mean you have to spend a lot of money. Ill be able to easily with my new rig. Q6600, P35, and 8800GTS/X/HD2900XT. Still not sure yet. Plus i got got my monitor. So sweet.
Thats a pretty beast-like PC you got there.Thanks. I plan on all building around the end of july towards the beginning of august. See. I got $800 from my paretns for graduation and I also got $1800 from my party that i had for it.(I can only spend some of that) Then i got my birthday which i rake in about another $600. I also work. So my rig really all depends on much i make over the summer and how much i actually have to spend. Ill most likely have around $1500 to spend. hopefully.
The hardware prices are going down fairly quickly so you might reach your target price of $1500.[QUOTE="skrat_01"]Graah this makes me remember I need a new video card!
Still stuck between the 8800 320/640 or 2900 512
Grrraaaah what runs Crysis and UT3 better will be the ultimate decider.
The 8800 640 is still a tad cheaper.
Im kind of in the same boat as you. I dont know if how these cards perform in DX10. I would think the HD2900XT would since it seems to be more fitted for DX10 games. Drivers are getting better as well. I dont know. Or i might just go all out and get a 8800GTX but i dont know how the HD2900XT will perform next to a GTX. So im gunna have to wait and see.
ive been a bit more tilted towards the 8800 640 - simply because of its RAM advantage, and that it runs cooler - also because im on an Nvidia nforce mobo - which apparantly is a bit more of friendly with Nvidia cards than ATIs.Still in terms of clock settings, and pixel pushing I dont know whats better.
Whens this coming out? i need to buy some RAM and a new graphics cardpretty soon here. I think Pentium 4 3.0is good enough?-SoraIt is supposed to come out in September and I would go with a dual core processor or greater for this game. The price drops for processors are supposed to come fairly soon so your best bet might be waiting.
Whens this coming out? i need to buy some RAM and a new graphics cardpretty soon here. I think Pentium 4 3.0is good enough?-Sora
September. Supposedly. I would get a better CPU as well. Well it depends on the GFX card you get. It might cause a crazy bottleneck in GPU since the CPU is lacking. Buy RAM now. I mean now. Prices are rediculously cheap but once intel drops their prices on their CPUs on july 22. Expect them to sky rocket back up. You can get 2Gb of XMS2 ram right now for $91. Which is an awesome deal.
I watched the new video, and I must say. Crysis is looking EVEN BETTER than before, not just visually, but gameplay wise. The A.i is also looking alot sharper, running away, jumping over fences ect.
And the weapons and effects are awesome.
The rocket launchers 'bombardment' ability is wicked, and the weapon modifications is the best, and most slick ive seen in a game.
Oh boy I cant wait to get my mits on it. That and the Sandbox Editor :D
'edit' /\ haha funny we both mention the rocket launcher that the same time :P
Yeah, I noticed the AI running away and trying to hide. That's awesome. I would be too if I saw super-soldier in a nano-suit owning everyone.
[QUOTE="skrat_01"]ACutally I was wondering if my 939 socked AMD X2 4800, and DDR400 RAM would bottle-neck a 8800 or 2900....
It worries me that im going to spend the $ for such a great card, and not get the full preformance.
Your CPU should be perfectly fine.
Tubular!I guess it was worth searching for the last 4800 939 socket in the country (australia), that didnt cost $800+ AUD.
Got it for $300...
To think there is now 2 retailers left selling them, and one of the prices is $1343.00
[QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="skrat_01"]ACutally I was wondering if my 939 socked AMD X2 4800, and DDR400 RAM would bottle-neck a 8800 or 2900....
It worries me that im going to spend the $ for such a great card, and not get the full preformance.
Your CPU should be perfectly fine.
Tubular!I guess it was worth searching for the last 4800 939 socket in the country (australia), that didnt cost $800+ AUD.
Got it for $300...
To think there is now 2 retailers left selling them, and one of the prices is $1343.00
Mother of god. Wow those prices are really expensive.
[QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="skrat_01"]ACutally I was wondering if my 939 socked AMD X2 4800, and DDR400 RAM would bottle-neck a 8800 or 2900....
It worries me that im going to spend the $ for such a great card, and not get the full preformance.
Your CPU should be perfectly fine.
Tubular!I guess it was worth searching for the last 4800 939 socket in the country (australia), that didnt cost $800+ AUD.
Got it for $300...
To think there is now 2 retailers left selling them, and one of the prices is $1343.00
Mother of god. Wow those prices are really expensive.
Iknow aye.PC hardware prices suck here in Australia :(
And you think thats bad, your should see console prices.... And console game prices.
I mean $999 AUD for a PS3... You have gotta be kidding.
Thats 855.84 USD!
And a 360 in USD $556.85 is almost as much as a U.S PS3!
[QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="skrat_01"]ACutally I was wondering if my 939 socked AMD X2 4800, and DDR400 RAM would bottle-neck a 8800 or 2900....
It worries me that im going to spend the $ for such a great card, and not get the full preformance.
Your CPU should be perfectly fine.
Tubular!I guess it was worth searching for the last 4800 939 socket in the country (australia), that didnt cost $800+ AUD.
Got it for $300...
To think there is now 2 retailers left selling them, and one of the prices is $1343.00
Mother of god. Wow those prices are really expensive.
Iknow aye.PC hardware prices suck here in Australia :(
And you think thats bad, your should see console prices.... And console game prices.
I mean $999 AUD for a PS3... You have gotta be kidding.
Thats 855.84 USD!
And a 360 in USD $556.85 is almost as much as a U.S PS3!
Graaaah! would make so much more money if they shipped outside the US.
You wont EVEN NEED AN 8800 or VISTA if you want Crysis to look like that video because that was DX9!!!,5593.80.html
Sorry if this is old news...but dang I wonder what DX10 Crysis will look like now! or am I the only that assumed the video was DX10.
You wont EVEN NEED AN 8800 or VISTA if you want Crysis to look like that video because that was DX9!!!,5593.80.html
Sorry if this is old news...but dang I wonder what DX10 Crysis will look like now! or am I the only that assumed the video was DX10.
Yeah it was DX9, but it was most probably still using an 8800 GTX.
[QUOTE="PDark_Prodigy"]You wont EVEN NEED AN 8800 or VISTA if you want Crysis to look like that video because that was DX9!!!,5593.80.html
Sorry if this is old news...but dang I wonder what DX10 Crysis will look like now! or am I the only that assumed the video was DX10.
Yeah it was DX9, but it was most probably still using an 8800 GTX.
They had 7800GTX's running it at an MP demo that was playble to the public a while back.
[QUOTE="TheCrazed420"][QUOTE="PDark_Prodigy"]You wont EVEN NEED AN 8800 or VISTA if you want Crysis to look like that video because that was DX9!!!,5593.80.html
Sorry if this is old news...but dang I wonder what DX10 Crysis will look like now! or am I the only that assumed the video was DX10.
Yeah it was DX9, but it was most probably still using an 8800 GTX.
They had 7800GTX's running it at an MP demo that was playble to the public a while back.
Yeah they probably did have this new video running on an 8800GTX, but its awesome that we are able to have this quality of graphics without needing an 8800, but man I can't wait till they release NEW DX10 footage its gonna own harder than this video.
Also, it would make since having the 7800 GTX's running videos in the past they said that it runs quite well on 7800 hardware on up.
[QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="TheCrazed420"][QUOTE="PDark_Prodigy"]You wont EVEN NEED AN 8800 or VISTA if you want Crysis to look like that video because that was DX9!!!,5593.80.html
Sorry if this is old news...but dang I wonder what DX10 Crysis will look like now! or am I the only that assumed the video was DX10.
Yeah it was DX9, but it was most probably still using an 8800 GTX.
They had 7800GTX's running it at an MP demo that was playble to the public a while back.
Yeah they probably did have this new video running on an 8800GTX, but its awesome that we are able to have this quality of graphics without needing an 8800, but man I can't wait till they release NEW DX10 footage its gonna own harder than this video.
Also, it would make since having the 7800 GTX's running videos in the past they said that it runs quite well on 7800 hardware on up.
Yeah, but it drives me crazy how everyone thinks you need a super compute that costs $5000 to run this maxxed. Most of the footage we've seen has been in DX9, and even one of the recent gameplay demonstrations have been in DX9 (which looks absolutley amazing, I thought it was DX10). So a 7 high end 7 series card is perfectly fine for Crysis.
Some of you guys act as if you'll get exactly what you see in those pictures and videos if you run on above mid-range hardware.
I remember all the Half Life 2 fanboys going "Oh, and you won't need an X800 to have those superb graphics! You can play on the PC you played Half Life1 on!" Yeah right. PCs may have the edge in gaming, but they're certainly not miracle workers.
It doesn't work like that, never will. Somewhere down the line, you'll say "Wait a minute...." and check back to see how smooth and crisp the videos were.
My suggestion? Save up for a PC that will arm you for what's beyond Crysis. That way, you won't be dissapointed.
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