You guys are f****n crazy. No one should feel ashamed for paying the price the seller is asking for, that's completely absurd. It doesn't matter how much YOU value the product in question. Also, donating to charity is NOT mandatory, and no one should be judged for not donating. It may be the right thing to do, but guess what? Charity organizations are open all year long and only now you decide to donate because you're buying a game?
The principle of oh i can pay one cent is sickenng and a spit in the face to charities and the developers for doing this to be honest.
Do you hand out money to every begger you see on the street? Do you give money to every charity organization out there? I thought so. I donate to charity whenever I feel like it and no one, le me repeat, no one should feel ashamed for not donating, you cannot donate money to everyone you know. So, yes, if they put this up for 1 cent there will people buying it for 1 cent and it's ok, it's not disgusting, it's not shameful, you're just being naive.
BTW, for the record, I'm not planning on buying this, whatever the price is. I have very limited time to devote to gaming so these would just sit in a shelf.
I dont i have my selected charities(yorkhill childrens hospital and charities related to cancer like cancer research uk) i donate to and do my bit for but for fuk sake people its christmas your making gamers look like a bunch of uptight asshats and your analogy doesnt work its a simple thing to give a bit fiver its not a lot of money and in return it makes you feel good 1 cent does nothing to help it actually is more likely to incur a cost for the charity..
The fact devs went out their way to raise money for charity and then you get idiotic people going lol 1 pence and i get 6 games should feel ashamed for themselves and get their priorities set straight and learn a bit of humility.
I tip my hat to the devs for initiatves like this aswell as the CoD endowment fund but the gamers who are abusing this in particular should really feel ashamed and to be honest nothing more than scrooges or if i want to become a bit more vocal selfish self centered cum stains of society.
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