@nintendoboy16 said:
@locopatho said:
@nintendoboy16: Because I enjoy their games, just not their systems and treatment of gamers. As a 3rd party I can still enjoy their games, just with less crap.
So, it's really fucking simple: make games for my PC/PS4, so I can enjoy the things they are good at and not suffer the things they are, objectively, shit at.
@nintendoboy16 said:
So? People still enjoy Star Wars and Indiana Jones, but it doesn't stop them from criticizing/bashing George Lucas (continually revising the original Star Wars films, making the prequels, and Indy 4) and rejoicing when he sold those franchises to Disney
Repeating the same frothing nonsense about George Lucas over and over again, as if it had any relevance to Nintendo and my views on them, doesn't make any more sense the more you do it. Drop it, it's a shit comparison.
@nintendoboy16 said:
If we bash Nintendo for being horrible to gamers, then it makes no SENSE to still keep them around.
Yes it does. I want them to stop being horrible, not to stop existing, because there's tons of shit they do that I LOVE. If my friend acts like an asshole, I don't want him to drop dead. Just to be less of an asshole.
Yes. Less crap. Region locking, lack of voice chat, broken account systems, tiny hard drive, game droughts, dumbfuck gimmick controllers, etc.
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