@Coco_pierrot: Yeah, i always go by quality over quantity. Just cause LBP is more diverse doesnt make it deeper.
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@Coco_pierrot: Yeah, i always go by quality over quantity. Just cause LBP is more diverse doesnt make it deeper.
This is a strange decision to be honest. I hadn't heard about it until just now in this thread. Here's hoping there is an impact on critical reception, or some similar deterrent, to keep this from being commonplace.
Well looks like all this bitching was for nothing seeing as you can set the wii U's clock forward and gain all the tools in a matter of minutes
The "bitching" is justified though.
Why the hell were they trying to lock stuff away in any case? It's good that it can be avoided, but why is it even a thing that NEEDS to be avoided? It's not like it was paid DLC or that the stuff wasn't finished yet or whatever. They just randomly decided, nah you aren't allowed have the full game til we arbitrarily decide so.
I keep trying not to be suprised by their weirdness/incompetence but they keep finding new ways to surprise me.
Well looks like all this bitching was for nothing seeing as you can set the wii U's clock forward and gain all the tools in a matter of minutes
The "bitching" is justified though.
Why the hell were they trying to lock stuff away in any case? It's good that it can be avoided, but why is it even a thing that NEEDS to be avoided? It's not like it was paid DLC or that the stuff wasn't finished yet or whatever. They just randomly decided, nah you aren't allowed have the full game til we arbitrarily decide so.
I keep trying not to be suprised by their weirdness/incompetence but they keep finding new ways to surprise me.
Theyre doing it to not overwhelm players when they first get the game. Its not that hard to understand. Even with just the items youll have unlocked, majority of players are gonna feel overwhelmed.
Well looks like all this bitching was for nothing seeing as you can set the wii U's clock forward and gain all the tools in a matter of minutes
The "bitching" is justified though.
Why the hell were they trying to lock stuff away in any case? It's good that it can be avoided, but why is it even a thing that NEEDS to be avoided? It's not like it was paid DLC or that the stuff wasn't finished yet or whatever. They just randomly decided, nah you aren't allowed have the full game til we arbitrarily decide so.
I keep trying not to be suprised by their weirdness/incompetence but they keep finding new ways to surprise me.
Theyre doing it to not overwhelm players when they first get the game. Its not that hard to understand. Even with just the items youll have unlocked, majority of players are gonna feel overwhelmed.
no struggle, no progress
Well looks like all this bitching was for nothing seeing as you can set the wii U's clock forward and gain all the tools in a matter of minutes
The "bitching" is justified though.
Why the hell were they trying to lock stuff away in any case? It's good that it can be avoided, but why is it even a thing that NEEDS to be avoided? It's not like it was paid DLC or that the stuff wasn't finished yet or whatever. They just randomly decided, nah you aren't allowed have the full game til we arbitrarily decide so.
I keep trying not to be suprised by their weirdness/incompetence but they keep finding new ways to surprise me.
Theyre doing it to not overwhelm players when they first get the game. Its not that hard to understand. Even with just the items youll have unlocked, majority of players are gonna feel overwhelmed.
Buddy, kids build entire cities in Minecraft, I don't think they're going to get overwhelmed by two different coloured koopas (thanks gaf).
@mesome713: Little in quantity but well in quality doesn't make it deeper too
You can make a very deep level with very little items. Its all about gameplay mechanics and level design. The quality makes the difference.
Well looks like all this bitching was for nothing seeing as you can set the wii U's clock forward and gain all the tools in a matter of minutes
The "bitching" is justified though.
Why the hell were they trying to lock stuff away in any case? It's good that it can be avoided, but why is it even a thing that NEEDS to be avoided? It's not like it was paid DLC or that the stuff wasn't finished yet or whatever. They just randomly decided, nah you aren't allowed have the full game til we arbitrarily decide so.
I keep trying not to be suprised by their weirdness/incompetence but they keep finding new ways to surprise me.
Theyre doing it to not overwhelm players when they first get the game. Its not that hard to understand. Even with just the items youll have unlocked, majority of players are gonna feel overwhelmed.
Buddy, kids build entire cities in Minecraft, I don't think they're going to get overwhelmed by two different coloured koopas (thanks gaf).
Youd be surprised how overwhelming it can be.
@mesome713: I doubt it. People have been making level for PC games for ages and for LBP for a decade now with a lot more stuff that this games offer. They purposely limit your creativity by not allowing you to have everything day one.
I'm sure someone somewhere already created his/her level with some quadrille paper and of course they may have to wait 10 days to see it in full and working because they can't use whatever.
So, it's really fucking simple: make games for my PC/PS4, so I can enjoy the things they are good at and not suffer the things they are, objectively, shit at.
So? People still enjoy Star Wars and Indiana Jones, but it doesn't stop them from criticizing/bashing George Lucas (continually revising the original Star Wars films, making the prequels, and Indy 4) and rejoicing when he sold those franchises to Disney
Repeating the same frothing nonsense about George Lucas over and over again, as if it had any relevance to Nintendo and my views on them, doesn't make any more sense the more you do it. Drop it, it's a shit comparison.
If we bash Nintendo for being horrible to gamers, then it makes no SENSE to still keep them around.
Yes it does. I want them to stop being horrible, not to stop existing, because there's tons of shit they do that I LOVE. If my friend acts like an asshole, I don't want him to drop dead. Just to be less of an asshole.
And "less crap?" lol
Yes. Less crap. Region locking, lack of voice chat, broken account systems, tiny hard drive, game droughts, dumbfuck gimmick controllers, etc.
Implying they would STAY good at it.
How exactly is my comparison between the reception of Nintendo and George Lucas "shit"? Both were loved in certain eras (late 70's-80's for Lucas; 80's-early-mid 90's for Nintendo), but got downhill reception after that for numerous reasons with building flak each freaking time they do something.
First off, I never asked them to die or go bankrupt rather than go third party, but that it'd be better off they took the advice Marc Mues gave Eminem in his and Rap Critic's "Top Ten Worst Eminem songs" after he heard "FACK" from the greatest hits album: "Go away! Get lost! Don't write! Don't call! LEAVE! And NEVER come back!"
Second off, no you don't want the "friend" to drop dead, but there comes a point where you have to say "I'm done!" if he's that big of an ass. Though, comparing companies to friends... in the same post where you called my comparison crap. Just saying.
And no droughts? lol Even SEGA has a drought in a sense. Besides, you just can't expect Nintendo to magically become better at the sight of them going third party. Surely you'd know that.
@locopatho: you see the backlash would be justified if the concept of unlocks was something new to gaming and hasn't been done since the dawn of time
Hell even littlebigplanet had you playing through the campaign to unlock things
@locopatho: you see the backlash would be justified if the concept of unlocks was something new to gaming and hasn't been done since the dawn of time
Hell even littlebigplanet had you playing through the campaign to unlock things
Lol, seriously?
Unlocks based on progress are OBVIOUSLY standard in gaming.
Unlocks based on what freaking date it is are stupid. They have nothing to do with how far the gamer is in their game, they are just an arbitrary limit for no reason. Imagine Halo 5 launching with it's multiplayer maps/forge items staggered over time. People would laugh it out of the building.
Implying they would STAY good at it.
It factually doesn't matter a damn what system their games are running on, I know you think plastic boxes with Nintendo logos impart "magic" but they are just computers like any other. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet and a Nintendo game running on any other system would be just as great. (better, actually, since stuff like online, voice chat, achievements, account systems, and region locking are all factually better on PS4/Xbone/Pc than on WiiU)
How exactly is my comparison between the reception of Nintendo and George Lucas "shit"? Both were loved in certain eras (late 70's-80's for Lucas; 80's-early-mid 90's for Nintendo), but got downhill reception after that for numerous reasons with building flak each freaking time they do something.
And Wayne Rooney used to be loved by Man United fans but now generally is complained about. SO FUCKING WHAT?
First off, I never asked them to die or go bankrupt rather than go third party, but that it'd be better off they took the advice Marc Mues gave Eminem in his and Rap Critic's "Top Ten Worst Eminem songs" after he heard "FACK" from the greatest hits album: "Go away! Get lost! Don't write! Don't call! LEAVE! And NEVER come back!"
You are fucking crazy. I don't know who the hell "Marc Mues" is, I don't know or care his thoughts on Eminem, and you directly contradicted yourself here.
Second off, no you don't want the "friend" to drop dead, but there comes a point where you have to say "I'm done!" if he's that big of an ass.
I will never fully abandon a friend, and I will never abandon Nintendo fully. I may demand both get better, and I may hang out with the friend/play Nintendo less, but both will always be a part of my life, and I will always hold out hope for both to get better.
Though, comparing companies to friends... in the same post where you called my comparison crap. Just saying.
You comparison IS shit, because there's no point. I say something about Nintendo and you go "But George Lucas". You don't relate it in any way. I directly related the friend analogy. Have I mentioned you are clearly crazy?
And no droughts? lol Even SEGA has a drought in a sense.
...why are you so crazy?
Besides, you just can't expect Nintendo to magically become better at the sight of them going third party. Surely you'd know that.
On PS4, Nintendo's WiiU games would factually be better.Their games would be the same, except they'd have "system level" improvements like no region lock, voice chat/achievements as standard, and safe account systems for purchasing DLC.
It's not happening anytime soon but when they fail with NX (as I fully expect to happen), then maybe. A man can dream.
@locopatho: animal crossing had time unlocks since the gamecube. Hell fucking smash bros melee had a character that wouldn't unlock till you played vs. Mode for several hours
@locopatho: animal crossing had time unlocks since the gamecube. Hell fucking smash bros melee had a character that wouldn't unlock till you played vs. Mode for several hours
...seriously, dude? Christ, you're either an idiot or trolling me. Maybe both.
"Play game for X hours to unlock something" is a thing. It's a reward to each individual gamer, for reaching a certain point of progress in a game. Your Smash example fits here. So do hundreds of other games. Normal, fine, expected.
"Everyone has to wait until date X for your game content to unlock, no matter how much or little progress you have individually made, because REASONS!" is not a thing. It's arbitrary, and weird, and would piss me off if I was getting the game. It has no relation to how much each gamer has played. The gamer who has played obsessively and the gamer who has the unopened game on their shelf both have to wait for Nintendo's arbitrary date.
@locopatho: except it doesn't work like that. You spend a few minutes in the level editor each day and the next day a row of objects are unlocked. It has no bearing on date and you can use the system clock to circumvent it making this whole controversy moot
How about when you have TWO things that left behind an important legacy in their respective industries, but are somehow, some way not living up to it in the modern era?
Contradict myself with what? Preferring they pull out of the games industry, considering they may not have a place within it anymore, knowing they may still survive?
SEGA may have no consoles, but what the hell have they released recently that was noteworthy? Alien: Isolation?
"On PS4, Nintendo's Wii U games would factually be better." I doubt it and I'm learning to stop taking the word "factual" seriously courtesy of... you know which infamous YT LP'er.
This is not the first time that this has happened. Another Sim City-esque PC game, Citites: Skylines, which released fairly recently adopted a similar approach in withholding certain buildings and infrastructure until certain population benchmarks were reached. Now I suppose it could be argued that it made sense in the context of population growth why some buildings wouldn't become available right away (you can't run a large college with a small town, etc) whereas MM seems to be withholding these tools set upon no real reasonable criteria but simply upon arbitrary considerations, plus in addition C:S allowed you to unlock all buildings from the get-go with no monetary concerns, but in doing so you'd be forgoing the actual game of playing within restricted budgetary appropriations which constituted a large part of the enjoyment and challenge.
So CS did it, but it was more a part of the game that had reasonable foundation and logic in its gameplay progression. It seems with MM there seems to be no real justifiable reason other than "people can't handle it". And sorry, but overwhelming people is a crock of shit horseshit excuse that holds no grounds. People aren't dumb, despite what Nintendo (or their apologists) tend to believe. This wouldn't strike me as such a bother if it weren't so pointless, much less if it weren't a game that was so creatively driven. If if fits within game logic, wonderful, but if it is simply there as a means to wipe the ass of an audience that is believed to be incapable of handling themselves in a plethora of content unless they are drip fed.......there's a problem.
Pretty much. Not that offended, just pissed. I think Nintendo is pretty stupid when they do shit like this, not the other way around. they can't even fucking help themselves. I'm tired of the shoddy online, the anti-hardware business model, the family friendly policies and the introductions and tutorials in every entry of a major, existing series.
How about when you have TWO things that left behind an important legacy in their respective industries, but are somehow, some way not living up to it in the modern era?
And yet again I will ask you: SO FUCKING WHAT? WHAT IS YOUR POINT? You can't just say "George Lucas used to be better" and expect me to relate that to here. Because you might as well say "Britain used to have a global empire". And? What's your point?
Contradict myself with what?
"I never asked them to die or go bankrupt rather than go third party"
""Go away! Get lost! Don't write! Don't call! LEAVE! And NEVER come back!""
Again, you're clearly nuts. I'm supposed to be the loco one.
SEGA may have no consoles, but what the hell have they released recently that was noteworthy? Alien: Isolation?
I can't even begin to understand what the **** you are talking about here. What do Sega have to do with anything? They don't have a system to be supporting. They are incapable of causing a drought on a system. Who cares how many games they release, they're one of hundreds of game companies.
Why are you so crazy?
"On PS4, Nintendo's Wii U games would factually be better." I doubt it
Doubt away all you like, you are objectively wrong. Region free is factually superior to region lock. Proper account is factually superior to "tied to hardware". Voice chat and achievements in every game is factually superior to haphazard implementation.
I'm learning to stop taking the word "factual" seriously courtesy of... you know which infamous YT LP'er.
What. The. ****. Are. You. Talking, About.
Why are you SO, SO mental? Is this what long term Nintendo fanboyism does to a person? Glad I jumped off THAT ship at age 12. I mean, I argued that Quest 64 was a superior alternative to Final Fantasy VII, but I was 8, ya know?
SO you want to unlock every gun in BF and COD when you buy it? Uhhh don't compare it to restaurants and shizzle.
Do BF and COD tell you "sorry, you can only unlock 3 guns today. Come back tomorrow if you want more"? Of course not. They step back, let you play, and unlock as slow or fast as you like.
The issue isn't having unlockable content, that's standard. The issue is that there are arbitrary time gates. As in, Nintendo flat out tells you "No more unlockables today." WHY? Why do they feel the need to stand between gamers and the game they bought? What is the benefit? I just don't understand, and the fanboys (not you) only loyally parrot the standard defenses.
SO you want to unlock every gun in BF and COD when you buy it? Uhhh don't compare it to restaurants and shizzle.
Do BF and COD tell you "sorry, you can only unlock 3 guns today. Come back tomorrow if you want more"? Of course not. They step back, let you play, and unlock as slow or fast as you like.
The issue isn't having unlockable content, that's standard. The issue is that there are arbitrary time gates. As in, Nintendo flat out tells you "No more unlockables today." WHY? Why do they feel the need to stand between gamers and the game they bought? What is the benefit? I just don't understand, and the fanboys (not you) only loyally parrot the standard defenses.
Nintendo are anal control freaks. Even though I tend to think that's a lazy explanation in general no matter the subject, I think in Nintendo's case, it can be whittled down to simply that.
@mesome713: Little in quantity but well in quality doesn't make it deeper too
You can make a very deep level with very little items. Its all about gameplay mechanics and level design. The quality makes the difference.
That's true. Little Big Planet had tons of content in the level designer but the gameplay mechanics were not that great. You could design really cool intricate levels, but traversing them was just kind of a floaty mess. In the end I think LBP will remain the more engrossing experience and MM will be more fun. Won't know for sure till it's released though.
@judaspete: Well said, i always wished they added more gameplay mechanics or made them more fun in LBP, i enjoyed the game playing coop, but its far from a favorite platformer for me. I agree we have to experience the gameplay on Super Mario Maker to see how fun the levels being created are, im sure it will be a mixed bag at first but will get better as you find your way. I look forward to trying it out.
How about when you have TWO things that left behind an important legacy in their respective industries, but are somehow, some way not living up to it in the modern era?
And yet again I will ask you: SO FUCKING WHAT? WHAT IS YOUR POINT? You can't just say "George Lucas used to be better" and expect me to relate that to here. Because you might as well say "Britain used to have a global empire". And? What's your point?
Contradict myself with what?
"I never asked them to die or go bankrupt rather than go third party"
""Go away! Get lost! Don't write! Don't call! LEAVE! And NEVER come back!""
Again, you're clearly nuts. I'm supposed to be the loco one.
SEGA may have no consoles, but what the hell have they released recently that was noteworthy? Alien: Isolation?
I can't even begin to understand what the **** you are talking about here. What do Sega have to do with anything? They don't have a system to be supporting. They are incapable of causing a drought on a system. Who cares how many games they release, they're one of hundreds of game companies.
Why are you so crazy?
"On PS4, Nintendo's Wii U games would factually be better." I doubt it
Doubt away all you like, you are objectively wrong. Region free is factually superior to region lock. Proper account is factually superior to "tied to hardware". Voice chat and achievements in every game is factually superior to haphazard implementation.
I'm learning to stop taking the word "factual" seriously courtesy of... you know which infamous YT LP'er.
What. The. ****. Are. You. Talking, About.
Why are you SO, SO mental? Is this what long term Nintendo fanboyism does to a person? Glad I jumped off THAT ship at age 12. I mean, I argued that Quest 64 was a superior alternative to Final Fantasy VII, but I was 8, ya know?
You know what? Forget it on the Nintendo/Lucas comparison.
Telling someone to "go away" =/= "go bankrupt". How did you come up with the idea that I wanted them bankrupt once they went third party (although I will bail on them IF they do pull that stunt)?
"Region free is factually superior to region lock. Proper account is factually superior to "tied to hardware". Voice chat and achievements in every game is factually superior to haphazard implementation." Okay, but does all of that matter if your games end up sucking? Would you still think a third party Nintendo is the best thing to happen to this industry if their games end up getting poor reception, like for ports of the Wii U version of SSB4 for PC (Steam, Origin)/PS4/XBONE (which Nintendo would receive "exclusive deals" up the ass for guest stars on each version, but I digress), PC ports of their strategy games Battalion Wars and Pikmin or a fresh Mario/Zelda/Pokemon title for PS/XBOX, only to be respectively reviled as if they were some Dreamcast ports or if it was Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic 06/Unleashed?
I brought SEGA up for possible comparisons sake. Sure, they may have no systems, but they can still drought themselves. Again, I don't seem to recall them having ANY relevant releases since Alien: Isolation. Some people actually care about how many games they release. Would you really be content with Nintendo releasing one Mario/Pokemon/Zelda game on your preferred console? The general public sure as hell wouldn't and neither would the investors/shareholders.
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