Does Titanfall even have a SP campaign?
yes, online only. teh cloud!!!
Then don't buy it!
You can't play it on your PS4 anyway.
eermmm i dont even have ps4, currently have x360 and pc. just because i hate m$ and x1 doesnt mean i love sony but i will be rebuying a ps3 once exams are finished
to those complaining about the player count have you ever thought they want to make the game feel more like a warzone were you have the six human players on each team acting as force multipliers for the AI behaving like grunts.
this is exactly whats going to happen. not liking the sound of it at all or at least give me straight up death match or capture the hill
As a single player I will have 6 human enemies, six Titans to battle and bots. That's a great mix in my view between human and AI opponents. Its supposed to be a fats paced battle and that's what it will be. TC does his best to find fault with anything Xbox One related, which is fine cause some things are true. But in this case the player count, which people bitched about was too few and now its too many when we all know its 90% Sony fans complaining the most about a game they can only play on a PC or MS system making the most noise. TitanFall from all videos is a fast paced action multiplayer and I think Respawn made a good call with the player count only after testing it to see what works best.
u may not be reffering to me but i never once said 6v6 is too low, the devs filling the place with bots kind of proves the naysayers right though
Not sure I can bring myself to buy it now. Thanks for the heads up TC.
my hype of titanfall is dwindling but ill buy it for pc anyway, started to get hyped for destiny but bungie needs to show more competitive multiplayer aspect
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