What I've been saying since E3 2012. They took too much UC/Gears into it, needlessly IMO. At least, there is still exploration and whatnot.
So taking one 10 minute video featuring an isolated moment in the story accounts for the entire gameplay experience now?
I mean, it's not like other videos have been shown or anything like that. When have we seen gameplay like this in Uncharted? ;)
IGN 1hr feed
IGN The Tombs of Tomb Raider
As for Lara's progression from her first kill, do we really know what time frame this 10 minute video takes place in relation to the first kill? 5 minutes later? 3 hours? Do you see what I'm driving at? From a collection of separate and isolated clips we don't have the progressive sequence of the story from one moment to the next in how events build up and shape Lara.
But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to expect the most poignant or provacative character development here. You don't really get that from most games compared to other media like film and books, where they have to manage their story pacing along with the gameplay pacing. I mean seriously, just how long do you think they can languish on Lara trauma before things have to move forward for the players gaming experience to advance onward.
But the fact that they're even going into the event having an impact on the main protaginist at all is still more character development than most games get into for the medium. It just seems to me that from individual plot moments that have been shown in disconnected sequence, most people here are far too quick to rush to judgement without stopping to consider the context of sequence of chronological events.
Oh please Adobe. I know you're a big TR fan, I know that already. However your argument would work well with trailers, no 10 minutes of gameplay and not even with that 1 hour livestream.
Yes there still is exploration, which I did mention, however even that 1 hour video shows Lara mowing down enemies like it's nothing, just like one would do in Uncharted or Gears. Really, tell me that if you replaced Lara with Drake, would he seem out of place at all? At best it would seem kinda weird that you would be doing so much exploring with Drake in between "UC/Gears/TPS like segments".
And like I said in following posts they could really have done much more than that to go with the survival theme and keep it a TR game.
I'm at the point I WISH I'M WRONG with all of this, but the more the dev's show the more it seems I'm completely right.
Maybe my main point got mired in the swamp of text. But can you really say people aren't just rushing to assumptions here? In one video we see Lara dealing with her first kill. This has a different sequence, and yes with lots of killing. BUT, can you, I, or anybody really know what time frame this takes place in after that first kill, or what happened in between? Anybody got the answer to this? Anybody at all?
The whole point of this story is that Lara is supposed to evolve, she's supposed to grow through her experiences that she becomes more capable of taking care of herself, and by extension combating enemies - as she was always capable of in previous games that took place when she was already developed. We've seen moments of weakness and fear, and moments of ass kicking, yet this is an journey of A to Z, that the person she is at the end isn't the same as who she was at the beginning.
The only thing we're missing is the pacing of how that progression develops over the course of the actual real time gameplay experience. Which as I've been saying you can't get from isolated and disconnected clips speckling moments from here and there.
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