Maybe my main point got mired in the swamp of text. But can you really say people aren't just rushing to assumptions here? In one video we see Lara dealing with her first kill. This has a different sequence with lots of killing? Can you, I or anybody really know what time frame this takes place in after that first kill, or what happened in between? Anybody got the answer to this? Anybody at all?
The whole point of this story is that Lara is supposed to evolve, she's supposed to grow through her experiences that she becomes more capable of taking care of herself, and by extension combating enemies - as she was always capable of in previous games that took place when she was already developed. This an an A to B journey, that the person she is at the end isn't the same as who she was at the beginning.
The only thing we're missing is the pacing of how that progression develops over the course of the actual real time gameplay experience. Which as I've been saying you can't get from isolated and disconnected clips speckling moments from here and there.
Okay. Let's assume that it'll happen like you are saying (which would already be a big plus for the game).I get that they don't want to spoil the gam, but they are selling us the image of an innocent Lara evolving to the Lara we all know. What they are saying still doesn't match with anything they've shown so far.
You have legitimate reasons to believe in what they are saying, and that the story and gameplay will deliver (not only in quality but consistency). However, it is legitimate to me (and others) to complain that the message they are sending doesn't match one bit with all they've shown. And that worries me. I'd hate to see the game become just a regular TPS game. Previous games had enemies sure, but in low quantities compared to other TPS's and most of them not even human (animals for the most part).
Like I said I do wish I'm wrong about all this and the game proves me completely wrong, I'd be pretty happy about it. However...you surely can understand why I'm skeptical..
But it's just not possible to show what is trying to be conveyed as far as the character growth and development in a 10 minute video, or even 5 separate 10 min clips, especially when each is an isolated event shown out of sequence. The only way we'll see the progressive character growth is by experiencing it first hand, each moment in proper sequence.
I've seen the comments along the lines of, "We were promised a story of a scared and vulnerable girl, why are we seeing female rambo?? We were lied to, arghhhh...". Lara does start out scared and vulnerable. But she isn't supposed to stay that way. I thought that was obvious.
I guess I am asking you (and others) to take in a lot on faith. But at the same time I can point out that it isn't reasonable to come to a judgement based on small snippets. This especially applies to the Uncharted comparisons. Combat has always been a part of Tomb Raider games before, and poorly done in the earlier games. Lara weilding a shotgun and semi automatic rifle is nothing new to TR. Of course they want to show case how they improved this mechanic where it was needed most. They need to send the message that this game which has its beginings from 3 generations ago has evolved and measures up to modern standards.
It's just that they always show the combat sequences separate from the exploration and puzzle sequences of the game (which I posted here and in the hype thread), so it seems like some people are only looking at it from a fragmented perspective and not putting the pieces together. It's that "selective information processing" I call into question.
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