[QUOTE="TriangleHard"][QUOTE="mjarantilla"][QUOTE="Pope_3000"][QUOTE="jasonharris48"][QUOTE="mjarantilla"][QUOTE="jasonharris48"] What are your favorite JRPG's( Lets discuss) If you don't like stay out the forum.
- XenoGears (PS1)
- Final Fantasy 7
- Persona 3
- Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
- Final Fantasy 6
- Persona 2 : EP
- Megaten: Digital Devil Saga 1
- Megaten: DDS 2
- Persona 1
- Final Fantasy 8
Any list of this type fails without Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy IV in the top three spots.
And FF8 doesn't deserve to shake the sand out of Kefka's boots, let alone be in the Top 10 JRPGs of all time.
Its called my opinion my opinion doesn't equal fact. Thats why its called my top ten and btw I find Chrono Trigger overrated just like every Dragon Quest game In my opinion.Just to note Final Fantasy VII is overrated aswell the Final Fantasy series has much better games than VII it just has the most acclaim...
It has the most popularity. Not really the most acclaim, I think.
It has most popularity, most acclaim, and most sales in Final Fantasy franchise.
Thus, by most people it is considered best Final Fantasy game and to most it is widely considered best JRPG or even RPG of all time.
Heck, some might consider it best game ever made.
Most people consider FFVII the best FF game ever because they never played any of the FFs that came before it, and the ones that came after it (except for FFXII, which people disliked for other reasons) sucked. But the ones who did play FFVI, FFV, and FFVI consider those to be the real "golden age" of Final Fantasy.
I played 1 to 12 except 3.
Yes that includes FFXI.
I still consider Final Fantasy VII the best Final Fantasy and ultimately best JRPG I've ever played.
Final Fantasy IV and V suffered from very poor plots. What it provided was deep strategic battles (at least at that time)
Final Fantasy VI to me was major disappointment. It was far subpar compared to other Squaresoft titles that came out similar time period (Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, etc) Heck, it was subpar compared to Earthbound in terms of strategic battles and plot was never too concrete because it focused too much on individual character development over the main plot.
the "Golden Age" of Final Fantasy is actually VII, VIII, and IX since they sold the most. Other than that, only thing that really gets people talking about IV, V, and VI is just nostalgia factor.
Before VII, Final Fantasy series wasn't even best RPG series out there. It was Dragon Quest.
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