Ok see the face on the back of the reaper?
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[QUOTE="lundy86_4"][QUOTE="Revan_911"] Yes, but i still didn't see anything that brought down my points...Revan_911
Read through the whole thread.
Vandalvideo also destroyed your idea of a "plot hole".
I destroyed your point on their only being the same type of reaper, and how come the all looked the same. I quoted the mass effect wiki, along with an explanation of the term "characteristic", and that explained, perfectly why they all looked similar, not the same.
Dreman posted pics of the differences between a couple of the reapers, showing they were not in fact the same.
MAYBE THEY WILL ADREESS IT IN DA SEQUAL is not destroying my point. And i will gladly be alone in this situation. . When we voted a movie to watch in English class, I'm the only one who suggested we watch Children of Men, but all the other students wanted to watch Beverly HIlls NInja.That has no relevance to this thread whatsoever :?
Our "it'll be addressed in the sequel" was in reply to your "they didn't explain the terminator". Well, duh, it was right at the end of the game, in the last 5 minutes. It's called a cliffhangar ending, and allows the tie in for another game. Seriously, you just need to walk away and learn how to logically produce evidence to your claims, and prove beyond a reasonable doubt your points. You did neither, and didn't even come close on the 2nd.
Your first two points are just too pointless to address, the third one is because the reapers fold up into that shape; if you actually looked they don't all look the exact same due to that. rolo107Look a little further in the topic. It's been brought up.
That wasn't in the game. There wasn't a face on the back of Sovereign or on the ancient reaper. Bioware makes this stuff up as they go allong, and its starting to look like Lost. That could be fan art as far as i know.Revan_911
lol how old are you?
That wasn't in the game. There wasn't a face on the back of Sovereign or on the ancient reaper. Bioware makes this stuff up as they go allong, and its starting to look like Lost. That could be fan art as far as i know.Revan_911
All writing is made up as the writer goes along, otherwise it would be fact.
Edit: also Children of Men is a terrible choice to try and establish yourself as some sort of writing/quality elitist.
Ok see the face on the back of the reaper?akbar13Having a knowledge of anatomy, those features could be a lot of other things besides a face.
3. How many reapers are there?
I seem to remember that i boarded a reaper that was 25 million years old. So if the reapers returned every 50 000 years, that would mean that they assimilated 500 races. So there are 500 types of reapers out there at least correct? If every reaper is moddeled after a certain race, then WHY DO ALL THE REAPERS LOOK THE SAME? There should be 500 different reapers out there (And according that almost all the advanced races are humanoids, then most of them should look like humanoids). If anyone remembers the cutscene at the end all the reapers were coming and they all looked the same, they all looked like the Sovereign, like a giant bug. This is a plot hole, you can't convince me otherwise. Even the ancient reaper looked the same as the rest.
Well, if you actually played the game you'd know that your little estimation is completely wrong so you're essentially complaining about something YOU made up.
[spoiler] The only species shown in the game to have been assimilated were The Protheans and Humans. [/spoiler]
So yeah, do a little research firstbefore complaining.
Having a knowledge of anatomy, those features could be a lot of other things besides a face. Its concept art for the human reaper. Yet the human reaper was never finished, so i guess it's fan art.[QUOTE="Revan_911"] Play the game again and get your facts right. [QUOTE="akbar13"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="akbar13"]Ok see the face on the back of the reaper?Lionheart08
Yet the human reaper was never finished, so i guess it's fan art.Revan_911
Not all concept art is included in the final game. It goes through numerous stages where decisions are made to include or exclude extra details, or completely rework the idea.
Seriously, if you have any idea of how the graphic design industry worked, that might help.
Its concept art for the human reaper. Yet the human reaper was never finished, so i guess it's fan art. Its in the art book if you bought the collectors edition.[QUOTE="Lionheart08"]
[QUOTE="Revan_911"] Having a knowledge of anatomy, those features could be a lot of other things besides a face.Revan_911
No it does not. It has an overcomplicated overblown nonsensical and downright stupid story.[QUOTE="kozzy1234"]
ME2 has a good story, end of topic
Edit: Oh that was the first one, ME2 has no story it's a collection of side quests.
How can it be both overcomplicated and stupid at the same time?[QUOTE="Revan_911"]Yet the human reaper was never finished, so i guess it's fan art. Its in the art book if you bought the collectors edition. Fine...Still, doesn't make the whole thing any less stupid. THY"RE BUILDING A HUMAN REAPER!!! I really laughed when i saw that.[QUOTE="Lionheart08"] Its concept art for the human reaper.akbar13
[QUOTE="Revan_911"]Yet the human reaper was never finished, so i guess it's fan art. Its in the art book if you bought the collectors edition.[QUOTE="Lionheart08"] Its concept art for the human reaper.akbar13
I give TC credit for stricking to his guns. Most people would have run from their thread by now.
[QUOTE="Revan_911"]No it does not. It has an overcomplicated overblown nonsensical and downright stupid story.[QUOTE="kozzy1234"]
ME2 has a good story, end of topic
Edit: Oh that was the first one, ME2 has no story it's a collection of side quests.
How can it be both overcomplicated and stupid at the same time? Why can't it?Yet the human reaper was never finished, so i guess it's fan art.
The concept design of the final form of the human reaper and the one in ME2 look different is because the one in the game was never complete. Was in pre-larva stage.
Does someone remember the whole argument, where i said that they didnt explain the motivation of the reapers in the first game? Well they explained it here. It was Asimilation. Hunting down the advanced race and making a new reaper out of it. Even in the end they explained that they are making a reaper out of each race. So why is there only one reaper (reaper that looks like a bug. Like the sovereign and every other reaper in the end cutscene). So if they dont come up with an explanation in the third game my points still stands WEAK WRITING.
Also in the first point WEAK WRITING. They used the "Reapers are not a threat in the first game" Well Sovereign sure proved them wrong right ? So why would Bioware use the same excuse in the second game. WEAK WRITING!!!
It would be ok, if everyone didnt claim that ME is the best told story this gen. Its unoriginal, bland and full of WEAK WRITING!Revan_911
You're the one who started the thread bashing ME1's story a few weeks ago, right? I vehemently disagreed with you in that case, but you're spot on here. There was a lot in ME2 that didn't make any sense, and the "human reaper" was exhibit 1A. It's hard for me to fathom how the team that crafted such a fantastic plot in ME1 produced such a poor effort for the sequel.
why dont you try making 500 different types of reapers and come back to us? :|
Like actually creating each and one of them with a gaming program.
because you seem to NOT realize this is STILL a game :?
You REALLY expect them to fit ALL that into the game?
you're third argument is obsolete for the fact that you're completely missing the other points
and hoping on the "They need 500 different types of reapers" :|
And maybe if there IS 500 types of reapers.
do you REALLY think they would send them all out to stop shepards team? :?
they wouldnt.
Thus why in the end you see a million different ships from the reapers.
because the rest have yet to be sent out? Think logic. ;)
[QUOTE="akbar13"][QUOTE="Revan_911"] Yet the human reaper was never finished, so i guess it's fan art.Its in the art book if you bought the collectors edition. Fine...Still, doesn't make the whole thing any less stupid. THY"RE BUILDING A HUMAN REAPER!!! I really laughed when i saw that.Revan_911
It is explained in the game how they are made up from organic beings and are also synthetic.
In my point of view it seems it is their form of evolution where they harvest humans to create reapers. It was explained in the game how humans have versatile genetic make-up unlike the other races. Might be the reason why they were collecting humans compare to the other alien races.
[QUOTE="Revan_911"]No it does not. It has an overcomplicated overblown nonsensical and downright stupid story.[QUOTE="kozzy1234"]
ME2 has a good story, end of topic
Edit: Oh that was the first one, ME2 has no story it's a collection of side quests.
How can it be both overcomplicated and stupid at the same time?See also Metal Gear Solid... Great games, but the story? Yikes.
No it does not. It has an overcomplicated overblown nonsensical and downright stupid story.[QUOTE="kozzy1234"]
ME2 has a good story, end of topic
Edit: Oh that was the first one, ME2 has no story it's a collection of side quests.
your opinion is duly noted.No it does not. It has an overcomplicated overblown nonsensical and downright stupid story.[QUOTE="kozzy1234"]
ME2 has a good story, end of topic
Edit: Oh that was the first one, ME2 has no story it's a collection of side quests.
I understand the story was hard for you to follow, but you don't have to lie. Does somebody need a hug?it was a good game apparently thats a crime nowadaysI wonder what crime ME 2 commited against this guy?
So much denial here. It's not funny.[QUOTE="dreman999"][QUOTE="Revan_911"] Yes, you took a screenshot. One Reaper has blue lights and the other brown lights. They still all look like giant bugs.
I found it amusing, but now it's just gone too far.
Remind anybody of this?
Really I get this image more whenever I see yet another ME2 hate thread from the TCIf anyone remembers the cutscene at the end all the reapers were coming and they all looked the same, they all looked like the Sovereign, like a giant bug. This is a plot hole, you can't convince me otherwise. Even the ancient reaper looked the same as the rest.
I think I can convince you actually. Consider that even if the Reaper-human larvae was finished, it would not be nearly as large as Sovereign. It's believable that the reapers we have seen (sovereign, reaper derelict, the fleet at the end) were all outer shells for unique reapers inside.
"but why did the research team not find the reaper inside the derelict's shell?". there are more possibilities to explain that than to assume it was just shoddy writing. the research team was not there for very long, so they didn't reach it before being indoctrinated. or the reaper inside could have self-destructed, evaporated, disintegrated, or broken down and become a unrecognizable part of the shell.
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