You aren't. You're paying for a disk that only plays in a certain game device. You can play that disk on any machine you want. You can sell that right to any person you want to sell it to. That is your legal privilege, as it is for any other piece of media or any physical device.
No it isn't yet again.. The only reason why it hasn't been enforced yet is because of technology blocks, this is changing dramatically..
There's no reason to accept the reasoning of game companies that want to restrict your privileges.
Well then your in for a rude awakening, because this has been common practice for pc games well over 5 years..
Given that the disk can only be played on one machine at a time, there's no reason to use CD keys to enforce licenses.
That doesn't make a difference.. Your not paying them hourly or monthly to play your game.. You paid once for permission.. When you give it to a friend, yoru shorting them an extra copy.. You didn't buy the game, yo do not the own game.. You own a license in which only your self can use.
Games are currently distributed as they ought to be, and if game companies try to lock people out of reselling their retail goods, people will be upset, and it will be bad for those companies in the long run.
No it won't because if this happens to everything your choice is not to be a gamer. So have fun with that.
As Liquid pointed out, EULAs are not legally binding, as has been pointed out time and time again in courts of law. Why bend over to accept the whims of corporations whenver they try to steal your rights with legalese?
Its just in the EULA now because it can't be enforced well enough on consoles.. This will change next gen.. It has been that way for the PC for years.. World of Warcraft in its 12 million subscribers are a huge example of this.. In which they have the right to ban your account (which is the game bought) at their descrition including having people share account, and selling your account.
You keep acting like this is inevitable. It isn't, because there are two sides to every sale: a corporation and a consumer.
Corporations would make more profit if all games were sold for $200. They'd make more profit if we had to pay them hourly to play singleplayer games. They'd make more profit if they didn't have to routinely invest in new technology. This didn't happen because consumers had choices, and they chose options that were cheaper and more friendly to them. It's why the EA Online Store, which sold 3 year rentals at full retail, failed, and why Steam, which sells games for life, allows you to redownload your games as often as you wish, and has frequent sales at low, low prices, succeeded. This is why games with lots of options and robust multiplayer modes tend to outsell linear, throwaway singleplayer-only adventures.
People can peddle the "license" theory as frequently as they wish, but it's not how people feel. I get angry when someone tells me I don't own something I paid money for and can hold in my hand. Yes I own it. It's mine. I can do what I want with it. I can sell it, I can give it to a friend, and it doesn't matter, because it's mine. If you take that right away from me, give me absolutely nothing in return, and expect me to still pay full price for games, you can go take a long walk off a short pier into whatever profiteering cesspool you came from.
This isn't a subscription we're discussing. They aren't providing me any service. This is an attempt to steal money from consumers without any incentive, and I won't stand for it. At least have the decency to pretend that you're offering me something, like those one-use codes that come with new games do.
Yeah you mean like those $15 DLC's people cry out that they are going boycott? Yet they are being sold by the boat load.. Or the huge angry mob who couldn't stand for L4D2 being made so early after the first and they said they are not going to buy it.. What happened? It sold huge amounts of copies, and many of the movement broke down and bought it... And yet again businesses don't see it that way... They see it as their intelectually property being stolen..
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