@nyadc: Project cars has lower poly car models and lower lvl enviormental detail. I thought you would know that as much as you look at distant trees in racing games.
Yeah, that's not true either.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
There's so many great reasons to own consoles, and you guys choose The Order: 1886 to defend your viewpoints? You must be morons.
I own both, but I'm curious name 5 reasons why some1 should own a PS4 or X1 cause games aint one of them. I'm waiting......
With me it just took MS dropping Kinect. Chose X1 as it at least looked to have gaming experiences not on the PC, wasn't impressed with the graphics of either console this gen, so I was looking so experiences that were unique and Kinect was supposed to be higher tech this time.
With Kinect gone, they're just low end PCs to me, with 2 or 3 retail exclusives a year and the rest going to the PC. I still have my X1 as it has lost too much value to make it worth getting rid of, but it's been relegated to the position of the Wii for me this gen. Just a distant secondary gaming thing.
My friend was a console gamer for 20 years but once I showed him some of the same games running on PC at higher resolutions with much higher fps that didn't drop he quickly switched over to PC gaming while only using consoles for a few exclusives.
He also commented on how much better the load times were on PC.
@True_Gamer_: LOL fifa on pc.
Then u would not mind that your preferable console to LOSE FIFA which becomes exclusive to its arch rival platform?
I dare u to answer....
There's so many great reasons to own consoles, and you guys choose The Order: 1886 to defend your viewpoints? You must be morons.
I own both, but I'm curious name 5 reasons why some1 should own a PS4 or X1 cause games aint one of them. I'm waiting......
Oh come on, so far the exclusives have been pretty bland, but many great ones will come, especially on the ps4. Just give it time.
My friend was a console gamer for 20 years but once I showed him some of the same games running on PC at higher resolutions with much higher fps that didn't drop he quickly switched over to PC gaming while only using consoles for a few exclusives.
He also commented on how much better the load times were on PC.
The moral of the story is...it's better to have all platforms to experience any game you want. Never stick with one.
@True_Gamer_: that's why I keep saying Fifa is better on PC, it's just plain wrong when people describe it as a game better in console.
FIFA's most played mode is Ultimate Team and the market is always completely screwed on PC. Any of the decent players have stupidly high prices so you can't get half as good a team via playing matches as you can on consoles.
That alone is enough to put off most fans.
There's so many great reasons to own consoles, and you guys choose The Order: 1886 to defend your viewpoints? You must be morons.
I own both, but I'm curious name 5 reasons why some1 should own a PS4 or X1 cause games aint one of them. I'm waiting......
Oh come on, so far the exclusives have been pretty bland, but many great ones will come, especially on the ps4. Just give it time.
@Vaasman: No I'm not it was well told and has some great concepts.
You have something like "The Evil within". Which has far worse tps mechanics, average at best visuals and a story that is contrived nonsense that makes no sense.
Yet it scores higher here?
@ribstaylor1: None of those look as good as The Order.
Not a single one of those games has the gfx or budget of The Order. PC costs $2000 yet can't match a PS4.
First of all, what does graphics and a big budget have to do with a game being good? Obviously nothing if you're using The Order as an example of games with good graphics and a big budget, considering how terribly it did critically. Look at one of the oldest examples out there, Counter-Strike. It's still one of the most played games every single year and it uses the same formula that was used when it first came out in 1999. That original Counter-Strike was made by two college kids with no budget for game development of any kind. A game made for free by two college-aged modders has stood then test of time for almost 16 years - I'm doubting The Order will be leaving any kind of legacy and will be forgotten about in a year except to talk about graphics.
The Order does look very very good, I'm not going to deny that. However, many games are already better from a technical standpoint. Also, I'm fairly certain a $2000 PC will be able to outclass The Order no problem playing the Witcher 3 in 4K on ultra settings. Batman Arkham Knight will be pretty impressive too. Two "blockbusters" right there that I can guarantee will do better critically than The Order.
@EducatingU_PCMR: Yet still not a game that looks as good as the Order.
The Order had a outstanding story btw.
Who cares, the onrails blurfest prebaked out of Order 800p@sub30FPS is still technically inferior to Crysis 2 from 2011. And the most funny thing it was still downgraded from alpha build to final build. Oh, well, but the devs deserve props for producing a good looking turd on CONSOLES considering they had only a tablet CPU and a 570 level GPU to work with.
Oh and did, I forget, if we are just going by the looks the Vanishing of Ethan Carter looks much better than the out of Order 800p without being a blurfest. :D
@zeeshanhaider: lol it rapes crysis 2 and I already destroyed your downgrade argument. Better luck next time troll. Buh buh teh cloth animation was same. Lmao GTFO!
AM-Gamer's argument: Different animation keyframe was causing the change in polygon count. :D Oh and if by some miracle that statement was true in some alternate reality could someone tell me how the constable's character's poly count also got reduced?
And oh, I didn't know a blur fest with prebaked lighting and 800p could rape Crysis 2's generation ahead Hybrid deferred renderrer. LEL.
@True_Gamer_: LOL fifa on pc.
Then u would not mind that your preferable console to LOSE FIFA which becomes exclusive to its arch rival platform?
I dare u to answer....
huh? fifa will ALWAYS have a place on consoles. thats where it makes most of its money. and it will always continue to be most fun on consoles. lol fifa on pc hahaha. ANY sports game on pc lol.
@pelvist: Except it didn't get the most games dumbass, THEY WERE CANCELLED! I don't post on alts like the rest of you trolls . Good day!
You appear to be arguing over the game budget link I posted
Lets straighten this up a little as it appears you haven't paid attention to that budget list at all.
There are two cancelled games on the list -
Halo MMO - PC exclusive - $90 Million, number 15
This is Vegas - multi-plat for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3
So let's do this without counting cancelled games
PC - 7 exclusives
Dreamcast - 1 exclusive
PS - 1 exclusive
PS2 - 1 exclusive
PS3 - 3 Exclusives
PS4 - 0 exclusives
Xbox - 0 exclusives
Xbox 360 - 2 exclusives
Xbox One - 0 exclusives
All other games on the list are multi-plats, i.e. available on more than one system which are not compatible with each other.
@GarGx1: Exclusive wasn't the argument, it was what platform had the most big budget AAA titles. Which now has the PS3 and X360 ahead of the pc. The PS3/360 as share large portion of those games thus not making them available on pc. I didn't make the argument just simply stating facts.
@zeeshanhaider: Except none of the models have reduced polycount. You tried to use the lower half the coat to compare rough edges. I simply showed you a 1 to 1 screen grab showing the rough edges no longer existed once the animation matched. You got straight owned, and now your running DC.
Lol and Crysis 2 motion blur looks like shit.
@GarGx1: Exclusive wasn't the argument, it was what platform had the most big budget AAA titles. Which now has the PS3 and X360 ahead of the pc. The PS3/360 as share large portion of those games thus not making them available on pc. I didn't make the argument just simply stating facts.
Unfortunately you appear to be having difficult with basic arithmetic.
Going by that list, counting all games both exclusive and multi-plat and discounting the two cancelled games the totals look like this
PC - 22 games
PS - 2 games
PS2 - 1 game
PS3 - 20 games
PS4 - 4 games
Xbox - 1 game
Xbox360 - 19 games
Xbox One - 3 games
Dreamcast - 2 games
Gameboy - 1 game
You want to try again? Unless of course the old combine the systems trick is at play here.
Why the heck does people even bother with arguing with a fakeboy like @Halo2-Best-FPS seriously guys, be smart.
@Vaasman: No I'm not it was well told and has some great concepts.
Big whoop.
Production value and a strong concept can't hide that it's the same bland secret society action story you've seen a million times, right down to the obvious twists and cliches. Basically, it's Assassin's Creed 1 to a tee. Yet on top of that it's just really boring; over-expositing like crazy and forcing the player down several long stretches of 0 action, worthy development, or gameplay. Not to mention the ending is garbage, and by the same token it doesn't work as a self-contained story, nor as the opening to a series.
Any potential is squandered by how completely rote the plot itself is. There is a pretty good reason this did not resonate with reviewers. You just need to accept that.
@GarGx1: Your counting pc games all the way back in the PS1 era. So if you want to do it like that count all the PS together. That would put pc tied with Xbox and behind PlayStation. nice try.
Can you play all the games on every PlayStation or every Xbox? Nope, so you're argument is based on combining multiple incompatible systems.
Thought so.
@GarGx1: What would it matter if you could play it on the same platform? You said the pc had the most AAA big budget titles. In fact it doesn't, the PlayStation brand alone funded more AAA titles then PC. Your logic is taking a system from the 90s and comparing it to 3 separate platforms. And actually I can play PS1,2 and PS3 games on my fully BC PS3. So if we want to play that game we can.
@True_Gamer_: LOL fifa on pc.
Then u would not mind that your preferable console to LOSE FIFA which becomes exclusive to its arch rival platform?
I dare u to answer....
huh? fifa will ALWAYS have a place on consoles. thats where it makes most of its money. and it will always continue to be most fun on consoles. lol fifa on pc hahaha. ANY sports game on pc lol.
Explain any non preferential PRACTICAL non mentally impaired reason that FIFA is better on a consoles.
Lol at reading my post.
lol 1 mil beggars begging for leagues
lol console nazi closed system...
My friend was a console gamer for 20 years but once I showed him some of the same games running on PC at higher resolutions with much higher fps that didn't drop he quickly switched over to PC gaming while only using consoles for a few exclusives.
He also commented on how much better the load times were on PC.
a console friend of mine who is a huge fan skyrim one day called me asking me about a youtube he found. What he found was an collection of graphic mod videos for skyrim
Lets just say he can't even enjoy looking at skyrim on the PS3 anymore..
My friend was a console gamer for 20 years but once I showed him some of the same games running on PC at higher resolutions with much higher fps that didn't drop he quickly switched over to PC gaming while only using consoles for a few exclusives.
He also commented on how much better the load times were on PC.
a console friend of mine who is a huge fan skyrim one day called me asking me about a youtube he found. What he found was an collection of graphic mod videos for skyrim
Lets just say he can't even enjoy looking at skyrim on the PS3 anymore..
Yah I have Skyrim loaded up with graphics mods.
Haven't taken any recent pictures of it fully configured but I have some old ones I took when I was still adding in mods.
@True_Gamer_: LOL fifa on pc.
Then u would not mind that your preferable console to LOSE FIFA which becomes exclusive to its arch rival platform?
I dare u to answer....
huh? fifa will ALWAYS have a place on consoles. thats where it makes most of its money. and it will always continue to be most fun on consoles. lol fifa on pc hahaha. ANY sports game on pc lol.
Explain any non preferential PRACTICAL non mentally impaired reason that FIFA is better on a consoles.
Lol at reading my post.
lol 1 mil beggars begging for leagues
lol console nazi closed system...
ignore him he's trolling, he knows the PC version of Fifa is better
@True_Gamer_: LOL fifa on pc.
lol multiplats,rts,moba,tbs,mmo,sims,builders on console
lol competitive gaming on console
lol aiming on console
@Halo2-Best-FPS: Really not sure which of the 6700 games I have on my pc that aren't flash games I should be playing right now. You want to help me make that decision, the list spans generations all the way back the pong, and I can't for the life of me decide which one from what system I really want to play.
Which of those game has bigger budget and better gfx than The Order.
I'll wait.
No one who reviewed that turd of a game liked it.
PS4 has nowhere to go but down. Wait until DX12 hits. PC power, down to metal coding. Consoles are very shortly going to look like Gameboys.
@True_Gamer_: LOL fifa on pc.
lol multiplats,rts,moba,tbs,mmo,sims,builders on console
lol competitive gaming on console
lol aiming on console
lolpcgaming what? There's literally nothing to "laugh out loud" about.
@True_Gamer_: LOL fifa on pc.
lol multiplats,rts,moba,tbs,mmo,sims,builders on console
lol competitive gaming on console
lol aiming on console
lolpcgaming what? There's literally nothing to "laugh out loud" about.
yea there is.
you don't get console exclusives. you have to wait years for all the best console games (red dead, gta 5, valkyria chronicles.......) by the time those games actually come out your shitty $2000 rigs are out-dated. you get those stupid game crash blue screens lol, all the best games come to consoles, pc is an after thought, pc gets only indies and some boring league of legends nerdville crap. pc used to be cool in the 90s but today pc gaming is complete shit.
@zeeshanhaider: Except none of the models have reduced polycount. You tried to use the lower half the coat to compare rough edges. I simply showed you a 1 to 1 screen grab showing the rough edges no longer existed once the animation matched. You got straight owned, and now your running DC.
Lol and Crysis 2 motion blur looks like shit.
Lies, lies and lies. Flagged for outright lying.
yea there is.
you don't get console exclusives. you have to wait years for all the best console games (red dead, gta 5, valkyria chronicles.......) by the time those games actually come out your shitty $2000 rigs are out-dated. you get those stupid game crash blue screens lol, all the best games come to consoles, pc is an after thought, pc gets only indies and some boring league of legends nerdville crap. pc used to be cool in the 90s but today pc gaming is complete shit.
Oh, you're trolling.
@True_Gamer_: LOL fifa on pc.
lol multiplats,rts,moba,tbs,mmo,sims,builders on console
lol competitive gaming on console
lol aiming on console
lolpcgaming what? There's literally nothing to "laugh out loud" about.
yea there is.
you don't get console exclusives. you have to wait years for all the best console games (red dead, gta 5, valkyria chronicles.......) by the time those games actually come out your shitty $2000 rigs are out-dated. you get those stupid game crash blue screens lol, all the best games come to consoles, pc is an after thought, pc gets only indies and some boring league of legends nerdville crap. pc used to be cool in the 90s but today pc gaming is complete shit.
You don't get PC exclusives on consoles so that point is moot, that of which there are literally tens to hundreds released a year, what does a console get? MAYBE five to eight on a good year... On top of this there are multiple entire game genres which do not come to consoles simply because of the input device, a controller. We get so many games that any void from not getting a particular console exclusive or game which takes time to come out on the PC later is entirely filled by dozens of other games, what do you get in place of not getting PC exclusives? Oh yeah, nothing.
Then to top all of this off we have a back catalog of thousands of games we can play at will that transcends every hardware generation. Blue screens? I haven't had one in over two years, I'm not a bumbling idiot like you likely are, I know how to operate and maintain my PC. Your inferiority complex is massive, you're poor or a casual, you'd have to be, because that is the only logical reason any "gamer" would own a console only and not a PC capable of playing games.
All of our games also look and run better, plus they're capable of modifications, enjoy your closed source system where a developer decides exactly what and how you play a game.
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