@True_Gamer_: LOL fifa on pc.
lol multiplats,rts,moba,tbs,mmo,sims,builders on console
lol competitive gaming on console
lol aiming on console
lolpcgaming what? There's literally nothing to "laugh out loud" about.
yea there is.
you don't get console exclusives. you have to wait years for all the best console games (red dead, gta 5, valkyria chronicles.......) by the time those games actually come out your shitty $2000 rigs are out-dated. you get those stupid game crash blue screens lol, all the best games come to consoles, pc is an after thought, pc gets only indies and some boring league of legends nerdville crap. pc used to be cool in the 90s but today pc gaming is complete shit.
1 million beggars begging for leagues in FIFA
lol consoles
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