[QUOTE="monkeysmoke"]The link said the game will run smooter on the 360 "am i sensing another crappy framerate issue like bayonneta for the ps3 version?? If the ps3 is more powerfull it will games smooter compared to the 360. And for you "dragonboot" stop deceiving yourself thinking you're deceiving others.The ps3 is not powerful than the xbox 360 in any way since all these games listed below runs & look better on the 360 but craped on the ps3. LIST OF CRAPY GAMES ON PS3: #.1 Bioshock #.2 Lost planet #.3 F.E.A.R #.4 Assasins creed 1 & 2 #.5 COD4:MW #.6 Gta4 #.7 Ghost bursters #.8 Fallout 3 #.9 Bayonneta #.10 Read dead redemption #.11( am tired of listing because i can't list the 99% of multiplat that looks worse on the ps3) stop bringing up KILLZONE 2,UNCHARTED 2 & GOD OF WAR 3 because if you take off your fanboy googles MASS EFFECT 2,METRO 2033 & ALAN WAKE on the 360 are as good looking as those games. You can't force people to accept your opinion "dragonboot.dragonboot
Virtually all of the eleven games you listed received the exact same scores on most websites for both the PS3 or the 360 versions. The differences, if you read the reviews, are basically insignificant, except for maybe Bayonetta. IGN actually prefers GTA4's graphics on the PS3. You also didn't mention Dragon Age, Final Fantasy 13, or other games that are better on the PS3.
If you read my initial post in this thread, the developers would rather make the 360 version better because the 360 has a larger install base. Furthermore, most of the games you listed were all developed on the 360 as the main console. If it's the other way around, like Final Fantasy 13, the PS3 version is better. How a mulitplatform game looks depends not on the power of each console but on which console is the priority. Multiplatform developers tend to give the 360 priority because the 360 has a larger install base. However, this advantage is decreasing because the PS3's install base is now only about 4 million less. Furthermore, the PS3's install base has now reached critical mass such that even Valve has appologized to PS3 owners and decided to make Portal 2 the better version on the PS3.
I think you lost your credibility when you said Mass Effect 2, Metro 2033, and Alan Wake are graphically equal to KILLZONE 2,UNCHARTED 2 & GOD OF WAR 3. If you intend to respond to me, please take a moment and read the reviews of several sites about the 6 games, paying particular attention to how the games are lauded for its graphics. Be prepared to be disappointed in how much reviewers love the graphics of the PS3 games' relative to the 360's.
I can't force people to accept my opinion, not if they stubbornly ignore the facts, not if they keep believing in professionals who have produced nothing on the 360 that can match the PS3's best. Nothing in 5 years.
Game reviews are always mixed with negetive & positive reviews so i can't go by them to jugde a game's graphic it all comes down to my own taste & opinion. Don't expect every body to see things the way you see them "dragonboot" Where i live alan wake recieves the highest praise of vissual & is regarded graphic king now. Uncharted 2 looks great but has a cartoony artstyle & not photo realistic while alan wake has a very realistic look both in physics,colours & foilage. My girlfriend do watch me play games alot (even ps3 exclusives like uncharted 2 & god of war) but she thinks alan wake look so much like a real movie out of all the games i play. I rate my graphic king by realistic looking not by overtoned coloured game like uncharted 2(thats how graphic king should be rated). My overall graphic king is Crysis pc & alan wake for consoles. See these vids for your self arcodingly: #1.Crysis PC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0A0KmZRn5w #2.Alan wake XBOX 360 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3yD-QYCy-k #.3 Ucharted 2 PS3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA4Yegsd5OU
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