I didn't say MGS4 mainly because I'm not just looking at GS's score. UC2, has won so many awards, has gotten so much praise that it's almost false advertising if you ask me. Is it because there weren't that many good games out that year(much like Halo CE)? Well, to be fair at least Halo CE was innovative for console shooters, UC2 literally did nothing innovative. For a game to win so many awards, I'd expect it to be innovative I really do.
...but UC2, well let's just say there are other shooters out that were more innovative than this game. I really don't see the mass appeal. Perhaps it was just generated by the reviews. Was it because of the graphics? That it was some kind of technical feat? Cows argue that all Crysis is just a benchmark tool, that the gameplay was so average and mediocre. Well, playing UC2 I'd say the same. The gameplay has such a been there done that feel to it that I'm glad I just rented it.
I've honestly never played a game where I felt was so undeserving of the awards it got. Must have been a real boring year. Honestly, it didn't do anything for me. Perhaps if the game wasn't so praised, I wouldn't be such a harsh critic, but the game is honestly no more special than your averate tps. The game received so much praise that I felt obligated to play it. Now that I have, I must say I feel jipped.
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