Still games like Dark Souls do not involve repeatitive casual running on paths and do nothing but shooting stuff for a tiny 8 hours
So, there must be a difference
Obviously everything is scripted in a video game...but calling a video game "scripted" means that you feel like you're on a linear track and can't do whatever you want...you're forced to do only what the game steers you to do.
Thats strange, if I remember correctly, I can pull out my gun and shoot at any time I want ;)Can you do me a favor, and point out the exact instances in ANY of these videos where I supposedly cant control drake? (NOT counting actual cutscenes).
Surely if these things come up as frequently as you guys say they do, you should have no problem finding them right? So just do me a favor, point out ANY instance in any of these videos where I cannot pull out my gun and shoot it whenever I want ;)
Also, what you guys have to realize is that for demos like this they ONLY show parts where there is a big set peice. What you guys fail to realize is that the majority of the game is shooting sequences, platforming, and a few puzzles here and there.
I'm not ragging on UC3 for being scripted...I'm just saying that's usually people's definition of "scripted" when it comes up.
But some people don't like linear, cinematic games where you don't have any branching story choices. You can't fault them for that.
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