@GoldenElementXL said:
Full blackace level Lemming huh? Why would I make a thread and in my first post say that I have pretty much been ignoring the Xbox One. And then in a "Top 5 games so far this year" thread only 1 of my 5 top games is even playable on Xbox One and it's a multiplat. Your claims make no sense. Just because I disagree with you 99.999% of the time doesn't mean I'm a Lemming. And before you even mention that "You said you hate Cows" thing, I have said dozens of times now that my problem is with you and not Cows. Hell, by my purchase and gaming history I am 10X the Cow you are....
Oh please saying a few comments to look unbiased doesn't change what you are.
The order looks bad yeah you are a blind idiot,is one of the best looking games on any platform including PC.
Your argument are totally pro xbox one almost always and you flame basically anything sony,worse you admit to hate cows and you single them out for things lemmings do all the time and i did prove that to you several times you are not fooling any one lemm.
@Cloud_imperium said:
I can't remember you posting your PS4 pics. And do you love when someone owns your ass every time??? Keep playing that "Lem" card dumbass. Your tears are delicious.
Now go ahead and prove me wrong. Lolmentos.
I could care less what you remember idiot,fact is i prove it already and what people vote here has little say specially when you defend the xbox one constantly on stupid thing which you shouldn't....
@deadline-zero0 said:
@tormentos: I'm talking about ground physics you idiot.
Can you pick up objects in the environment like in SC? no? didn't think so. Objects are fully rendered has physics items in the game. Deflating rice bags? Not only do those exist in SC, but you can actually interact with them, pick them up, toss them around and they react to gravity, or lack thereof, like you'd expect.
bu-bu-bu-bu-but my rice bag expansions,
Is not existing you idiot is the level of the simulation and how is convincingly works,picking up something mean shit yeah mario has been picking up turtles for 30 years yeah great physics.
Fact is how many space wars have you witness to say those physics are accurate.?
Stop is a freaking space game which hardly impress any one,reason why Uncharted got a mention for graphics and PC didn't but but but is E3 not one that knows about graphics go to E3..lol
@RoboCopISJesus said:
You mean the same PS4 that runs witcher3 at 20 fps with less effects?
The same PS4 that will be running the ancient FO4 at 30 fps without real mods?
The same PS4 that runs almost all demanding games at the above terribleness?
Reah great tech to push. LOL.
Yes the same that runs Infamous at more than 30FPS with way more effects than the Witcher 3 and explosions to.
@commander said:
You're comparing games with underwear models, what kind of slimy turd are you
No if you don't get why i use that pic then you are so dumb that you are not even worth the time to explain it to you...
@Juub1990 said:
@tormentos Your comparison is pretty bad. The thing he points are pretty objective as in they're easily observable and factual. The things you pointed are purely subjective. Even then, some people would argue a woman with a square jaw looks better than one with a less prominent one. You can't really argue that a lack of dynamic lighting is better technically than the addition of it.
On your defense, he took a shitty screencap.
Bullshit and you can do that with any game i have see people do it with PC games to and i did it with BF4 on PC as well on 2013,bad screen takes are all over the place,fact is Infamous is an incredible looking game and only an idiot would say other wise,oh and that screen wasn't made by him it was done by a butthurt fanboy on the net reason why i use that pic.
So if i think he has big hands that is not subjective that is my opinion,it may be small to you just like what he say look bad may look good to me...
You can do that with any game specially if you use bad captures.
@tdkmillsy said:
Yes @tormentos like that downgrade and all the ones for the other UC games.
Yeah when you see it talk about it until then yeah you are DC...lol
@ronvalencia said:
Leave the young woman alone. She is not here to reply back from your criticisms.
WTH are you saying now bot.?
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