@chikenfriedrice said:
But cows claimed Halo 5 didn't sell....now it's used as a barometer for UC4? Fanboys are something.
No we claim it didn't sell like Halo 3 which is true,it did 900+k on NPD vs Halo 3 which did 2.4 million in 24 hours.
@trollhunter2 said:
Just saw that Uncharted 4 sales debut = Halo 5 + Rise of the tomb Raider
Holy Shit :O
I am really starting to believe in Karma.
Every single thing lemms use to throw on cows face have completely turn upside down.
1-Xbox being the easiest to make games,having simple enough hardware.
Now the PS4 is easier to code and more straightforward design.
2-Sales of consoles and games who can erase all those NPD threads were the xbox beat the PS3,and its exclusives sold better and multiplatforms to.
Now is all the contrary the PS4 sell more exclusives more multiplatforms and more consoles as well.
3-Peformance advantages the xbox 360 use to have a few frames advantages in many games and a few lines of resolution more than the PS3,usually 720p vs 640p.
Now the PS4 has being know to double the xbox one resolution wise and frames wise in some games.
4-Big online communities the xbox 360 was the place to be because community was supposedly bigger.
Now is the other way around and the PS4 has bigger communities.
5-Indies oh who can forgot how the xbox 360 was the console for indies.
Now indies fled MS and join the PS4 by land slide.
Every single thing that lemmings use to throw in cows face has rebounded in hit them in the face this gen,uncharted would probably beat Halo 5 sales wise closing the final chapter and finally ending the believe that sony could not produce a game as big as Halo or that had any franchise as big as Halo.
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