You know there will be some really good console players out there that compete with the PC community.
Well if you put a PC gamer with a gamepad and a console player with a mouse, then both will suck. I'm not talking about absolute skill, a PC gamer will suck with a gamepad if he doesn't get used to it, and vice versa for a console player. But see, given the fact that a gamepad is simply more slower than the responsiveness of a mouse.. a experienced CS player using a m/kb has a victory over the most experienced console gamer using a gamepad. A tool that is faster than another tool, and if that tool is put into a situation were fast response is required, then the fastest tool is superior. Don't tell me about some other combinations like a poor m/kb player vs. a experienced gamepad player, i don't care about that.
In all honesty though, there's a lot of sucky PC gamers out there (in general). They may have the advantage as far as KB/M goes, but I'd go as far as saying there's more hardcore/skilled CoD fans on the 360 than there are on the PC.
CS is obviously a lot different though as there's more emphasis on firing accuracy and whatnot, and there's already a huge and established community for that game.
I think there are a lot of sucky gamers everywere, people aren't born with experience.
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