If a PS3 has a mouse and keyboard, the PC user and PS3 user is on even ground.
M/KB vs controller? Not a chance in hell.
it is not only
-M/KB vs controller
but also
-60fps vs 30fps
-large FOV vs small FOV
Casual players and dare i say it, newbies, which most of the players will be, wont care, or know about the different between 30, 60 and 101 fps and hertz.
If you dont know anything about it, you dont need it. Same goes for removing mouse acceleration.
It doesn't matter what the casual players care or not about the fps, fov, etc. The thing is that console gamers will be in disadvantage because of this reasons "M/KB vs controller", "60fps vs 30fps", "large FOV vs small FOV".
the only way to get around this problems is to give console gamers auto aim and more fire power to their weapons(but again this maybe bring disadvantage to pc gamers)
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