I'm a pretty good FPS player.When i play CSS, i get owned hard. And that's with no control disadvantage.
I have a friend who's spend over 1700 hours on CSS. He still gets owned a lot of the time.
Cross platform would be a bloodbath.
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I'm a pretty good FPS player.When i play CSS, i get owned hard. And that's with no control disadvantage.
I have a friend who's spend over 1700 hours on CSS. He still gets owned a lot of the time.
Cross platform would be a bloodbath.
That's cool, but the first 6 months of the game's community is gonna be terribad.
:| The counter strike community in general has ALWAYS been bad.. Here is that "casual" myth, when in actuality the worse peopel I play with are the jackasses who take the game too seriously.. IN the end this could be a awesome thing for the PS3 offers mouse and keyboard support for the game.. I honestly see no problem with that as a pc gamer..
I'm a pretty good FPS player.When i play CSS, i get owned hard. And that's with no control disadvantage.
I have a friend who's spend over 1700 hours on CSS. He still gets owned a lot of the time.
Cross platform would be a bloodbath.
Not if the PS3 allows mouse and keyboard support like it did for UT3.
I'm a pretty good FPS player.When i play CSS, i get owned hard. And that's with no control disadvantage.
I have a friend who's spend over 1700 hours on CSS. He still gets owned a lot of the time.
Cross platform would be a bloodbath.
Not if the PS3 allows mouse and keyboard support like it did for UT3.
Even with mouse and keyboard support. Your talking PS3 gamers vs Counterstrike 'pros'. Like i said in a previous post iv been gaming on PC most of my life, i play all my fps games with a mouse and keyboard and i always have, I consider myself to be quite good on fast paced fps games like q3a and CS, but even I get owned hard on Counterstrike.
I'm a pretty good FPS player.When i play CSS, i get owned hard. And that's with no control disadvantage.
I have a friend who's spend over 1700 hours on CSS. He still gets owned a lot of the time.
Cross platform would be a bloodbath.
Not if the PS3 allows mouse and keyboard support like it did for UT3.
Even with mouse and keyboard support. Your talking PS3 gamers vs Counterstrike 'pros'. Like i said in a previous post iv been gaming on PC most of my life, i play all my fps games with a mouse and keyboard and i always have, I consider myself to be quite good on fast paced fps games like q3a and CS, but even I get owned hard on Counterstrike.
:| Thats great yet again that can be pretty much said for almost any online genre out there..
[QUOTE="FPSDad1161"]I doubt it will happen because of the different online services of the consoles (PSN and Live). I can't see either company wanting to be compatible with the other in that regard. If it does happen it will be one system or the other most likely not both (probably PS3 since they did it with Portal 2). As for the other questions, yes it's possible for a console gamer to beat a PC gamer. I look at our control choice as a different fighting style, I will beat an opponent on a 360 controller, DS3, or a kb/m if I am skilled enough to beat them. So if it does happen and 360 gets in on it, be prepared to be scraping up you're brain matter PS3 and PC gamers.EliteM0nk3y
Way to read the OP. Gabe is talking about cross-platform play between the PS3 and PC using Steamworks, not 360 and PS3.
Me thinks you need to reread the op. My response was to the questions in the op, not to the interview which I did not watch.[QUOTE="EliteM0nk3y"][QUOTE="FPSDad1161"]I doubt it will happen because of the different online services of the consoles (PSN and Live). I can't see either company wanting to be compatible with the other in that regard. If it does happen it will be one system or the other most likely not both (probably PS3 since they did it with Portal 2). As for the other questions, yes it's possible for a console gamer to beat a PC gamer. I look at our control choice as a different fighting style, I will beat an opponent on a 360 controller, DS3, or a kb/m if I am skilled enough to beat them. So if it does happen and 360 gets in on it, be prepared to be scraping up you're brain matter PS3 and PC gamers.FPSDad1161
Way to read the OP. Gabe is talking about cross-platform play between the PS3 and PC using Steamworks, not 360 and PS3.
Me thinks you need to reread the op. My response was to the questions in the op, not to the interview which I did not watch. PC gamers would woop yo arse in a matter of secondsMe thinks you need to reread the op. My response was to the questions in the op, not to the interview which I did not watch. PC gamers would woop yo arse in a matter of secondsP Haha cute. Like I said, prepare to scoop you're brains up. PC FPS background here. I know whats what, and I would take any PC gamer with my controller any day of the week unless I suck at the game in general. Controller choice =/= skill. Something PC gamers should learn once they can get off their high horse and snap back to reality.[QUOTE="FPSDad1161"][QUOTE="EliteM0nk3y"]
Way to read the OP. Gabe is talking about cross-platform play between the PS3 and PC using Steamworks, not 360 and PS3.
Haha cute. Like I said, prepare to scoop you're brains up. PC FPS background here. I know whats what, and I would take any PC gamer with my controller any day of the week unless I suck at the game in general. Controller choice =/= skill. Something PC gamers should learn once they can get off their high horse and snap back to reality.FPSDad1161
PC FPS background means nothing if you're using a controller. Such a slow and imprecise control scheme will never beat keyboard and mouse
KB/M > Controller is hard fact for FPS.
[QUOTE="FPSDad1161"] Haha cute. Like I said, prepare to scoop you're brains up. PC FPS background here. I know whats what, and I would take any PC gamer with my controller any day of the week unless I suck at the game in general. Controller choice =/= skill. Something PC gamers should learn once they can get off their high horse and snap back to reality.ChubbyGuy40
PC FPS background means nothing if you're using a controller. Such a slow and imprecise control scheme will never beat keyboard and mouse
KB/M > Controller is hard fact for FPS.
No it isn't a fact. Skill is what will determine the outcome. I know you PC guys think you are the Gods of gaming, but skill is greater than what controller you use. End of story. But go ahead, keep believing in you're mouse and keyboard. Gotta stay warm at night right?[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"][QUOTE="FPSDad1161"] Haha cute. Like I said, prepare to scoop you're brains up. PC FPS background here. I know whats what, and I would take any PC gamer with my controller any day of the week unless I suck at the game in general. Controller choice =/= skill. Something PC gamers should learn once they can get off their high horse and snap back to reality.FPSDad1161
PC FPS background means nothing if you're using a controller. Such a slow and imprecise control scheme will never beat keyboard and mouse
KB/M > Controller is hard fact for FPS.
No it isn't a fact. Skill is what will determine the outcome. I know you PC guys think you are the Gods of gaming, but skill is greater than what controller you use. End of story. But go ahead, keep believing in you're mouse and keyboard. Gotta stay warm at night right? You are right about skill, but wrong about control method. A controller is dramatically inferior to a mouse. A decent mouse gamer would wax a good controller gamer. Unless auto aim is on.and I would take any PC gamer with my controller any day of the weekFPSDad1161Yea, maybe if the PC gamer had one arm. Seriously, you may be able to take on a few weaker PC gamers, but you are kidding yourself if you think you will own a decent PC gamer with a controller.
Makes me glad to not be a PC gamer anymore. FPSDad1161I think this sums up your reasoning behind your little argument. I wasn't aware my mouse and keyboard had an ass though, that's interesting. By the way, the insults don't help you at all ;) I've played with people who use controllers in PC games, they are 99% of the time on the bottom of the leader boards. There is no way you can match the precision and speed of a mouse. I'm sorry, that is all there is to it.
No sir, I don't kid. Like I said though no sense in arguing with stubborn PC gamers. You guys have you're minds set and they can't be changed. A console gamer could own you're face and you would still kiss you're m/kb ass. Makes me glad to not be a PC gamer anymore. FPSDad1161
You sound more stuck-up than the party you're saying is stubborn.
[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"]You are right about skill, but wrong about control method. A controller is dramatically inferior to a mouse. A decent mouse gamer would wax a good controller gamer. Unless auto aim is on. FPSDad1161I disagree. But until a game comes a long that can settle this theres no point in me arguing with you guys about it.
Din´t MS already tested that and ditched it because console gamers were getting absolutely slaugthered? Even the average PC players were dominating top console players.
This wasn´t the article I was looking for but it´s almost the same:
Speaking via an interview, the Voodoo man explained that since the controller couldn't compete with the accuracy of the mouse and keyboard, "console players got destroyed every time".
The playing field was so unfair that "it would be embarrassing to the Xbox team in general had Microsoft launched this initiative," he said.
This looks like such a underwhelming game. Second tier developer (Hidden Path), cross platform gameplay..it doesn't look like a proper sequel. What it looks like is Valve wanting to bring CS: Source to 360, but not being able to due to how old the game is. So instead they hired somebody else to enchance the game.
[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="FPSDad1161"] and I would take any PC gamer with my controller any day of the weekFPSDad1161Yea, maybe if the PC gamer had one arm. Seriously, you may be able to take on a few weaker PC gamers, but you are kidding yourself if you think you will own a decent PC gamer with a controller. No sir, I don't kid. Like I said though no sense in arguing with stubborn PC gamers. You guys have you're minds set and they can't be changed. A console gamer could own you're face and you would still kiss you're m/kb ass. Makes me glad to not be a PC gamer anymore. You have no idea what you're talking about. By the time you move 180 from a controller, a guy with mouse can put a bullet through your head. And I'm not even being elitist, i'm being realist. Unless valve puts auto aim for console players, I don't see this ending well.
I disagree. But until a game comes a long that can settle this theres no point in me arguing with you guys about it.[QUOTE="FPSDad1161"][QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"]You are right about skill, but wrong about control method. A controller is dramatically inferior to a mouse. A decent mouse gamer would wax a good controller gamer. Unless auto aim is on. Arach666
Din´t MS already tested that and ditched it because console gamers were getting absolutely slaugthered? Even the average PC players were dominating top console players.
This wasn´t the article I was looking for but it´s almost the same:
Speaking via an interview, the Voodoo man explained that since the controller couldn't compete with the accuracy of the mouse and keyboard, "console players got destroyed every time".
The playing field was so unfair that "it would be embarrassing to the Xbox team in general had Microsoft launched this initiative," he said.
This looks like such a underwhelming game. Second tier developer (Hidden Path), cross platform gameplay..it doesn't look like a proper sequel. What it looks like is Valve wanting to bring CS: Source to 360, but not being able to due to how old the game is. So instead they hired somebody else to enchance the game.
Pretty sure Hidden Path is just in charge of doing the console ports, could be wrong.
[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"] I disagree. But until a game comes a long that can settle this theres no point in me arguing with you guys about it. PC gamers are more stubborn than my girlfreind and my daughter (which I didn't think was possible). Oh and don't bring up QIII on DC. One analog stick ain't worth talking about lol. Accidentally quoted the wrong person with the wrong quote lol. Late here sorry. This was ehuesseins quote, and I was meaning to quote him.FPSDad1161
[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"]You are right about skill, but wrong about control method. A controller is dramatically inferior to a mouse. A decent mouse gamer would wax a good controller gamer. Unless auto aim is on. FPSDad1161I disagree. But until a game comes a long that can settle this theres no point in me arguing with you guys about it. PC gamers are more stubborn than my girlfreind and my daughter (which I didn't think was possible). Oh and don't bring up QIII on DC. One analog stick ain't worth talking about lol. Accidentally quoted the wrong person with the wrong quote lol. Late here sorry. This was ehuesseins quote, and I was meaning to quote him.
Dude you have obviously never played a shooter on PC. Mouse is far superior to controllers for FPS games. There isn't even any doubt. Im not gonna even bother posting Quake or CS vids showing off the precision of a mouse over a controller
The fact that you can move a mouse 1 pixel at a time, do 180's instantly, with keyboard controls you can make smaller incremental movements and change directions much faster, quicker vertical tracking of objects (for example on maps that have alot of elevation differences), easier co-ordination between movement and aim (an extreme example would be defrag stunts from quake 3), ultra low sensitivity players use huge mouse pads and swing their entire ARM around the mat which allows them to hit a target in milliseconds, known as twitch gamers.
heres the full article: http://www.rahulsood.com/2010/07/console-gamers-get-killed-against-pc.html
I'm a pretty good FPS player.When i play CSS, i get owned hard. And that's with no control disadvantage.
I have a friend who's spend over 1700 hours on CSS. He still gets owned a lot of the time.
Cross platform would be a bloodbath.
Not if the PS3 allows mouse and keyboard support like it did for UT3.
Even with mouse and keyboard support. Your talking PS3 gamers vs Counterstrike 'pros'. Like i said in a previous post iv been gaming on PC most of my life, i play all my fps games with a mouse and keyboard and i always have, I consider myself to be quite good on fast paced fps games like q3a and CS, but even I get owned hard on Counterstrike.
Not to mention framerate. Try playing CSS at 30fps when most people play at over 100. You can't move fast enough.[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"]You are right about skill, but wrong about control method. A controller is dramatically inferior to a mouse. A decent mouse gamer would wax a good controller gamer. Unless auto aim is on. FPSDad1161I disagree. But until a game comes a long that can settle this theres no point in me arguing with you guys about it. PC gamers are more stubborn than my girlfreind and my daughter (which I didn't think was possible). Oh and don't bring up QIII on DC. One analog stick ain't worth talking about lol. Accidentally quoted the wrong person with the wrong quote lol. Late here sorry. This was ehuesseins quote, and I was meaning to quote him.
Theres already been a game that settled it. Its called QIIIA on the Sega Dreamcast. Dreamcast players got owned hard, Sega actually released a mouse and keyboard for the console and they still got owned. I know, because I was there. If controllers where better and more skillful then there would be no need for auto aim in console games.
Isn't the new CS console only?
Either way, having console players play PC players would be like having Stephen Hawking wrestle a bear: Horrifying, but I'd be unable to look away.
If there is cross platform play, I will get good enough to beat PC players.
If it happens let nobody say valve doesn't look after pc gamers, giving us all these free kills :P. I wouldn't mind having a completely cross platform game though, the only real issue I can see is Microsoft.
Gotta admit, PC vs console would be pretty funny. Might shut the ignorant kids up, when they get decimated by average PC players.So they are going to have to figure out a way to make PC gamers a lot worse, and console gamers a lot better? Servers by controller type would not work. I am sure PC players would find a way into those servers just for "lols".
Good luck with that Valve, doubt it will happen. PC will have an advantage over consoles, and it's doubtful that PS3 and 360 players will be able to play each other since MS doesn't want to open up it's system to anyone. That being said..where the hell is HL3, or at least Episode 3 Gabe?
[QUOTE="juno84"]Gotta admit, PC vs console would be pretty funny. Might shut the ignorant kids up, when they get decimated by average PC players.So they are going to have to figure out a way to make PC gamers a lot worse, and console gamers a lot better? Servers by controller type would not work. I am sure PC players would find a way into those servers just for "lols".
Naaah they'll just say we're hackers :lol: I remember when Clayman90s CoD montage showed up on Machinima a bunch of console gamers were crying hacks and saying that this is the reason consoles are more balanced.
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]Lol, console players would get owned as PC players would get owned if there was cross-play between fighting games.C_RuleSorry, what did you say? I missed it while I was turning off my 360 gamepad, which is connected to my PC. Not all PC players have that, I have some friends that play fighting games on PC and they are used to use the keyboard. And even if they did connect it console gamers have more experience with controllers usually so I think the bulk of the games would be won by console gamers.
[QUOTE="C_Rule"][QUOTE="kuraimen"]Lol, console players would get owned as PC players would get owned if there was cross-play between fighting games.kuraimenSorry, what did you say? I missed it while I was turning off my 360 gamepad, which is connected to my PC. Not all PC players have that, I have some friends that play fighting games on PC and they are used to use the keyboard. And even if they did connect it console gamers have more experience with controllers usually so I think the bulk of the games would be won by console gamers. Doesn't matter. The option is still there so your point is null.
it is dumb that devs dont do this in the first place. I mean, i know there is a different between ps3 and xbox 360 and PCs (and Wii)...but why punish a gamer. a game like CS is awesome, but it requires other people. You would think that devs would try to convince console makers that this is a good idea. Games wouldnt need to be updated as often, since more people will still be playing. and instead they could just do DLC for a game to keep peole playing.da_chub
Yeah, they can just forget fixing bugs and just released priced content on top of bugged mechanics.
Seems like a win/win situation for consumers. Not :roll:
Unless Valve can perfectly balance the aim assist against the keyboard and mouse, I don't see it working. Either PC players get a huge Shadowrun type advantage over them, or controller using console players get a hugely unfair aim assist boost (like in the PC version of Halo 2).
Even if it was balanced the best it could be, both parties would still complain. I can see it working for co-op against bots though.
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