I love the Trails games but they're a bit hard to recommend.
@dagubot said:
What are your thoughts on Trails of Cold Steel? I've been eyeing that game for a while now and it looks cool but haven't jumped the gun yet.
I love the Trails games but they're a bit hard to recommend. It's best to play them in order or you won't really know what's going on and they're plot and character heavy. There's the Trails In The Sky trilogy which you should play first but you'll need a PC for that. They pop up from time to time at good prices on Steam.
Then there's the Cold Steel games, there's four of those. The first three are on PS4, only the first two are on PC. You'd want to play them next and then there's the Crossbell games in the middle. These are on PC but only with fan translation to English. Confused yet?
I'd say play the Trails In The Sky games if you can. They're 2D top-down isometric turn-based RPG's, fantastic games. If you don't have a PC just play the Trails of Cold Steel games in order on PS4. They are excellent too. I'm playing 3 at the moment and it's fantastic. The Cold Steel games are turn based but they're in 3D. The graphics for all these games are a bit dated but if you can get past that and you like turn based RPG's there's a lot to love here.
@pc_rocks said:
@blueinheaven said:
Xbox gamers desperately wanted games for their game console and after how many years in the job Spencer has completely failed to deliver, instead dumping their tiny exclusive library on PC and working on live services and backwards compatibility.
He now has Rare and Obsidian working on indie quality garbage as filler content for Game Pass. Who the f*** would listen to a single word he says.
We are all totally amazed and surprised that this moron is not looking at emerging technologies as they go into the next gen. They are already so far behind Sony and Nintendo (with their hilarious junk hardware) it hardly even matters at this point.
Yup, definitely not a cow and totally part of 'us' PC gamers.
What in hell has what you put in bold to do with anything? I told you before I play on multiple platforms the main one being PC. Are you still pretending to be a PC gamer? lmao! Go find a game trailer on Youtube to get enraged over lol.
@sancho_panzer said:
Hey, @blueinheaven, I think we can hook you up with a new headset. It's going to be a bit of a trek for the pickup, mind.
Sorry dude no cow here I play on multiple platforms. Hey, maybe get yourself a paper round or something you can do after school you might be able to save enough to get a console or something?
Good luck, I'm rooting for you kiddo.
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