@blueinheaven said:
@pc_rocks said:
@blueinheaven said:
@pc_rocks said:
@blueinheaven said:
More illiterate garbage. I refuted literally everything you said but you just say no that's not true you're a fanboy over and over like a f***ing parrot. It's impossible to have a reasonable discussion with you, you're a child.
Keep on raging, Fakey, keep on raging. Watch that blood pressure son.
And as I predicted angry rant with an insult. That's all you can alternate with: projection, insults and same old sh*t.
Oh so now I'm a fakeboy and a fanboy. If I'm a fanboy and what I'm a fanboy of, I can't be hermit because apparently you're calling me a fakeboy? I must be a lem hiding behind PC, right? :D Must be killing you not to say that or else you will further prove yourself to be a cow. As said, you can't stick to a single narrative and gotta flip flop like cows. Funnily enough, I'm open about what I'm you on the other hand is in denial.
Keep going in circles and remain mad because that schtik don't work on me, not son. :D
Ah.... little PCisthebestest is back (hey, another handle idea for you there kiddo). Yep you're a fake fanboy. Here you are warbling about lems and cows with a handle relating to a platform you have nothing to do with. You aspire to be a PC fanboy which is actually more hilarious than an actual fanboy.
So how did you enjoy your 'alleged' PC gaming today Fakeboy? Did you find a Switch game you've never played that you could have a meltdown about on the internet? Or did you just have another mental breakdown about Death Stranding, furious that people like a game you've never played? lol.
By the way your handle, apart from being childish, also displays you haven't the faintest clue about PC gaming.If you had the slightest knowledge of PC's you would know that whether or not a particular PC 'rocks' is 100% dependent on the hardware configuration of the PC in question. It's quite possible to own a PC that can't even handle 1080p gaming at 30fps. I can just imagine your disbelieving stare as you read this lol.
You need to do a little bit of research if you are going to continue to pass yourself off as a PC gamer. In the meantime, keep them coming Fakey. You're comedy gold.
And why do you keep bleating on about 'narrative'? I'm not telling a story here. I see I need to teach you English while I teach you what PC gaming actually is. You accused me of being a Kojima fanboy I pointed out I have only played one Kojima game. You called me a Sony fanboy I pointed out I play on PC mainly but unlike you I have a job that pays pretty well so I can afford a console for exclusives too. In short I answered every cheap shot you took at me. You however have answered nothing.
You're not just a fake PC fanboy mate. Hating on a game you've never played makes you a fake gamer as well. That's not an opinion me old Fakeroo, just plain fact.
Ah, so my handle is childish, oh the irony. Good to see that you have no substance at all that you're now attacking mu handle. Let me guess, you have gone after all the people's handle here...wait...is that a no? I wonder why!
I don't have to aspire to anything. Keep projecting 'not Kojima lover not cow'. I on't have to find a game to hate on. DS is good enough for now to get you 'not Kojima lover not cow' panties in a twist? Funny enough, I remember you also ragging about Star Wars JDF and EA without playing it just because they have a review embargo.
AH, the bold part is pure gold - just another proof you provided to be a cow hiding in closet. News flash: PC gaming is about choice not about how good your hardware is. Yup, definitely I'm a fakeboy. By the way, still waiting for what I'm a fanboy of? That must be good because your narrative keep failing with every post you type.
Sorry, not son, you can't teach me anything because for that you need to have brain cells first and I have no interest in English. It's good enough for a second language. Just because you claim something doesn't mean it's true, don't you get tired of I play on PC hence I can't be a cow? You didn't answer one thing I asked you about apart from the two claims you keep regurgitating.
Ah, another projection? So do tell me what's my salary is and how I can't afford a console because apparently only your 'claims' hold water not what I say. So do tell me how I can't afford a console. Am I sensing insecurity here? :D
I can love whatever the hell I want. I can hate whatever the hell I want. I can rub salt in your wounds anytime I want and there's nothing you can do about it except getting mad. Oh and don't call me mate because a) I'm not your mate and b) that a very obvious attempt to appear calm. :D
You literally repeat the same incoherent nonsense every single time. So let's get this right anyone who owns a PS4 is a 'cow' no matter how many platforms they game on? Jesus Christ listen to yourself.
Who said PC wasn't about choice? I am saying a blanket statement that PC rocks is inherently false because there are so many hardware configurations, it depends on the PC. Why are you struggling with this simple concept? Hilariously I point out how PC hardware works to you and you respond with 'cow'? lol.
Are you really asking me what you are an 'aspiring' fanboy of? With pc_rocks as a handle? Are you really that stupid? And yes the handle is puerile and childish, no surprise considering what it's attached to.
Tell me ONE thing you said to me that I didn't answer. The fact you can't understand simple English obviously isn't your fault (fair enough it's not your native language) but there is nothing you said I haven't responded to in detail. Nothing. Ask me again if you really want to bore the shit out of everyone by repeating yourself for the hundredth time.
And don't flatter yourself that you're getting to me dude, I find you amusing. You wear PC gaming like a badge yet you know f*** all about it. Worse, you don't even talk about PC gaming instead you waste your time hating on games you haven't even played. You're still banging on about Death Stranding a game I stopped playing and forgot about a week ago you are a broken record.
I've said before people like you give us PC gamers a bad name. And when I say 'us' please let us be very clear here I don't mean you.
And again as always projecting your insecurities on me. Don't try to put words in my mouth in a useless attempt to get out of the hole you dug. I wouldn't even respond to such sh*t as you have gone all over the place with it.
That's not what I responded with and yes, hardware configuration alone is not what make PC great. Good to see you can't negate what i said but still trying to spin your argument as something valid. PC is about choice and openness - hardware configuration is just one aspect of it. It doesn't depend on the hardware you own. remain mad about it.
So, I'm a fanboy of PC and I'm a fakeboy? So if my handle makes it obvious then what am I faking about? Try again, it's only been a matter of time before you say what I know you will.
One thing? How about answering all the question I raised? Wait you didn't respond to a single one of them. Once you caught with your lies and flip flops you jump to something else. Just to begin, how many posts of mine have you gone through because you were making contradictory statements about why I can't be a PC gamer because I wasn't posting here for years and then went back on that statement. Also, do tell me how only Kojima 'haters' are at fault and do tell me where did you answered about 'Kojima lovers' flip flops? Do tell me, where did you answer about the contradictions of critics score and their reviews? Do tell me where did you answer the pre-emptive DC of critics about DS before release. Do tell me where did you answer about the double standards of 'Kojima lovers' hating on fetch quests/empty worlds/boring walking in other games and giving Kojima a free pass in DS. Do tell me how I can't afford a PC. Do tell me how I'm only hating on a game because it's a Sony exclusive. Do tell me where did you answer about the indie games and Obsidian. I can go on and on.
Just because you have a PC doesn't make you unbiased towards or against it. Again show some proof that I don't discuss PC games. I'm still waiting for it after what 10-20 posts now? You made a claim so the onus is on you.
It's cute you're desperately trying to lump your self with 'us' and PC gamers while calling me a fake boy. Quite ironic when the evidence points to the contrary. As for my handle being childish, another question you didn't answer have you responded to all the people about their handle? It's good to see you have nothing to present as argument that's why you made it about me and other arbitrary unrelated things like my username, posting history, salary, job etc. Oh and a person with a handle blueinheaven shouldn't even be talking about it or should I rather say red in the face?
As for me being a broken record, again the irony. I didn't bring DS in this thread, you did. That's the issue with fanboys and cows in particular: they flip flop so much they don't even remember what they said a couple of posts back. Remain mad and angry.
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