If it doesnt help games, then I dont care.
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That's exactly how I feel, I got these gaming consoles to game, everything else is secondary and I'm not buying a whole new console that's boosting the secondary things at the expanse of games.
What if the new Xbox revision is more powerful then the PS4 revision, boy would that break the internet.
I would love for consoles to upgrade, but the older consoles will hold back the new systems with 30 fps multiplayer. That will suck but I expect all single player experiences to be no less than 60 fps.
Actually it would make more sense for all multiplayer modes to be 60fps, and the single players to have a choice of being 30 on the older consoles and 60 on the upgraded ones. Because everything being the same on a multiplayer game is more essential.
If high end games like Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn and stuff will only run at upscaled 4k instead of native 4k then calling it PS4k will be a bit stupid IMO.
Sony Corp. is planning to sell a more powerful version of its PlayStation 4 machine to handle higher-end gaming experiences, including virtual reality, people familiar with the matter said, while continuing production of its existing console that has so far sold more than 36 million units world-wide.
Existing PlayStation 4 owners would need to buy the new model to take full advantage of the enhanced graphics and power, though it is likely that the current model and the coming one would share the same software catalog, one of the people said.
The new console would be announced before the planned October release of the PlayStation VR, Sony’s new virtual-reality headset, the people said. It would be able to handle ultra-high-definition resolution graphics. The upgraded console would also provide more power for running the PlayStation VR, whose main competitors, Facebook Inc.’s Oculus Rift and HTC Corp.’s Vive, are designed to work with top-shelf computers.
The Wall Street Journal is one of the most respected sources in the world, and has an incredible track record with leaks. The question now is, how do PS4 owners feel about the (all but confirmed) impending PS4K?
Is it 4K gaming or 4K Bluray playback?
I am not too happy about it.....if I didn't already buy the POS4 I would have been thrilled to have a 4k console.
If high end games like Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn and stuff will only run at upscaled 4k instead of native 4k then calling it PS4k will be a bit stupid IMO.
Do you seriously believe it will be able to achieve native 4k for a low price?
Is it 4K gaming or 4K Bluray playback?
This. Would like to know. I'm guessing it will just be 4K blu-ray playback but maybe some updated tweaks to make something like PSVR a better experience as well since the PS4 hinders the VR experience. Also if Sony is really releasing a brand new updated PS4, they better add features like external hard drive support and this is a perfect opportunity for backward compatibility.
Is it 4K gaming or 4K Bluray playback?
This. Would like to know. I'm guessing it will just be 4K blu-ray playback but maybe some updated tweaks to make something like PSVR a better experience as well since the PS4 hinders the VR experience. Also if Sony is really releasing a brand new updated PS4, they better add features like external hard drive support and this is a perfect opportunity for backward compatibility.
They already have PS Now
Here's my guess at what this is. PS4 with internal PSVR components, instead of the external one that will be needed for the original PS4. 4K wil be bluray playback. No way Sony is releasing a $1000 console to do 4K gaming, which is pretty silly considering that 4K isn't the norm yet.
Here's my guess at what this is. PS4 with internal PSVR components, instead of the external one that will be needed for the original PS4. 4K wil be bluray playback. No way Sony is releasing a $1000 console to do 4K gaming, which is pretty silly considering that 4K isn't the norm yet.
not so sure about this as those psvr components would be wasted on users not having psvr, I dont think this is going to have a lot to do with the psvr as their original selling point for psvr was that there is already 38mil~ psvr ready devices on customers
@BigShotSmoov007: Its impossible for the PS4 to output games in 4K. If im not mistaken, Sony has also shut this down, so it seems they are key on getting people expecting 4K movies, tv shows etc, not 4K gaming.
That's only on this current model, this new model will obviously have beefed up specs to enable 4K output in games.
A 980TI barely cuts it for 4k gaming.
We're not seeing a 4k games on a console,this year. Doesn't take much power for 4k movies but games,no way.
Barely? Do you mean with max settings at 60fps? That card can play game any in 4K...
Just reading the comments on various sites about this and the ones in the article posted here on GameSpot, people don't seem very happy about this already.
Honestly they should just wait 3 years and kick off a new generation with an actual 4K console.
@koko-goal: 980ti barely gets 60fps on max settings @1440p, 4K is still a huge jump from 1440p
Yeah, 1440p isn't even double the resolution of 1080p, it's like a 76% increase in resolution, 4K is a 300% increase... People don't seem to realize just how absurdly demanding that is...
A 980TI barely cuts it for 4k gaming.
We're not seeing a 4k games on a console,this year. Doesn't take much power for 4k movies but games,no way.
Barely? Do you mean with max settings at 60fps? That card can play game any in 4K...
It can play any game at 4K and 20 -30 fps.
Here is The Division at High (not maxed) at 4K.
@BigShotSmoov007: Its impossible for the PS4 to output games in 4K. If im not mistaken, Sony has also shut this down, so it seems they are key on getting people expecting 4K movies, tv shows etc, not 4K gaming.
That's only on this current model, this new model will obviously have beefed up specs to enable 4K output in games.
A 980TI barely cuts it for 4k gaming.
We're not seeing a 4k games on a console,this year. Doesn't take much power for 4k movies but games,no way.
Barely? Do you mean with max settings at 60fps? That card can play game any in 4K...
35 fps on Witcher 3 and Metro Last Light
36fps on Thief
31 fps on Tomb Raider
I personally don't see it as been a worthwhile investment. If it shares the same games as the current PS4, what's the point? Sure they might look a little nicer, and or run a little smoother, but overall the upgrade isn't going to be substantial enough to warrant a upgrade for those who already own, because otherwise the standard model wouldn't be able to run it.
Also if it get's to the situation where it actually has a substantial difference (like games looking a lot worse on PS4 vs PS4K, or lagging on PS4), people are just going to get angry that Sony is basically forcing them to buy the PS4K just to have the game be of playable quality.
You also have the issue of when it comes time to release the PS5, people aren't going to be as willing jump on it right away like the did the PS4, for fear of it becoming obsolete in 2-3 years.
I won't upgrade based on principle. Anybody that does will contribute to buying a new box every two or three years.
I won't upgrade based on principle. Anybody that does will contribute to buying a new box every two or three years.
Hell, for all we know this could have been the plan since day one, getting people to double dip.
Like I've been saying for years. Sony and Microsoft have been shooting for an extreme subscription based selling model.
I personally don't see it as been a worthwhile investment. If it shares the same games as the current PS4, what's the point? Sure they might look a little nicer, and or run a little smoother, but overall the upgrade isn't going to be substantial enough to warrant a upgrade for those who already own, because otherwise the standard model wouldn't be able to run it.
Also if it get's to the situation where it actually has a substantial difference (like games looking a lot worse on PS4 vs PS4K, or lagging on PS4), people are just going to get angry that Sony is basically forcing them to buy the PS4K just to have the game be of playable quality.
You also have the issue of when it comes time to release the PS5, people aren't going to be as willing jump on it right away like the did the PS4, for fear of it becoming obsolete in 2-3 years.
Depends on the person, I would be willing to upgrade if it made new games run on 1080p/60fps, especially Bloodborne 2 etc, but if it's another 1080p/30fps with better visuals I'd stick to old one
Here's my guess at what this is. PS4 with internal PSVR components, instead of the external one that will be needed for the original PS4. 4K wil be bluray playback. No way Sony is releasing a $1000 console to do 4K gaming, which is pretty silly considering that 4K isn't the norm yet.
not so sure about this as those psvr components would be wasted on users not having psvr, I dont think this is going to have a lot to do with the psvr as their original selling point for psvr was that there is already 38mil~ psvr ready devices on customers
Same can be said about have a dedicated port on the PS4 for a camera. Not everyone's going to use it, but it's there. Plus they may very well be bundled together.
4k my #@## this will have an hdmi 2 port and upscale to 4k
No way you are getting native 4k content(other than blurays) unless this thing costs like $1000 which would be pretty stupid.If sony did that,this thing would be DOA.
If this thing has upgraded hardware i am guessing it will cost $399 and run everything at 1080p@60fps and upscale to 4kres.
Here's my guess at what this is. PS4 with internal PSVR components, instead of the external one that will be needed for the original PS4. 4K wil be bluray playback. No way Sony is releasing a $1000 console to do 4K gaming, which is pretty silly considering that 4K isn't the norm yet.
not so sure about this as those psvr components would be wasted on users not having psvr, I dont think this is going to have a lot to do with the psvr as their original selling point for psvr was that there is already 38mil~ psvr ready devices on customers
Same can be said about have a dedicated port on the PS4 for a camera. Not everyone's going to use it, but it's there. Plus they may very well be bundled together.
I would assume the camera port costs a bit less than the external box on psvr, filling that to each unit adds to the price,but yes its still possible
I won't upgrade based on principle. Anybody that does will contribute to buying a new box every two or three years.
This. I kinda like the idea of having consoles been like PC where games are tied to your account or whatever, and you can upgrade you PC to play new games your old one couldn't, and all those other games follow you. Sorta like BC with X1, but you don't have to wait months/years for the game to be made available, it would be there day one. That would make the jump from physical to digital games, easier for many people.
However, they need to stick to current console life cycles of 5-8 years, not this garbage of updating every 2-3. The average person can't afford that, and if it's the route they try to force the industry to take, it's gonna make it tank.
I'm not really mad at this. The only thing I hope is that the games will be released for both versions of the hardware with none being exclusive to the new hardware and I don't want developers to be lazy and make games that run like crap on the current hardware.
I'm not really mad at this. The only thing I hope is that the games will be released for both versions of the hardware with none being exclusive to the new hardware and I don't want developers to be lazy and make games that run like crap on the current hardware.
Yeah, see in theory that's okay, until they decide that they no longer want to support the original hardware, or that developers no longer want to make dual versions of the games as it's more work, or they feel that they're being held back and so on and so forth...
@koko-goal: 980ti barely gets 60fps on max settings @1440p, 4K is still a huge jump from 1440p
True. But @MonsieurX said "A 980TI barely cuts it for 4k gaming." Which isn't true at all...
on consoles, people don't care if games run at 60fps or not.
@koko-goal: 980ti barely gets 60fps on max settings @1440p, 4K is still a huge jump from 1440p
True. But @MonsieurX said "A 980TI barely cuts it for 4k gaming." Which isn't true at all...
on consoles, people don't care if games run at 30fps or not.
And let's not forget that it currently costs more than a PS4 itself.
@koko-goal: 980ti barely gets 60fps on max settings @1440p, 4K is still a huge jump from 1440p
True. But @MonsieurX said "A 980TI barely cuts it for 4k gaming." Which isn't true at all...
on consoles, people don't care if games run at 30fps or not.
And let's not forget that it currently costs more than a PS4 itself.
It would need to be 14/16nm new gen amd cpu+gpu and even then the power draw would be in the region of release ps3 at least and still it would cost most likely over 500$ to manufacture
@koko-goal: 980ti barely gets 60fps on max settings @1440p, 4K is still a huge jump from 1440p
True. But @MonsieurX said "A 980TI barely cuts it for 4k gaming." Which isn't true at all...
on consoles, people don't care if games run at 60fps or not.
It does barely cut it, the 980Ti while a very powerful card, sits at the minimal threshold for acceptability. If you're averaging 31 FPS in a game that is not really acceptable as to come to that average it had to sink below that.
Congratulations, cows. Now you have 300-dollar paperweights in your living rooms lol. All these online subscriptions and your brand loalty paid off I guess.
Glad this is happening in the industry. Hopefully MSoft rumors are correct as well.
Also Sony Fan is hilarious since they said this was a stupid idea.
lol exactly.. I made a thread on this very subject when Phil Spencer first made his comments about new Xbox One hardware and cows claimed that it was the dumbest thing they ever heard of and they absolutely wouldn't support that kind of ideal for consoles..
but now that it seems Sony is on board with the same logic, they do a complete 180 and can now see the potential benefits...
No one owns 4K TVs
Sony is wasting their time making a 4k console.
Games wont be 4k or would need to be 4k. Whats the point for that anyways?
People arent watching movies at 4k either....
I appreciate the goal to have more power and better graphics but having more power and better graphics doesn't guarantee games will be better. Can we focus on releasing quality games and more of them first and then try to set a standard in the graphics department once the selection is loaded. This PS4 redo should also add more features to the console itself such as having external hard drive support for games and the capability to insert a PS3 game on disc and being able to play it free. And if one of Sony's goal is to make VR a better experience by releasing an updated PS4, they need and must update the very outdated almost a decade old Move controller and outdated PlayStation Kinect camera as well. It's going to be costly.
No one owns 4K TVs
Sony is wasting their time making a 4k console.
Games wont be 4k or would need to be 4k. Whats the point for that anyways?
People arent watching movies at 4k either....
Rather bold statement, about half of my friends own a 4K and while that does not present majority(maybe 10-20% of ps4 owners?) it's not "no one"
And I am watching 4K netflix f.e
No one owns 4K TVs
Sony is wasting their time making a 4k console.
Games wont be 4k or would need to be 4k. Whats the point for that anyways?
People arent watching movies at 4k either....
Rather bold statement, about half of my friends own a 4K and while that does not present majority it's not "no one"
And I am watching 4K netflix f.e
Exactly, I own a 4K TV so what are you even talking about?
And i can confirm that if PS4 4k BS is real the slapping SONY will get from the 40M ++ already owners will be epic.
Mark my words , there will be way more confusion , madness , rage , dissapointment to majority of PS4 current owners than excitement and hype. And what is worse for SONY , to make some future owners excited with VR or dissapoint the massive amount of their already base and make people that were ready to buy a PS4 to wait for the new PS4 ? I think What SONY tries to do in order to support VR will hurt them in the long run. Big time.
For example i dont own a PS4 as of yet ( renting all i need for just a few bucks and it does the trick for me ) but i was strongly considered to buy one this year because of UC4/The Last guardian games. Now not only thats a NONO therefore ill end up rent a PS4 for UC4 , but ill keep waiting for the new PS4 to see whats all about instead. Sony just lost , how much money just from me ? Now , how many thousands of people will do the same as i ?
Then the biggest issue will be ... GAMES. 2 versions of the same game in short. PS4.5 will have better graphical fidelity and resolution or both plus maybe better FPS therefore the same games will look sharper, better , cooler ... Yes , on same price tag. There will be COMPETITION between those 2 systems , between same GAMES and in the end ... between OWNERS. And all this to support VR ? Really ?
If all this mess is for real , SONY might get in a nasty , unpredicted , uncontrollable situation , way and beyond , which will hurt them rather than help them in the long run.
Ill be around for MEGA slaps if something like this ever happen. Maybe then some people understand that im not a cow but a realistic critic of things and ill keep defending what is right or what i think is right even , not what companies want me to.
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