@StealthMonkey4 said:
Free weekend adds <100k. This is easy to tell if you find other less popular titles that received free weekends, as the effect is minimal as time goes on.
XCOM2 sales would not be so concerning if the reception wasn't so lukewarm and the legs so nearly nonexistent.
Yes, it is true we don't know XCOM sales at this same comparable point, but it's important to consider A) XCOM was a new IP (don't even say it, because you would be completely missing the point) with positive WoM so legs would contribute strongly B) even without comparing to XCOM, and examining XCOM2 by itself, 800k sales after four months with no signs of healthy legs is not good for a AAA game
From the devs of fractured space who had their game up for a free weekend
"Smashing through the final milestone before we had our first coffee of Friday morning, we ended the weekend having attracted just shy of 270,000 new downloads."
Considering this was a pretty niche title and it gained a lot of users, I think it's safe to say the effects of a free weekend are pretty big, much more than under 100k. Imagine a free weekend with a game as popular as XCOM: EU. Not to mention, the game's been featured of humble bundle stores and featured in a few steam sales.
Steamspy states:
"That's the "free weekend effect". If the game had a free weekend recently, it will see a jump in "owned" for roughly 25 million users.
Free weekends work like this:
1. Promotion starts.
2. Steam adds the game to the "owned" list for every gamer that logs in during that weekend.
3. Promotion ends.
4. Steam removes the game from "owned" list only when the user logs in next time.
So the effect of free weekend is pretty devastating for accuracy of "owners" parameter."
I don't quite get what you mean by lukewarm reception, it got a 9/10 here on gamespot and it's 88 rated on metacritic (if that matters to you). I'd say it garenered high praise and was well received.
I can see why you think 800k in 4 months is bad, (other AAA titles sell millions in a matter of weeks). But as I said, there should be a big jump in sales throughout the year due to summer and winter sales as well as possible humble bundles and discounts on sites such as greenmangaming. But we'll have to wait and see.
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