I wonder why it is that Lemmings claim that they can clearly see the "glaring" differences between multiplat titles?
But many of those same keen eyed lemmings "can't tell the difference" between
and DVD
Or they can't see why everyone thinks PS3 exclusives
Look beeter then anything on 360:
So here's the deal. Yes I own a 360 and yes the 360 has some good looking games. However for too long Lemmings have justified no bluray player, no wifi, controllers with batteries, RROD, E74, overpriced propritary hard drive and online gaming fees with a single mantra "360 has the best games". But now since the 360 hasen't had a decent non-expansion pack exclusive game in almost a year, the new focus has shifted to the completely unnoticable differences between multiplats. To me this sounds like an excuse. Wouldn't it be better if MS spent money on actually making full games instead of DLC? Shouldn't they shift focus to first party studios instead of twitter on XBL? Don't be upset because PS3 owners are enjoying all the multiplats you are in addition to a superior exclusive game lineup. Talk to Microsoft who would rather delay or outright cancel PC versions of games instead of actually spending money so the 360 can have some exclusives of it's own. Don't tell me they can't afford it.
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