Oh dear, good luck getting a GTX690 and I7 into an APU... IT CANNOT YET BE DONE!!! The reason APUs can be done, is because they use less powerful and demanding specs, that generate less heat and can thus be combined together to form a symbiotic relationship between the 2, sharing resources. If you put a GTX690 and a a high end i7 on a single chip it would cause major problems! Yes, when combined into an APU, they work together really well, but that still doesn't change the fact that you jhave to sacrifice specs in the first place to put into an APU.
This is why having separate parts will always kick APUs butt, because you CAN have a GTX690 and i7 in this instance.
Oh dear nice way to completely miss the point.. The point is that a 8 core Jaguar and a 18CU GPU will perform way better on an APU than they will on a normal set up,which make any PS4 vs 7850 or 7870 comparison or 8 core CPU to others CPU useless..Â
I think we are both missing each other's points here. Yes, they would perform better on an APU compared to a standard setup I agree, it makes the best out of those specs, with shared memory, and fast bandwidth - as I said: a symbiotic relationship.Â
But you missed my point that to form an APU (as of present day), only energy efficient parts can be used, there can be no equivilent of the high end hardware used, which immediately puts the PS4 at disadvantage. Don't get me wrong, I am excited for the PS4, and for consoles, it's architecture seems very very logical to me; but comparing it to pc and saying that just because the PS4 has an APU makes it superior to PCs....... Just not even worth comparing.
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