Uncharted is a mediocre series, and the writing is nothing special.
Final Fantasy VII is not overrated.
No game other than SMG2 deserved a 10 this gen, with the possible exception of StarCraft II.
BioWare hasn't made a legitimately great game since the original KOTOR.
Obsidian> BioWare
Bethesda hasn't made a good game since Morrowind, let alone a great one.
Prototype > inFamous
Burnout and Need For Speed > Gran Turismo/Forza
Valve has never made a good game. Period.
Half-Life is the most overrated franchise in existence.
Halo Reach > Halo 3
Treyarch > Infinity Ward
The PS3 may have a ton of exclusives, but almost none of them are worth playing, and not one of the ones that are are the best in their genre.
A high player count does not make a shooter good, or more sophisticated.
Capcom's fighting games suck, with the exception of 3rd Strike.
Vanilla/BC-era WoW was probably the single greatest game ever made, and easily the best MMO of all time.
The last truly great Zelda game was Twilight Princess.
Twilight Princess > The Wind Waker
Metal Gear Solid has terrible writing. Fun games, though.
Raven Software was ridiculously underrated.
Assassin's Creed sucks.
Demon's Souls is not hard.
A Link to the Past is not that good.
Vice City > San Andreas
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