Most of this is taken off the top of my head, and some of these don't necessarily have anything to do with gaming more than gaming communities, but here goes.
I've grown tired of seeing words like "Overrated," "Hardcore," or "Casual." Their meanings (If they ever had one) are routinely twisted so much to fit the individual saying them that they cease to contain any merit. For the same reason, I also dislike seeing the 1,000th incarnation of the "What do you think is overrated" thread in every gaming message board ever*.
Japan is still king when it comes to making games that are fun and memorable. Most of my favorite games from this generation have been developed by Japanese companies.
On a related note, most western developers cannot make memorable music to save their lives.
Golden Sun is an average RPG franchise with only good music going for it.
The ending to Red Dead Redemption felt forced and rendered most of the story pointless.
The writing in Portal isn't as funny as people make it out to be. Cave Johnson is amazing, however.
Xenoblade Chronicles is not a revolutionary game. It's still pretty good, though.
Everything after the first third of Okami felt random and forced. It's like the developers didn't know how they wanted the game to end, so they just kept padding out the length. Okamiden was better at this, but still.
Handheld Zelda games do not hold a candle to their console counterparts.
The real reason trolls are so prevalent on System Wars is because people (even the veteran members) continuously feed them instead of ignoring them. Seriously, everyone. Stop. Feeding. The. Trolls.
That's it for now. Feels good to get some of that off my chest.
*I am well aware of the irony of this statement.
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