It doesn't need saving.
Trolling aside, so much this.
The One its outpacing its previous ancestors and the PS3. Its doing good.
MS should be pretty damn content.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
It only needs saving in the minds of you PS fanboys. X1 is out pacing its predecessor and only Wii and ps4 are have sold faster. Doesn't sound like dire straits to anyone with common sense in business
you know what the sad part is? That everyone here shares one thing in common. we all love video games. I mean why else would anyone post on a video game forum? and MS is doing everything and jumping through hoops to deliver games while sony has made promises they haven't come through on. deep down has gone quiet, so has the order. drive club delayed to oblivion, big layoffs and projects canceled etc. meanwhile MS has been focusing on actually bringing games to gamers, and people who are sony fanboys are trashing them?
Not everyone who disagrees with or criticizes MS' philosophy is a Sony fan. Constructive criticism is just that...and not knowing the difference shows ones self to be the fan boy.
MS surely has its times when it deserves some criticism, as do all companies. But the ones rooting for them to fail or saying they ruin gaming, those are the rabid sony fanboys. and yes sony fanboys as hermits and sheeps don't root for a company to fail.
It only needs saving in the minds of you PS fanboys. X1 is out pacing its predecessor and only Wii and ps4 are have sold faster. Doesn't sound like dire straits to anyone with common sense in business
you know what the sad part is? That everyone here shares one thing in common. we all love video games. I mean why else would anyone post on a video game forum? and MS is doing everything and jumping through hoops to deliver games while sony has made promises they haven't come through on. deep down has gone quiet, so has the order. drive club delayed to oblivion, big layoffs and projects canceled etc. meanwhile MS has been focusing on actually bringing games to gamers, and people who are sony fanboys are trashing them?
Not everyone who disagrees with or criticizes MS' philosophy is a Sony fan. Constructive criticism is just that...and not knowing the difference shows ones self to be the fan boy.
MS surely has its times when it deserves some criticism, as do all companies. But the ones rooting for them to fail or saying they ruin gaming, those are the rabid sony fanboys. and yes sony fanboys as hermits and sheeps don't root for a company to fail.
And I see MS fans doing that to Nintendo and Sony. And hermits do it as well to all companies.
I don't want any company to fail that makes game consoles. He'll I'd welcome another player into the industry.
The X box is one is doing fine, 4 million consoles in 6 months is still impressive.
It's likely to end up outselling what the 360 done.
I do think it would have sold better without kinect and £100 cheaper.
The Xbox One is doing fine, selling a million a month, exclusives coming and its all good. While the PS4 sells at a loss, no games and Sony keeping selling their buildings and firing people to make ends meet. What will save Sony? certainly not the PS4 even if it sells a 100 mil.
It only needs saving in the minds of you PS fanboys. X1 is out pacing its predecessor and only Wii and ps4 are have sold faster. Doesn't sound like dire straits to anyone with common sense in business
you know what the sad part is? That everyone here shares one thing in common. we all love video games. I mean why else would anyone post on a video game forum? and MS is doing everything and jumping through hoops to deliver games while sony has made promises they haven't come through on. deep down has gone quiet, so has the order. drive club delayed to oblivion, big layoffs and projects canceled etc. meanwhile MS has been focusing on actually bringing games to gamers, and people who are sony fanboys are trashing them?
Not everyone who disagrees with or criticizes MS' philosophy is a Sony fan. Constructive criticism is just that...and not knowing the difference shows ones self to be the fan boy.
Totally agreed. But it seems a little fanboyish to ask for "saving" when the console is outpacing its predecessor and all but 2 other consoles in history.
I just took saving as a means for increase sales.....
I kinda looked at who posted it, if you know what I mean.
TF was bundled etc and Xbone actually showed a decrease in sales :/ :/
Makes sense to me, the game wasn't system seller material. It only sold to the unfortunate current owners of Xbone's. I think a DRASTIC price cut is in order.. You can't sell a weak Lotus for 100 grand more than a Ferrari
$300 Kinectless bone perhaps?
lol 5 million consoles shipped from Nov 22nd - April so 5 months and it's in trouble...
soooo you're dumb.
It only needs saving in the minds of you PS fanboys. X1 is out pacing its predecessor and only Wii and ps4 are have sold faster. Doesn't sound like dire straits to anyone with common sense in business
you know what the sad part is? That everyone here shares one thing in common. we all love video games. I mean why else would anyone post on a video game forum? and MS is doing everything and jumping through hoops to deliver games while sony has made promises they haven't come through on. deep down has gone quiet, so has the order. drive club delayed to oblivion, big layoffs and projects canceled etc. meanwhile MS has been focusing on actually bringing games to gamers, and people who are sony fanboys are trashing them?
Not everyone who disagrees with or criticizes MS' philosophy is a Sony fan. Constructive criticism is just that...and not knowing the difference shows ones self to be the fan boy.
MS surely has its times when it deserves some criticism, as do all companies. But the ones rooting for them to fail or saying they ruin gaming, those are the rabid sony fanboys. and yes sony fanboys as hermits and sheeps don't root for a company to fail.
That's just straight up childishness. Rooting for less options in an industry is purely stupid. It has never led to growth or advancement of any industry. I know some of these types in my personal life. Now this is just out of who I know, but I am sure someone will be butthurt by this statement: I know more rabid, I want MS out of gaming, I love sony, they can and have done no wrong fanboys than I do MS or Nintendo. This is knowing as in face to face. I love talking gaming with these guys had fun playing games (Diablo 3 hell yeah) online with a few of them, and I break their balls about being cheerleaders with no pay, often. Sony is the world wide favorite, imo, deservedly so. They have made awesome consoles/games. So it stands to reason, in a numbers game, there would be more of these fanboys.
Funny thing is out of the 8 super cows I know, 6 have never played competitive sports, or have a favorite sport/team. As a psychology student I am hoping to come up with an applicable experiment to find correlation or cause and effect. My friends that have and do play sports are usually more grounded having actually competed. They have a sport or team they are passionate about, and laugh at how crazy a person can get for a corporation.
It only needs saving in the minds of you PS fanboys. X1 is out pacing its predecessor and only Wii and ps4 are have sold faster. Doesn't sound like dire straits to anyone with common sense in business
you know what the sad part is? That everyone here shares one thing in common. we all love video games. I mean why else would anyone post on a video game forum? and MS is doing everything and jumping through hoops to deliver games while sony has made promises they haven't come through on. deep down has gone quiet, so has the order. drive club delayed to oblivion, big layoffs and projects canceled etc. meanwhile MS has been focusing on actually bringing games to gamers, and people who are sony fanboys are trashing them?
Not everyone who disagrees with or criticizes MS' philosophy is a Sony fan. Constructive criticism is just that...and not knowing the difference shows ones self to be the fan boy.
MS surely has its times when it deserves some criticism, as do all companies. But the ones rooting for them to fail or saying they ruin gaming, those are the rabid sony fanboys. and yes sony fanboys as hermits and sheeps don't root for a company to fail.
And I see MS fans doing that to Nintendo and Sony. And hermits do it as well to all companies.
This is how it perpetuates dude, you're smart enough to know that. Each side says they're only answering back because those fanboys said blah, blah; and of course blah was said in response to ka ka, etc. I love it. Its entertaining shyte
It only needs saving in the minds of you PS fanboys. X1 is out pacing its predecessor and only Wii and ps4 are have sold faster. Doesn't sound like dire straits to anyone with common sense in business
you know what the sad part is? That everyone here shares one thing in common. we all love video games. I mean why else would anyone post on a video game forum? and MS is doing everything and jumping through hoops to deliver games while sony has made promises they haven't come through on. deep down has gone quiet, so has the order. drive club delayed to oblivion, big layoffs and projects canceled etc. meanwhile MS has been focusing on actually bringing games to gamers, and people who are sony fanboys are trashing them?
Not everyone who disagrees with or criticizes MS' philosophy is a Sony fan. Constructive criticism is just that...and not knowing the difference shows ones self to be the fan boy.
MS surely has its times when it deserves some criticism, as do all companies. But the ones rooting for them to fail or saying they ruin gaming, those are the rabid sony fanboys. and yes sony fanboys as hermits and sheeps don't root for a company to fail.
And I see MS fans doing that to Nintendo and Sony. And hermits do it as well to all companies.
Its true, most of the fanboys are idiots, but you see it a lot more from the sony fans. maybe they are the loudest and most obnoxious? i mean when i think of the biggest idiot here, i think of tormentos
Why do you guys get so personally involved with a video game console or their company? I understand if you work for them but if video games are just your hobby, well that's kind of weird..
Fanboys are just really starting to come off as a pathetic group of people.
i would say following SONY's example of the by gamers for gamers mantra.
words mean nothing unless backed by actions. IDK how people believe this. all the gaming companies are in it for profits. The rest is just PR nonsense. People who fall for it, are sad individuals
i would say following SONY's example of the by gamers for gamers mantra.
words mean nothing unless backed by actions. IDK how people believe this. all the gaming companies are in it for profits. The rest is just PR nonsense. People who fall for it, are sad individuals
SONY did back it up with action. Focusing on the gamer first and foremost, not trying to "save" the industry on their own with intrusive DRM practices like MS did.
After Samsung killed Sony, which is already 50% complete. If you own a Samsung smart phone or HDTV or etc. Thank you for supporting. Wink wink.
Posting from a triple monitor Samsung set up, but stop winking at me bro.
1. MS had a great "games" E3 last year. It was the DRM and price that fucked it up. I was discussing games
2. Phil Spencer already confirmed his meeting with MS CEO and they are all in for the One, and even the guy that wanted to sell the gaming division is at the same table working to make it better. Whatever the future holds the Xbox One isn't going anywhere.
3. Never meant DX12 and cloud as advertising. I mean use the MS engineers working on it to work with devs to maximize what the One can do, and for MS to focus on what it can do instead of comparisons it can't win. New SDK, better use of the cloud and DX12 will greatly improve Xbox One performance. Never said it would make it more powerful than the PS4. My point is for MS to focus on MS.
4. Live is what it is. I just don't care. I do care about games with gold not being as good as PS+.
5. If I own a 360 and I want a One, why not see being able to play all of my games on one console? Its a win/win if MS can do it. Then maybe I trade in my 360 and use the money for something else.
1. So was I. And historically when E3s are rated....MS is not the top.
2. really are not going to be privvy to the shareholder meetings. Second....the company wants to sell consoles...of course the PR spin will be positive. Third....if the console struggles and they have to keep dropping the price particularly early in the life span then even if what you say is true......can...and probably will necessitate a change of heart.
3. You missed the entire point.
4. You don't care. Wonderful. But I thought we were talking about what MS can do to entice sales.
5. MS wants more than just a die hard Xbox fan. To entice people to buy don't give them a cheaper alternative. They need X1 games to wow the public.....not make 360 games a focus. Otherwise as I a less expensive 360 to play those games if it's what you want. seem very defensive of any criticism to MS' gaming division. Put the fan boy away and step back and look objectively at what they need to do.
Lol, everything I said, twice now, flew over your head. I can't exactly type slower...
1. MS has done very well at a number of E3, but we can agree to disagree on that one.
2. If you want to put on the tinfoil hat, have at it. I'm gonna go with what Phil has been saying and then showing in terms of turning things around. You can read interviews with him where he talks about that shareholder he now works with as they work at the same table. MS is committed to Xbox One as evidenced by games, features, and acquisitions. They are committing 7 original television programs to the platform, and have a multi-year deal with the NFL. Evidence of MS being committed to the platform is quite prevalent.
3. You missed it from the moment you first read my post. Its about maximizing what the system can do for devs to get the most out of it. DX12 and the Cloud do exist as MS have been demoing and talking about both recently. I just want MS to focus on that and not comparisons to the PS4.
4. I don't care, no. Who gives a **** if netflix is behind Live's paywall. If I want to watch Netflix I don't need the One anyway. Xbox is nearly a decade old and if you own one you need Live. This is not new, will not change, and very few people care. Its 7 bucks a month for my hobby. Sony gave PN away for free last gen. How'd that turn out for their earnings? They wised up this time.
5. Adding backwards compatibility via the disk, as being rumored MS is working on, adds value to the One and a reason for current 360 owners to consider buying it as they will be able to play all of their old games and ones they may have never played. Its something extra added, not the cheery on top.
I've added the things I think will help the One. I'm done, lol.
i would say following SONY's example of the by gamers for gamers mantra.
words mean nothing unless backed by actions. IDK how people believe this. all the gaming companies are in it for profits. The rest is just PR nonsense. People who fall for it, are sad individuals
SONY did back it up with action. Focusing on the gamer first and foremost, not trying to "save" the industry on their own with intrusive DRM practices like MS did.
Except i fail to see where it is true. 1st off sony does have DRM in all its digital titles, as does steam, origin, MS etc. Sony also had filed patents for DRM as well, which was well documented, but abandoned it when they seen the backlash MS got. And i won't even get into the whole DRM thing on why it isn't evil as that is irrelevant. Sony had a chance to bring titanfall to their system but balked at it in exchange for keeping their specs a secret. That is a move that was made for business not gamers. They wanted to keep the PS4 specs a secret so they turned down bringing a big game to their system. That's not a "for gamers" decision at all. MS funded games like ryse, DR3, titanfall (kind of) etc to bring games to their platform. Sony has not. Sony started charging for online play another "business over gamers decision" and they did it without even upgrading services. They literally locked multiplayer behind a paywall for the reason of bringing in more revenue. again another business decision. Now mind you I don't fault sony at all for any of these moves. they are very smart business decisions, but they were decisions that were made for profit and not for "the gamer" as you are saying. Please show me where sony has made decisions that were for gamers and not for profit.
This is the same company that told people to get a second job to afford a PS3, that's not "for gamers" the same company that promised backwards compatibility on the PS3 and abandoned it due to expenses. Again i don't blame sony for the moves. But all of these decisions are business decisions, not gamer decisions
Haha....decreased in sales. How can we possibly take anything you say seriously.
The X1 is fine. Its got a lot of games on the horizon. Quality software is what pushes hardware long term. Its too early in the gen to write consoles off in their entirety
1. MS had a great "games" E3 last year. It was the DRM and price that fucked it up. I was discussing games
2. Phil Spencer already confirmed his meeting with MS CEO and they are all in for the One, and even the guy that wanted to sell the gaming division is at the same table working to make it better. Whatever the future holds the Xbox One isn't going anywhere.
3. Never meant DX12 and cloud as advertising. I mean use the MS engineers working on it to work with devs to maximize what the One can do, and for MS to focus on what it can do instead of comparisons it can't win. New SDK, better use of the cloud and DX12 will greatly improve Xbox One performance. Never said it would make it more powerful than the PS4. My point is for MS to focus on MS.
4. Live is what it is. I just don't care. I do care about games with gold not being as good as PS+.
5. If I own a 360 and I want a One, why not see being able to play all of my games on one console? Its a win/win if MS can do it. Then maybe I trade in my 360 and use the money for something else.
1. So was I. And historically when E3s are rated....MS is not the top.
2. really are not going to be privvy to the shareholder meetings. Second....the company wants to sell consoles...of course the PR spin will be positive. Third....if the console struggles and they have to keep dropping the price particularly early in the life span then even if what you say is true......can...and probably will necessitate a change of heart.
3. You missed the entire point.
4. You don't care. Wonderful. But I thought we were talking about what MS can do to entice sales.
5. MS wants more than just a die hard Xbox fan. To entice people to buy don't give them a cheaper alternative. They need X1 games to wow the public.....not make 360 games a focus. Otherwise as I a less expensive 360 to play those games if it's what you want. seem very defensive of any criticism to MS' gaming division. Put the fan boy away and step back and look objectively at what they need to do.
Lol, everything I said, twice now, flew over your head. I can't exactly type slower...
1. MS has done very well at a number of E3, but we can agree to disagree on that one.
2. If you want to put on the tinfoil hat, have at it. I'm gonna go with what Phil has been saying and then showing in terms of turning things around. You can read interviews with him where he talks about that shareholder he now works with as they work at the same table. MS is committed to Xbox One as evidenced by games, features, and acquisitions. They are committing 7 original television programs to the platform, and have a multi-year deal with the NFL. Evidence of MS being committed to the platform is quite prevalent.
3. You missed it from the moment you first read my post. Its about maximizing what the system can do for devs to get the most out of it. DX12 and the Cloud do exist as MS have been demoing and talking about both recently. I just want MS to focus on that and not comparisons to the PS4.
4. I don't care, no. Who gives a **** if netflix is behind Live's paywall. If I want to watch Netflix I don't need the One anyway. Xbox is nearly a decade old and if you own one you need Live. This is not new, will not change, and very few people care. Its 7 bucks a month for my hobby. Sony gave PN away for free last gen. How'd that turn out for their earnings? They wised up this time.
5. Adding backwards compatibility via the disk, as being rumored MS is working on, adds value to the One and a reason for current 360 owners to consider buying it as they will be able to play all of their old games and ones they may have never played. Its something extra added, not the cheery on top.
I've added the things I think will help the One. I'm done, lol.
It's funny how people say Sony won E3 and are about the games yet
Platform Breakdown By # Of Wins(Notes: Multiplatform games are counted in all appropriate platform tallies. Information based on announced platforms for each game as of 7/1/2013)
PC: 11 (+4 from 2012; Same as 2011)
Xbox One: 10 (new)
Xbox 360: 10 (-2 from 2012; -4 from 2011)
PS4: 4 (new)
PS3: 3 (-12 from 2012; -6 from 2011)
Wii-U: 1 (same as 2012)
PSVita: 1 (same as 2012)
Yet the 360 and xbox one took in 20 awards while the PS4, PS3 and vita took in 8
MS had the better games showing.
it decreased in sales?
From Feb to March the attach rate VS number of days
but how did it do in sales?
decreased. march npd is 5 weeks where as feb was 4 weeks. on average it sold less in march, numbers are in npd thread too lazy to link
Owned. owned. owned
it decreased in sales?
From Feb to March the attach rate VS number of days
but how did it do in sales?
decreased. march npd is 5 weeks where as feb was 4 weeks. on average it sold less in march, numbers are in npd thread too lazy to link
Owned. owned. owned
TF was bundled etc and Xbone actually showed a decrease in sales :/ :/
Makes sense to me, the game wasn't system seller material. It only sold to the unfortunate current owners of Xbone's. I think a DRASTIC price cut is in order.. You can't sell a weak Lotus for 100 grand more than a Ferrari
$300 Kinectless bone perhaps?
lol 5 million consoles shipped from Nov 22nd - April so 5 months and it's in trouble...
soooo you're dumb.
Yes, that's terrible. No supply constraints unlike 360 and consumers don't even want it
Truth hurts :)
i would say following SONY's example of the by gamers for gamers mantra.
words mean nothing unless backed by actions. IDK how people believe this. all the gaming companies are in it for profits. The rest is just PR nonsense. People who fall for it, are sad individuals
SONY did back it up with action. Focusing on the gamer first and foremost, not trying to "save" the industry on their own with intrusive DRM practices like MS did.
Except i fail to see where it is true. 1st off sony does have DRM in all its digital titles, as does steam, origin, MS etc. Sony also had filed patents for DRM as well, which was well documented, but abandoned it when they seen the backlash MS got. And i won't even get into the whole DRM thing on why it isn't evil as that is irrelevant. Sony had a chance to bring titanfall to their system but balked at it in exchange for keeping their specs a secret. That is a move that was made for business not gamers. They wanted to keep the PS4 specs a secret so they turned down bringing a big game to their system. That's not a "for gamers" decision at all. MS funded games like ryse, DR3, titanfall (kind of) etc to bring games to their platform. Sony has not. Sony started charging for online play another "business over gamers decision" and they did it without even upgrading services. They literally locked multiplayer behind a paywall for the reason of bringing in more revenue. again another business decision. Now mind you I don't fault sony at all for any of these moves. they are very smart business decisions, but they were decisions that were made for profit and not for "the gamer" as you are saying. Please show me where sony has made decisions that were for gamers and not for profit.
This is the same company that told people to get a second job to afford a PS3, that's not "for gamers" the same company that promised backwards compatibility on the PS3 and abandoned it due to expenses. Again i don't blame sony for the moves. But all of these decisions are business decisions, not gamer decisions
Well I disagree . Games:
The PlayStation®4 system opens the door to an incredible journey through immersive new gaming worlds and a deeply connected gaming community. PS4™ puts gamers first with an astounding launch lineup and over 180 games in development. Play amazing top-tier blockbusters and innovative indie hits on PS4™. Developer Inspired, Gamer Focus.
Not to mention SONY's proven track record of GOTY, perfect, top 5 GOAT exclusives. Everyone knows SONY will bring the excluvies. You know it, I know and the world knows it
and Shuhei Yoshida has announced that Sony Worldwide Studios has a hell of a lot of games up their sleeves.
The President of Sony’s Worldwide Studios revealed that SWS has 30 PS4 games in development, 20 of which will be out within the first year, and 12 of which are a new IP – such as The Order.
Looks like TtianFall wasn't a system seller, another SMART move by SONY. I'm betting Respawn will BEG SONY to let it on the PS4 with its massive install base.
and with SONY coupling the by gamers for gamers mantra with the Live, Learn and Love philosophy, we are seeing people embrace SONY and the PS4.
TF was bundled etc and Xbone actually showed a decrease in sales :/ :/
Makes sense to me, the game wasn't system seller material. It only sold to the unfortunate current owners of Xbone's. I think a DRASTIC price cut is in order.. You can't sell a weak Lotus for 100 grand more than a Ferrari
$300 Kinectless bone perhaps?
lol 5 million consoles shipped from Nov 22nd - April so 5 months and it's in trouble...
soooo you're dumb.
Yes, that's terrible. No supply constraints unlike 360 and consumers don't even want it
Truth hurts :)
nothing real, but we will be hearing a lot of directx 12 this year as number 1 excuse from microsoft and xbots.
i would say following SONY's example of the by gamers for gamers mantra.
words mean nothing unless backed by actions. IDK how people believe this. all the gaming companies are in it for profits. The rest is just PR nonsense. People who fall for it, are sad individuals
SONY did back it up with action. Focusing on the gamer first and foremost, not trying to "save" the industry on their own with intrusive DRM practices like MS did.
Except i fail to see where it is true. 1st off sony does have DRM in all its digital titles, as does steam, origin, MS etc. Sony also had filed patents for DRM as well, which was well documented, but abandoned it when they seen the backlash MS got. And i won't even get into the whole DRM thing on why it isn't evil as that is irrelevant. Sony had a chance to bring titanfall to their system but balked at it in exchange for keeping their specs a secret. That is a move that was made for business not gamers. They wanted to keep the PS4 specs a secret so they turned down bringing a big game to their system. That's not a "for gamers" decision at all. MS funded games like ryse, DR3, titanfall (kind of) etc to bring games to their platform. Sony has not. Sony started charging for online play another "business over gamers decision" and they did it without even upgrading services. They literally locked multiplayer behind a paywall for the reason of bringing in more revenue. again another business decision. Now mind you I don't fault sony at all for any of these moves. they are very smart business decisions, but they were decisions that were made for profit and not for "the gamer" as you are saying. Please show me where sony has made decisions that were for gamers and not for profit.
This is the same company that told people to get a second job to afford a PS3, that's not "for gamers" the same company that promised backwards compatibility on the PS3 and abandoned it due to expenses. Again i don't blame sony for the moves. But all of these decisions are business decisions, not gamer decisions
Well I disagree . Games:
The PlayStation®4 system opens the door to an incredible journey through immersive new gaming worlds and a deeply connected gaming community. PS4™ puts gamers first with an astounding launch lineup and over 180 games in development. Play amazing top-tier blockbusters and innovative indie hits on PS4™. Developer Inspired, Gamer Focus.
Not to mention SONY's proven track record of GOTY, perfect, top 5 GOAT exclusives. Everyone knows SONY will bring the excluvies. You know it, I know and the world knows it
and Shuhei Yoshida has announced that Sony Worldwide Studios has a hell of a lot of games up their sleeves.
The President of Sony’s Worldwide Studios revealed that SWS has 30 PS4 games in development, 20 of which will be out within the first year, and 12 of which are a new IP – such as The Order.
Looks like TtianFall wasn't a system seller, another SMART move by SONY. I'm betting Respawn will BEG SONY to let it on the PS4 with its massive install base.
and with SONY coupling the by gamers for gamers mantra with the Live, Learn and Love philosophy, we are seeing people embrace SONY and the PS4.
You didn't bother to reply to any point i made. instead you take a quote from sony's website.
the 180 games in development are mostly indie titles. which sony wasn't bothered with to begin with. MS started the indie games thing on the original xbox to make up for its lack of games. The PS2 had so many big devs that were exclusive to Sony. franchises like GTA, MGS, DMC, etc. MS didn't have that since they were just starting. Sony just started catching up on the indie craze later on in the PS3 life cycle and now are using it for the PS4 to make up for a lack of games. MS also made every xbox one a dev kit (a move which could be considered for gamers and something sony didn't do) and started the ID@xbox program and also have a ton of indies in development. In the end none of those numbers you quote show its for gamers. I'm still waiting to see where you show me how sony has made decisions that have been made for gamers and not for profit. Both companies stand to profit from these indie games with little to no cost on their end. Again its business decisions.
Ok now you get into "game quality" quoting the GOTY awards they got. Still doesn't mean anything as far as "for gamers" it means they put out good games, which in turn made the profits. Franchises like UC and God of War have made sony a ton of money.
Ok then you quote promises of 20 new games in the 1st year and 12 as new IPs. really cause i seen 1 new IP released (knack) and 2 sequels (infamous and killzone) and we are 6 months in already. Then you have 2 new IPs announced (the order and drive club) which haven't been released. where are the rest of the games? All it does is prove my point of empty promises.
and your last line, well again is fanboy drivel. Guess you brought into the hype and can't see things for what they are. because my PS4 basically collects dust (well actually its back at sony getting repaired ATM) and its only due to a lack of games. But i should have it back any day now. and it'll still collect dust until watch dogs comes out. Sony over promises and under delivers, but everyone always says they are for the gamers due to their promises, but never account for when they don't deliver. MS gets plenty of crap when they deserve it, but sony gets a free pass. and I'll never understand why.
And how is titanfall a smart move by sony. they wanted respawn to make them a game and offered to publish it, for the vita. Respawn wanted to make a PS4 game but sony refused to give them the specs. Then titanfall wins all these awards and is the top selling game for the past month and you call it a smart move? If Titanfall sold the same on PS4 as it did on Xbox one, sony would have gotten well over 15 million dollars just in license fees alone. how is it a smart move to have missed out on that just to keep their specs a secret?
Lol, everything I said, twice now, flew over your head. I can't exactly type slower...
1. MS has done very well at a number of E3, but we can agree to disagree on that one.
2. If you want to put on the tinfoil hat, have at it. I'm gonna go with what Phil has been saying and then showing in terms of turning things around. You can read interviews with him where he talks about that shareholder he now works with as they work at the same table. MS is committed to Xbox One as evidenced by games, features, and acquisitions. They are committing 7 original television programs to the platform, and have a multi-year deal with the NFL. Evidence of MS being committed to the platform is quite prevalent.
3. You missed it from the moment you first read my post. Its about maximizing what the system can do for devs to get the most out of it. DX12 and the Cloud do exist as MS have been demoing and talking about both recently. I just want MS to focus on that and not comparisons to the PS4.
4. I don't care, no. Who gives a **** if netflix is behind Live's paywall. If I want to watch Netflix I don't need the One anyway. Xbox is nearly a decade old and if you own one you need Live. This is not new, will not change, and very few people care. Its 7 bucks a month for my hobby. Sony gave PN away for free last gen. How'd that turn out for their earnings? They wised up this time.
5. Adding backwards compatibility via the disk, as being rumored MS is working on, adds value to the One and a reason for current 360 owners to consider buying it as they will be able to play all of their old games and ones they may have never played. Its something extra added, not the cheery on top.
I've added the things I think will help the One. I'm done, lol.
Ah yes I forgot how passive aggressive you are. I understood exactly what you posted...but coming from a business background it's naive at best.
Has nothing to do with conspiracies and everything to do with the reality of business. I'm sorry that is a hard concept for you to understand. It really is a very simple aspect of the business world. I forget sometimes kids on the net don't get that.
As for devs....I responded to that but you ignored it. I'll type slower. Maybe that will help. The general public is not on gaming sites eating up specs. They don't generally compare graphics or frame rate. They buy for the games that appeal to them. Period.
Back to your personal opinion again on MS philosophy. I'm sorry but I wasn't talking about what you want. I'm talking about things that turn people off the console.....but hey bury your head in the sand and sing about MS all day. That will surely make you appear knowledgeable.
No one really buys a console for backwards compatibility. Sure people that have games would like to have the console play the old games so they can trade in the old console..some...not all. But no new prospective consumer is even thinking last gen when they buy a console.
I forgot what a one sided fan boy you are.
It needs saving? News to me. Just because it's not selling as well as the PS4, doesn't mean it's failing.
No one said that.....though after E3 2013 one can't say MS won. Such backlash.....from consumers and the gaming press. Don't rewrite history to suit preference dude. The reaction is what made MS back off from some of their policies they intended to implement for the X1.
You're just being dishonest now.
Lol, everything I said, twice now, flew over your head. I can't exactly type slower...
1. MS has done very well at a number of E3, but we can agree to disagree on that one.
2. If you want to put on the tinfoil hat, have at it. I'm gonna go with what Phil has been saying and then showing in terms of turning things around. You can read interviews with him where he talks about that shareholder he now works with as they work at the same table. MS is committed to Xbox One as evidenced by games, features, and acquisitions. They are committing 7 original television programs to the platform, and have a multi-year deal with the NFL. Evidence of MS being committed to the platform is quite prevalent.
3. You missed it from the moment you first read my post. Its about maximizing what the system can do for devs to get the most out of it. DX12 and the Cloud do exist as MS have been demoing and talking about both recently. I just want MS to focus on that and not comparisons to the PS4.
4. I don't care, no. Who gives a **** if netflix is behind Live's paywall. If I want to watch Netflix I don't need the One anyway. Xbox is nearly a decade old and if you own one you need Live. This is not new, will not change, and very few people care. Its 7 bucks a month for my hobby. Sony gave PN away for free last gen. How'd that turn out for their earnings? They wised up this time.
5. Adding backwards compatibility via the disk, as being rumored MS is working on, adds value to the One and a reason for current 360 owners to consider buying it as they will be able to play all of their old games and ones they may have never played. Its something extra added, not the cheery on top.
I've added the things I think will help the One. I'm done, lol.
Ah yes I forgot how passive aggressive you are. I understood exactly what you posted...but coming from a business background it's naive at best.
Has nothing to do with conspiracies and everything to do with the reality of business. I'm sorry that is a hard concept for you to understand. It really is a very simple aspect of the business world. I forget sometimes kids on the net don't get that.
As for devs....I responded to that but you ignored it. I'll type slower. Maybe that will help. The general public is not on gaming sites eating up specs. They don't generally compare graphics or frame rate. They buy for the games that appeal to them. Period.
Back to your personal opinion again on MS philosophy. I'm sorry but I wasn't talking about what you want. I'm talking about things that turn people off the console.....but hey bury your head in the sand and sing about MS all day. That will surely make you appear knowledgeable.
No one really buys a console for backwards compatibility. Sure people that have games would like to have the console play the old games so they can trade in the old console..some...not all. But no new prospective consumer is even thinking last gen when they buy a console.
I forgot what a one sided fan boy you are.
If you have a business background, I fear for that company, lol. Look, your post is silly at best, filled with what I've come to expect from a Cow. I don't think you're a kid, but you post like one, that much is obvious. I have posted reasonable debates many times, look up my posting history. Or don't, as you don't seem a fan of facts. There is no way to discuss things with someone like you so I'll leave it here. My first post stands as an answer to the TC topic. You've added nothing to the conversation, lol and further back and forth with you is a waste of my time. Now go outside and play little man :) The fresh air will do you good.
You're welcome to the last word as likely it means a lot to you. Later.
Lol, everything I said, twice now, flew over your head. I can't exactly type slower...
1. MS has done very well at a number of E3, but we can agree to disagree on that one.
2. If you want to put on the tinfoil hat, have at it. I'm gonna go with what Phil has been saying and then showing in terms of turning things around. You can read interviews with him where he talks about that shareholder he now works with as they work at the same table. MS is committed to Xbox One as evidenced by games, features, and acquisitions. They are committing 7 original television programs to the platform, and have a multi-year deal with the NFL. Evidence of MS being committed to the platform is quite prevalent.
3. You missed it from the moment you first read my post. Its about maximizing what the system can do for devs to get the most out of it. DX12 and the Cloud do exist as MS have been demoing and talking about both recently. I just want MS to focus on that and not comparisons to the PS4.
4. I don't care, no. Who gives a **** if netflix is behind Live's paywall. If I want to watch Netflix I don't need the One anyway. Xbox is nearly a decade old and if you own one you need Live. This is not new, will not change, and very few people care. Its 7 bucks a month for my hobby. Sony gave PN away for free last gen. How'd that turn out for their earnings? They wised up this time.
5. Adding backwards compatibility via the disk, as being rumored MS is working on, adds value to the One and a reason for current 360 owners to consider buying it as they will be able to play all of their old games and ones they may have never played. Its something extra added, not the cheery on top.
I've added the things I think will help the One. I'm done, lol.
Ah yes I forgot how passive aggressive you are. I understood exactly what you posted...but coming from a business background it's naive at best.
Has nothing to do with conspiracies and everything to do with the reality of business. I'm sorry that is a hard concept for you to understand. It really is a very simple aspect of the business world. I forget sometimes kids on the net don't get that.
As for devs....I responded to that but you ignored it. I'll type slower. Maybe that will help. The general public is not on gaming sites eating up specs. They don't generally compare graphics or frame rate. They buy for the games that appeal to them. Period.
Back to your personal opinion again on MS philosophy. I'm sorry but I wasn't talking about what you want. I'm talking about things that turn people off the console.....but hey bury your head in the sand and sing about MS all day. That will surely make you appear knowledgeable.
No one really buys a console for backwards compatibility. Sure people that have games would like to have the console play the old games so they can trade in the old console..some...not all. But no new prospective consumer is even thinking last gen when they buy a console.
I forgot what a one sided fan boy you are.
If you have a business background, I fear for that company, lol. Look, your post is silly at best, filled with what I've come to expect from a Cow. I don't think you're a kid, but you post like one, that much is obvious. I have posted reasonable debates many times, look up my posting history. Or don't, as you don't seem a fan of facts. There is no way to discuss things with someone like you so I'll leave it here. My first post stands as an answer to the TC topic. You've added nothing to the conversation, lol and further back and forth with you is a waste of my time. Now go outside and play little man :) The fresh air will do you good.
You're welcome to the last word as likely it means a lot to you. Later.
Well actually I made a positive post about some things MS could do to win back some consumers....but you got all lemming on me and posted nonsense. My post was neutral....had nothing to do with Sony...but a rabid fan boy like yourself cannot conceive of someone not playing favorites so you slap a label on and ignore all the points.
So you agree in the end that SONY is on a ROLL? It's quite spectacular to be part of history like this.
Yes Sony is doing very well, however not you or I are part of anything and this isn't any big historical event. And you ignored everything i said, which further proves my point.
No one said that.....though after E3 2013 one can't say MS won. Such backlash.....from consumers and the gaming press. Don't rewrite history to suit preference dude. The reaction is what made MS back off from some of their policies they intended to implement for the X1.
You're just being dishonest now.
I'm not rewriting anything. My point was simple. Most people claimed sony won E3 which was due to the DRM backlash, but MS won in games at E3 last year. which means that the people who are saying Sony won, are not saying it based on games. And they say its all about for the gamer by the gamer, yet they had no games. Anyone who says otherwise is being dishonest.
So you agree in the end that SONY is on a ROLL? It's quite spectacular to be part of history like this.
Yes Sony is doing very well, however not you or I are part of anything and this isn't any big historical event. And you ignored everything i said, which further proves my point.
Actually you proved my point by purchasing a PS4 in this, the historic time of of SONY. Thanks for supporting the most important thing, a company like SONY is doing this gen and that's by gamers for gamers.
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