@_SWAG_: ur brain got mental problems
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sorry xbone is dying. If you think xbone is gonna remain this gen ur brain got mental problems. ps4 got what xbone got but ps4 is more powerful faster smarter n cheaper. a true next gen system, the only system this gen that's the best ihmo
No one cares about your biased opinion. Both systems will sell million and do just fine this generation. XBox One isn't going anywhere because Microsoft makes billions in profits and they've already said it's here for the long haul. So take your opinion and shove it where the sun don't shine. As long as Sony gets their financial situation in order, they will be here till the end of the generation as well. I don't think Kaz Hirai will be however. Specs are meaningless. The Wii & PS2 were both the weakest systems and they both sold over 100 million units. It's all about the GAMES, not the system's specs or how powerful it is. Learn about the gaming industry. Do some research.
You know what is really funny? anyone remember this?
Speaking with The Times, Kotick said "I'm getting concerned about Sony; the PlayStation 3 is losing a bit of momentum and they don't make it easy for me to support the platform. It's expensive to develop for the console, and the Wii and the Xbox are just selling better. Games generate a better return on invested capital on the Xbox than on the PlayStation".
Subtle. But wait. It gets subtler.
"They have to cut the price, because if they don't, the attach rates are likely to slow", he continues. "If we are being realistic, we might have to stop supporting Sony...When we look at 2010 and 2011, we might want to consider if we support the console - and the PSP [portable] too".[/quote]
Now mind you, this was almost 2 years after the release of the PS3 and activision was ready to drop support. The PS3 was probably the most plagued system I could think of recently. between the crazy 600 dollar launch price, the issues developing for it, the cell was a failure, the split RAM that made some games near unplayable and memory leaks everywhere. And in the end, the system itself did just fine and sold pretty much the same as the 360. All these XBox is doomed threads over sony having higher sales is nonsense. If the PS4 launched this year, and MS is selling the same as it is now, nobody would be calling it a failure, They be talking about how amazing it is, outpacing the Wii and 360 sales on their launches etc etc.
@cainetao11: Sony doesn't bring games to their consoles? What are you even talking about? They have more AAAA and AAA games than Xbox 360, they also have more sales than Xbox 360. PS4 will do the same.
Unlike Microsoft Sony kept on releasing games for their console. Microsoft released the kinect last gen and then literally dropped all support for the console 3 or 4 years ago. All you got was a steady stream of laggy kinect trash. That's what you call "good games"?
Poor cows, their insecurity will be their undoing and if cows are feeling the heat now yikes, wait till after E3, :P
Haha so many views whenever the Xbone is mentioned and guess what faction is commenting most....cows.
So insecure. If the PS4 is so amazing spend some time playing it rather than "debunking" any potential in the X1. Unless of course the cows are starting to realise the PS4 is an incredibly dull and uninspired console. Certainly not worth waiting a decade for.
Also, according to Microsoft, there will be a major announcement at E3 in a couple of months that they say will, "... make everyone very happy." So there's that. I foresee a price drop.
That doesn't bode well for the console. It's less than a year old.
@cainetao11: Sony doesn't bring games to their consoles? What are you even talking about? They have more AAAA and AAA games than Xbox 360, they also have more sales than Xbox 360. PS4 will do the same.
Unlike Microsoft Sony kept on releasing games for their console. Microsoft released the kinect last gen and then literally dropped all support for the console 3 or 4 years ago. All you got was a steady stream of laggy kinect trash. That's what you call "good games"?
Can you give me an Idea which of my posts you are replying to. Because one thing I have repeatedly said is Sony brings games to their consoles.
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