@donalbane said:
@donalbane said:
It's selling better than the PS3 or the 360 did at the same point in it's lifespan. It's selling 60% more than the Xbox 360 did during the same timeframe, in fact. It seems hard for people here to understand that success for a platform is not a zero sum game with the success of it's competition. Just because the PS4 is doing great doesn't mean the Xbox One is doomed.
Dumb people are dumb. The Xbox One is doing fine. However, I don't think comparing sales to last gen is entirely relevant. Microsoft paid dearly for the launch of the 360, and I think they put heavy emphasis on making sure consoles weren't defective and plentiful. And I think Sony also streamlined their production line. You have to remember when comparing sales to last gen that those consoles were flying off the shelves too (less so ps3 compared to Xbox 360), but that means however many million units sold for the Xbox 360 was how many units were out in the world, give or take a few.
So, in a way, the Xbox One is selling worse than the Xbox 360 because at this point in the 360's lifespan, you couldn't find one a store shelf to save your life, and Xbox One's are in abundance. Either way, there's really not anything to worry about with the Xbox. It's a perfectly fine console. The games are fun. There's good stuff on the way, just like the PS4. Both consoles will fare well.
I hear what you are saying, and agree about the comparison of last gen and this gen, but the reason I think sales are better this time is largely due to the fact that the Xbox One is easier to get now... Microsoft learned from their supply shortages last time. Not invalidating what you are saying... I agree... I just think they learned their lesson. Well, one lesson anyway.
Absolutely. I mean, bringing the ps4 into the discussion, ps4's are being produced at a faster rate than last gen, and they're still selling out across the board, so that certainly says something about demand, but they're also out in more territories than the Xbox One, so I'm curious to see a country-by-country sales chart for both systems to see just how far ahead the ps4 is in each region.
But the fact remains, two weeks before Christmas, I walked into a store and bought an Xbox One off the shelf. When I asked, the store said they had "plenty," with a laugh. So, the demand certainly hasn't been there compared to last gen, but then again, the ps3 was in this exact same spot in 2006, and it was 100$ more expensive. Even the Wii U was hard to come the holiday it launched.
What these comparisons really come down to, though, are apples and oranges for lack of a better phrase. This generation is in a different state than the beginning of the last one. And with that, I think the Xbox One is going fare far better than the people already writing it off are claiming with their... Genius insight, or whatever...
I've had quite a bit of fun with mine, and I think I enjoyed the launch lineup better than ps4's. Killzone was the pretty, "Look at what my new system can do," game, and I loved it for what it was -- and it was a hell of a lot better than Ryse -- but I'd have to say I had a lot more fun playing Dead Rising 3, and despite the forced hate from the Sony side, I think people would have eaten that game up had it released on ps4.
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