What the hell the next Amnesia game takes place in China?
I wonder if it will have exploding toilets.
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What the hell the next Amnesia game takes place in China?
I wonder if it will have exploding toilets.
Now that I see your sig...I was scared of MGS,the first one. Took me quite a while to get to that elevator in the beginning.Needless to say,I shat my pants when the guard noticed my footsteps in the snow.Turned it off.freedomfreakI have that "Alert" sound as my notification ringtone and every time I get a text I jump. If MGS was ever fantastic at something, it was sound design.
[QUOTE="freedomfreak"]Now that I see your sig...I was scared of MGS,the first one. Took me quite a while to get to that elevator in the beginning.Needless to say,I shat my pants when the guard noticed my footsteps in the snow.Turned it off.foxhound_foxI have that "Alert" sound as my notification ringtone and every time I get a text I jump. If MGS was ever fantastic at something, it was sound design. I do too :D Agreed.
[QUOTE="freedomfreak"]Now that I see your sig...I was scared of MGS,the first one. Took me quite a while to get to that elevator in the beginning.Needless to say,I shat my pants when the guard noticed my footsteps in the snow.Turned it off.foxhound_foxI have that "Alert" sound as my notification ringtone and every time I get a text I jump. If MGS was ever fantastic at something, it was sound design. I remember their sounds clearly too. There's a Japanese show that even uses the SFX of opening your inventory (at least in MGS3). :D
If anyone can play through Amnesia (Properly; Headphones, and in a dark room ), and not be scared out of their mind, they either...
A. Don't have an imagination worth squat, their flight or fight instincts are shot, and they're not actually human.
B. They're lying hipsters...
It took me a whole week of 15 minute coward sessions to get through the water part. The game is scary, fantasticly scary.
"You wouldn't get it because you're a console gamer!"
"It's just got a great atmosphere, you're not playing it right!"
Is what pc gamers will say, as OBVIOUSLY you are just inferior in your gaming tastes.
I started DS1 on hard difficulty and DS2 on survivalist before bumping it up to zealot. Supplies were hard to come by and survival was tough, much tougher than Amnesia. In DS1 I sold quite a few upgrade nodes just to top up my health or be able to reload. Some people seem to prefer DS with a forgiving difficulty, run around playing it like a shooter, blasting anything that moves, then complain its too much of a shooter. Dumbasses. Dead Space is scarierAll of those things make it harder but they don't necessarily make it scarier. For me, a game is much scarier if it successfully pulls off a foreboding atmosphere than if it builds tension through lack of supply. Running out of ammo on my BFG isn't quite as scary as never having the means to defend yourself or understand the horrors around you. The difference is in Amnesia you know you don't have to kill your enemies to progress, in Dead Space you do. Its you or them, I find it scarier not knowing how well I'll be able to defend myself. In Amnesia just find a dark corner, look away for about 15 seconds and all is well again. No pressure on you to do anything unless you need to block a door or run away, which I wouldn't call pressure when its pretty obvious thats what you're supposed to do.[QUOTE="tomarlyn"][QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]
Wait. You said you had more supplies in Amnesia which made you feel less scared and then you said Dead space was a scarier game? There is so much wrong with that.
Dead space is a better game overall I can understand but to say it's scarier is a bit much. I didn't find Dead Space remotely scary. It's just cool gorey fun
I started DS1 on hard difficulty and DS2 on survivalist before bumping it up to zealot. Supplies were hard to come by and survival was tough, much tougher than Amnesia. In DS1 I sold quite a few upgrade nodes just to top up my health or be able to reload. Some people seem to prefer DS with a forgiving difficulty, run around playing it like a shooter, blasting anything that moves, then complain its too much of a shooter. Dumbasses. Dead Space is scarier[QUOTE="tomarlyn"][QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]
Wait. You said you had more supplies in Amnesia which made you feel less scared and then you said Dead space was a scarier game? There is so much wrong with that.
Dead space is a better game overall I can understand but to say it's scarier is a bit much. I didn't find Dead Space remotely scary. It's just cool gorey fun
Bumping up the difficulty doesn't make a game scarier just makes it harder. The fact that DS enemies aren't scary to begin with is the problem. And you have a huge arsenal of weapons to choose from. along with being able to slow guys down and fire telekinetic stuff too. It's not a survival horror game it's more action oriented.
Playing Amnesia on your own in the dark with headphones on is far scarier than Dead Space. I felt myself very creeped out just walking around with no enemies on screen. And its run or die that's all. How can that be less scary?
Just as a matter of interest did you actually immerse yourself in Amnesia like I just said? or are you another who played it in the day time?
I always play horror games in the dark with headphones, won't have it any other way. Of course increasing the difficulty makes it scarier when you're getting ambushed by horrifying creatures. If I marched you into war with a stick instead of a gun that wouldn't make you crap yourself? Harder difficulty also means you use more ammo, get hurt more and in DS2's case get less item drops. There is not an arsenal of weapons when your busy keeping the ones you have loaded and yourself healthy, having 4 to choose from and stasis doesn't necessarily make things easier either. Maybe you should actually try harder difficulty'sNo form of media is ever scary when you're with a friend. i've watched dozens of horror movies and played dozens of horror games with friends, and you're too busy joking and chatting with each other to get scared or for tension to ever build up.
Dead Space made me jump at times when those monsters run and scream, but i was never scared, people should really play Siren Blood Curse that game is scary. and made me sh** myself with the shibito also the sound in this game is incredible.TheGuardian03
I agree. Siren blood curse is awesome
"You wouldn't get it because you're a console gamer!"
"It's just got a great atmosphere, you're not playing it right!"
Is what pc gamers will say, as OBVIOUSLY you are just inferior in your gaming tastes.
this post is full of sh!t.
PC gamers do not have inferior tastes in games. No entire platform base can have inferior tastes. Only individuals.
And hundreds of people have stated that it does have great atmosphere and is genuinely scary. So if you don't get scared by it then it's just you it's not the game. The game is very good at what it does.
[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"][QUOTE="tomarlyn"] I started DS1 on hard difficulty and DS2 on survivalist before bumping it up to zealot. Supplies were hard to come by and survival was tough, much tougher than Amnesia. In DS1 I sold quite a few upgrade nodes just to top up my health or be able to reload. Some people seem to prefer DS with a forgiving difficulty, run around playing it like a shooter, blasting anything that moves, then complain its too much of a shooter. Dumbasses. Dead Space is scariertomarlyn
Bumping up the difficulty doesn't make a game scarier just makes it harder. The fact that DS enemies aren't scary to begin with is the problem. And you have a huge arsenal of weapons to choose from. along with being able to slow guys down and fire telekinetic stuff too. It's not a survival horror game it's more action oriented.
Playing Amnesia on your own in the dark with headphones on is far scarier than Dead Space. I felt myself very creeped out just walking around with no enemies on screen. And its run or die that's all. How can that be less scary?
Just as a matter of interest did you actually immerse yourself in Amnesia like I just said? or are you another who played it in the day time?
I always play horror games in the dark with headphones, won't have it any other way. Of course increasing the difficulty makes it scarier when you're getting ambushed by horrifying creatures. If I marched you into war with a stick instead of a gun that wouldn't make you crap yourself? Harder difficulty also means you use more ammo, get hurt more and in DS2's case get less item drops. There is not an arsenal of weapons when your busy keeping the ones you have loaded and yourself healthy, having 4 to choose from and stasis doesn't necessarily make things easier either. Maybe you should actually try harder difficulty's I agree, the Dead Spaces on the Hard difficulties ratchet up the tension, it really is the way the game is meant to be played; resource management, making every shot count, and adapting on your feet whilst dealing with the shock factor (Sure they're cheap, but it works on me). Comparing it to Amnesia is like comparing Aliens to Alien; Both are their own brand of horror.Amnesia is probably one game that may give me a lot of tension if I really immerse myself in it. The lack of a gun would be a big factor.
In most other games where I have say, a gun, I may get startled. But, after that, I'll turn around all pissed off and start shooting.
[QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"]To be perfectly honest, even if I'm alone in the dark, I have a tough time suspending my disbelief. For some reason, atmospheric effects have a hard time getting to me; I know the only time the character is in danger is from the monsters/ enemies. Even in Thief Deadly Shadows, where I was sufficiently creeped out as hell, I wasn't truly scared.foxhound_foxNot everyone can do it, and not everyone is affected to the same degree. I remember back in 2005, I played Doom 3 for the first time and could barely keep playing I was so freaked out (it took about a year got me to commit to it and go through it all). A couple years ago, I got Dead Space (which is almost the same game atmospherically) and got bored it was so un-scary (despite loving the anime) and didn't even finish it. Have you tried System Shock 2?
You played Silent Hill? How the hell did you get through that if Doom 3 was that bad for you? LOL! Silent Hill freaked me out so much the first time I played it, I shut the game off. Then I finished it weeks later and was hooked on the series.
You played Silent Hill? How the hell did you get through that if Doom 3 was that bad for you? LOL! Silent Hill freaked me out so much the first time I played it, I shut the game off. Then I finished it weeks later and was hooked on the series.dream431caI thought that Silent Hill 3 was the most disturbing game of the series. I am actually doing a play through of the game with some tweaks for 1920x1200 resolution. Added some AA+AF and better FOV. The quality of the video is pretty good especially for youtube if you select the "Original" resolution which is above 1080P. I only have 2 more videos before I finish the game and I am uploading the 5th right now, but Youtube takes forever when uploading large files.... Part 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x2-lhbiKGE Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IIRhaFJPt0 Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7BBDh0_jfQ Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJsNT96dw_g
its not scary or good, just a PC exclusive.
and like most exclusives, is incredibly overhyped.
But unlike most exclusives, sells poorly, because even PC gamers dont like the game.
Amnesia sold poorly?
which console exclusive sold fewer copies than amnesia?
Amnesia was an indie game developed by a handfull of guys. You are really judging a game by the number of sales? Then really call of duty should win every argument by your logic. Also for an indie game it sold extremely well. Twice as well as they were anticipating, 200,000 units last year. Which is pretty damn good for a few guys working on a project without any funding or pay.
Go play Echo Night Beyond, I played that game with two of my friends and it scared the crap out of all of us numerous times (and we don't scare easily). You can try to joke but that game has ways to get your attention.No form of media is ever scary when you're with a friend. i've watched dozens of horror movies and played dozens of horror games with friends, and you're too busy joking and chatting with each other to get scared or for tension to ever build up.
[QUOTE="dream431ca"]You played Silent Hill? How the hell did you get through that if Doom 3 was that bad for you? LOL! Silent Hill freaked me out so much the first time I played it, I shut the game off. Then I finished it weeks later and was hooked on the series.RyviusARCI thought that Silent Hill 3 was the most disturbing game of the series. I am actually doing a play through of the game with some tweaks for 1920x1200 resolution. Added some AA+AF and better FOV. The quality of the video is pretty good especially for youtube if you select the "Original" resolution which is above 1080P. I only have 2 more videos before I finish the game and I am uploading the 5th right now, but Youtube takes forever when uploading large files.... Part 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x2-lhbiKGE Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IIRhaFJPt0 Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7BBDh0_jfQ Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJsNT96dw_g Thats a nice playthrough but I'm sorry, 3rd person horror games just don't put the player in a sense of horror anymore in my opinion. If it's not first person, it just doesn't scare me anymore.
"You wouldn't get it because you're a console gamer!"
"It's just got a great atmosphere, you're not playing it right!"
Is what pc gamers will say, as OBVIOUSLY you are just inferior in your gaming tastes.
this post is full of sh!t.
PC gamers do not have inferior tastes in games. No entire platform base can have inferior tastes. Only individuals.
And hundreds of people have stated that it does have great atmosphere and is genuinely scary. So if you don't get scared by it then it's just you it's not the game. The game is very good at what it does.
No, I meant people will find the TC's taste inferior in his gaming tastes because he "is a console gamer" (I assume)
"You wouldn't get it because you're a console gamer!"
"It's just got a great atmosphere, you're not playing it right!"
Is what pc gamers will say, as OBVIOUSLY you are just inferior in your gaming tastes.
this post is full of sh!t.
PC gamers do not have inferior tastes in games. No entire platform base can have inferior tastes. Only individuals.
And hundreds of people have stated that it does have great atmosphere and is genuinely scary. So if you don't get scared by it then it's just you it's not the game. The game is very good at what it does.
No, I meant people will find the TC's taste inferior in his gaming tastes because he "is a console gamer" (I assume)
Actually, it's probably because he has no imagination. I could see how people would suffer from this as the devs specifically used your imagination against you while playing.I wasn't truly scared until I got to the city and the sewers, eventually I learned the area really well and didn't feel so intimidated though. Overall Dead Island was a really nice surprise, great value.Even Dead Island managed to scare the sh!t out of me.
Lol, you can make any game scary with that kind of setting. His point is, you shouldn't have to go through all that.percech
And everyone else's point is that he's wrong.
"My chicken is raw, but I shouldn't have to cook it. I shouldn't have to go through all that."
"Man, I've got a hard on, but I don't want to actually be socially acceptable and find a mate. I shouldn't have to go through all that. Thank God for the internet"
"Huh, I have to drive 40 mins to work, I shouldn't have to go through all that"
Anything worth doing takes more effort than sitting in front of a PC screen eating pizza.
"I want pizza but I don't want to pick up the phone and order it. I shouldn't have to go through all that"
[QUOTE="freedomfreak"]I wasn't truly scared until I got to the city and the sewers, eventually I learned the area really well and didn't feel so intimidated though. Overall Dead Island was a really nice surprise, great value. Yeah,Resort was my favorite place because I felt at home over there. I agree.I didn't like it at first but once I got into it,I couldn't stop loving it.I even bought the Ryder White DLC.Even Dead Island managed to scare the sh!t out of me.
Amnesia sold poorly?
which console exclusive sold fewer copies than amnesia?
Amnesia is an indie title you moron. who would even make the comparison ? An idiot.You're playing it COMPLETELY wrong. Play alone, in a dark room and completely immerse yourself in the world. You will get scared.
To be fair and at least IMO, the same can be said about most horror games.
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