I honestly dont understand why lemmings are hyping both titles graphically when all of their predictions for console graphics kings have flopped ever since 2007, multiplatform or exclusive. The only aspect of Crysis 2 that i found impressive was the scale and the lighting. The textures were quoted by journalists to be poorly detailed though thats expected due to the games somewhat large scale, the weapon and character models (Except yourself)have average texture quality,the animations are also very average,etc. For Rage, (I know its in Pre-Alpha), the weapon models are average at best, there is little polygonal detail in the environment,the lighting and shadowing are bre-baked, there is no/verylittle environmentaldestruction, it is lacking depth of field, per object motion blur and other post processing effects, and your animations look out-dated in quality, etc. Did I miss anything? I cannot find the reason to hype these games graphically...:?
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