[QUOTE="Snugenz"][QUOTE="TehNubTuber"]^^ Yes I did, none of them said as explicitly as these quotes that it was graphics king, they just said the game looked great, or at best that it was the best looking game on the 360. None of them said it was graphics king or the best looking game on consoles. Ownage denied :P The large majority of gaming press agrees now and will agree whrn the games are released, KZ3 is by far the most impressive title, even if it ends up not being the best game.delta3074
One of them said it looked like a game from next gen (as in the gen after this one). :P
next gen graphics>current gen graphics king, watch him go into denial,lol Wait wait wait... :lol: Are you guys claiming a journalist said Rage looks like a Next Gen game as in the next batch of consoles/hardware and that I'm in denial? This is going to be fun haha :D
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