I keep seeing all these anti-pc gaming threads poping up are sheep,lems and cows mad they can't play the crysis beta ??
Could they be mad hermits are playing TF2 ??
Could they be mad halo 3 has fake HD graphics (along with many other games) ??
Could they be mad hermits have the most AAA and AA games ??
Clould they be mad live cost $50 for p2p gaming with crappy audio and limited players??
Could they be mad hermits have free mods ??
Could they be mad most console gamers don't even have a HDTV ??
Could they be mad hermits also have consoles and can play whatever they want ??
Could they be mad about the dx10 graphics on pc or hate our quad core cpu's ??
Just a few of the reasons I have seen from the console fanboys they all seem mad at hermits like we smacked their mom ??
Why all the hate or is it just pc envy as pc's get better and better while their favorite consoles stay the same ??
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