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Honestly, I think the lack of AAA titles also has a lot to do with a lot of the 3rd parties simply being caught with their pants down. Triple A take a lot of time to develop; Many years in fact. For them to have been announced/released by now, it would have meant that they were in development/planning before/shortly after the Wii was released. However, nobody, besides Nintendo, expected the Wii sales to be so strong, and anyone who did should be buying lottery tickets.
However, the good news is, now that the industry has seen the rise of the Wii, I'm sure many plans and budgets have been shifted and adjusted, and triple A titles should be in their pipeline (though not ready to be announced). This means soon, you should be flooded with the titles from the franchises you're familiar with, and ones that aren't just spinoffs.
Have a little patience and faith in the little white console that could. I know I am. 'Lost' - Community Specialist, Capcom Entertainment, Inc.
I'd like to point out taht the Wii has also opened up a lot of doors for new 3rd parties too. Just check out the Wiiware channel Anyone can make a decent flash game for the Wii and even if you've got a small budget you can still make a pretty good game. Just Check out Hight Voltage games (the guys designing the Conduit) They've got what maybe one or two titles on the shop channel as things stand and they're pumping out one of the 1st person shooters to revolutionize the system and make the other 3rd parties realize that the Wii is probably the best system for 1st person shooters!
Not only that but I have to say that a lot of your opinions on "good games" are very shallow. You people only take into account games like PFS' and sports games. What about people who like RPGs or stuff in the fantasy genre? Tales of Symphonia 2 just came out and Castlvania is on it's way! Not to mention Mad world and No More Heroes 2! Metroid 3 rocked us as did Galaxy, Fire Emblem, LoZ and Brawl. I'm still finding LoZ used at full price at EB.
ought to try and keep a more open mind when you're discussing "good games"
I thought sales determined the winner last gen, so why should it be any different now?Epak_
[QUOTE="Epak_"]I thought sales determined the winner last gen, so why should it be any different now?JLF1
Well yeah the company won, not necessarily the gamer. Lets put it that way then. Although I don't know how much Sony lost last gen so... :P
[QUOTE="JLF1"][QUOTE="Epak_"]I thought sales determined the winner last gen, so why should it be any different now?Epak_
Well yeah the company won, not necessarily the gamer. Lets put it that way then. Although I don't know how much Sony lost last gen so... :P
after only reading the first page and seeing the TC ignore or mindlessly dismiss people who have named games that otherwise would not have been on the wii
please dont feed the trollsÂ
When do cow's get the benefit of the cell and blu ray and stop getting inferior MP and exclusives that cant even beat the 360 ??Gh0st_Of_0nyx
How are the exclusives inferior? That doesn't make sense
MGS4 10
Resistance 2 9.0
Littlebigplanet 9.0
I thought sales determined the winner last gen, so why should it be any different now?Epak_
See with this is the PS2 had the games and sales. The wii only has the sales for now.
I thought sales determined the winner last gen, so why should it be any different now?Epak_
A combination of sales and games decided the winner last gen, something PS2 has A LOT of, and something Wii has LITTLE of.
[QUOTE="Epak_"]I thought sales determined the winner last gen, so why should it be any different now?angry_fork
A combination of sales and games decided the winner last gen, something PS2 has A LOT of, and something Wii has LITTLE of.
[QUOTE="Epak_"]I thought sales determined the winner last gen, so why should it be any different now?angry_fork
A combination of sales and games decided the winner last gen, something PS2 has A LOT of, and something Wii has LITTLE of.
And what are these multitude of Ps3 games that warrant the ps3 the winner of this gen ??Because right now out of the conosoles the wii and 360 gave GOTY titles and the sales what does the ps3 have :?
[QUOTE="angry_fork"][QUOTE="Epak_"]I thought sales determined the winner last gen, so why should it be any different now?Gh0st_Of_0nyx
A combination of sales and games decided the winner last gen, something PS2 has A LOT of, and something Wii has LITTLE of.
And what are these multitude of Ps3 games that warrant the ps3 the winner of this gen ??Because right now out of the conosoles the wii and 360 gave GOTY titles and the sales what does the ps3 have :?
When do cow's get the benefit of the cell and blu ray and stop getting inferior MP and exclusives that cant even beat the 360 ??Gh0st_Of_0nyx
I don't recall this being about the PS3 or the 360 troll.
[QUOTE="angry_fork"][QUOTE="Epak_"]I thought sales determined the winner last gen, so why should it be any different now?Gh0st_Of_0nyx
A combination of sales and games decided the winner last gen, something PS2 has A LOT of, and something Wii has LITTLE of.
And what are these multitude of Ps3 games that warrant the ps3 the winner of this gen ??Because right now out of the conosoles the wii and 360 gave GOTY titles and the sales what does the ps3 have :?
I don't recall anyone in this thread saying the PS3 was winning.Â
[QUOTE="angry_fork"][QUOTE="Epak_"]I thought sales determined the winner last gen, so why should it be any different now?Gh0st_Of_0nyx
A combination of sales and games decided the winner last gen, something PS2 has A LOT of, and something Wii has LITTLE of.
And what are these multitude of Ps3 games that warrant the ps3 the winner of this gen ??Because right now out of the conosoles the wii and 360 gave GOTY titles and the sales what does the ps3 have :?
The PS3 has two games rated 10. Wheres the wii 10s at? Also, MGS4 has a high chance of become GOTY.
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"][QUOTE="angry_fork"]And what are these multitude of Ps3 games that warrant the ps3 the winner of this gen ??Â
A combination of sales and games decided the winner last gen, something PS2 has A LOT of, and something Wii has LITTLE of.
Because right now out of the conosoles the wii and 360 gave GOTY titles and the sales what does the ps3 have :?
Gamecube had 2 - 3 GOTY titles and many more great games and it had modest sales (albeit last) The wii has a GOTY titles already and a couple of AAA and a multitude of AA titles and is 1st in sales so what makes you think the wii isnt the winner of this generation ??
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"][QUOTE="angry_fork"]And what are these multitude of Ps3 games that warrant the ps3 the winner of this gen ??Â
A combination of sales and games decided the winner last gen, something PS2 has A LOT of, and something Wii has LITTLE of.
Because right now out of the conosoles the wii and 360 gave GOTY titles and the sales what does the ps3 have :?
The PS3 has two games rated 10. Wheres the wii 10s at? Also, MGS4 has a high chance of become GOTY.
So your saying 1 10 exclusive game equates to winner of this gen :? The 36- also shares that same 10 game so does that mean its won this gen aswell ? The PC dosent have a 10 game this year so does that mean it cant win this generation ???You logic is very flawed if you think one game means you win a console war :lol:
[QUOTE="JLF1"][QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"] And what are these multitude of Ps3 games that warrant the ps3 the winner of this gen ??Â
Because right now out of the conosoles the wii and 360 gave GOTY titles and the sales what does the ps3 have :?
Gamecube had 2 - 3 GOTY titles and many more great games and it had modest sales (albeit last) The wii has a GOTY titles already and a couple of AAA and a multitude of AA titles and is 1st in sales so what makes you think the wii isnt the winner of this generation ??
The gamecube didn't come close to touching the PS2 last gen. The PS2 had countless good games and not just a handful. Why would we let only a few games decide who had the best games and not the entire library?
[QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"] And what are these multitude of Ps3 games that warrant the ps3 the winner of this gen ??Â
Because right now out of the conosoles the wii and 360 gave GOTY titles and the sales what does the ps3 have :?
The PS3 has two games rated 10. Wheres the wii 10s at? Also, MGS4 has a high chance of become GOTY.
So your saying 1 10 exclusive game equates to winner of this gen :? The 36- also shares that same 10 game so does that mean its won this gen aswell ? The PC dosent have a 10 game this year so does that mean it cant win this generation ???You logic is very flawed if you think one game means you win a console war :lol:
He didn't say the PS3 was the winner. Quit putting words in people's mouth.
[QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"] And what are these multitude of Ps3 games that warrant the ps3 the winner of this gen ??Because right now out of the conosoles the wii and 360 gave GOTY titles and the sales what does the ps3 have :?
The PS3 has two games rated 10. Wheres the wii 10s at? Also, MGS4 has a high chance of become GOTY.
So your saying 1 10 exclusive game equates to winner of this gen :? The 36- also shares that same 10 game so does that mean its won this gen aswell ? The PC dosent have a 10 game this year so does that mean it cant win this generation ???You logic is very flawed if you think one game means you win a console war :lol:
Huh? I never said that. You are putting words in my mouth. All I said is the PS3 has 2 games rated 10 and the wii has none. I never said that the PS3 was the winner because of that. The PS3 has more AAAA and AAAs overall than the wii.
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"][QUOTE="JLF1"]You guys are using the logic that sales and games determine the winner right ??
Where did he say that the PS3 is the winner this gen?Ragnarok1051
Gamecube had 2 - 3 GOTY titles and many more great games and it had modest sales (albeit last) The wii has a GOTY titles already and a couple of AAA and a multitude of AA titles and is 1st in sales so what makes you think the wii isnt the winner of this generation ??
The gamecube didn't come close to touching the PS2 last gen. The PS2 had countless good games and not just a handful. Why would we let only a few games decide who had the best games and not the entire library?
 I said the Gamecube came in last:| Im not disputing the ps2 came in first im disputing the point that think the wii cant be the winner of this gen because it dosent either have 1. a game the scores a 10 or 2.dosent have a multitude of good games.When infact it does have sales of hardware and a great library of games.
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"][QUOTE="Soulja_West"]So your saying 1 10 exclusive game equates to winner of this gen :? The 36- also shares that same 10 game so does that mean its won this gen aswell ? The PC dosent have a 10 game this year so does that mean it cant win this generation ???The PS3 has two games rated 10. Wheres the wii 10s at? Also, MGS4 has a high chance of become GOTY.
You logic is very flawed if you think one game means you win a console war :lol:
He didn't say the PS3 was the winner. Quit putting words in people's mouth.
His reading comprehension is poor.
[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"] You guys are using the logic that sales and games determine the winner right ??
Gamecube had 2 - 3 GOTY titles and many more great games and it had modest sales (albeit last) The wii has a GOTY titles already and a couple of AAA and a multitude of AA titles and is 1st in sales so what makes you think the wii isnt the winner of this generation ??
The gamecube didn't come close to touching the PS2 last gen. The PS2 had countless good games and not just a handful. Why would we let only a few games decide who had the best games and not the entire library?
 I said the Gamecube came in last:| Im not disputing the ps2 came in first im disputing the point that think the wii cant be the winner of this gen because it dosent either have 1. a game the scores a 10 or 2.dosent have a multitude of good games.When infact it does have sales of hardware and a great library of games.
The Wii has a poor library of games. Just go look at GR to see. You are still putting words in people's mouths because he did not say that you have to have a game rated 10 to win the console race.Â
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]Â I said the Gamecube came in last:| Im not disputing the ps2 came in first im disputing the point that think the wii cant be the winner of this gen because it dosent either have 1. a game the scores a 10 or 2.dosent have a multitude of good games.[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]
The gamecube didn't come close to touching the PS2 last gen. The PS2 had countless good games and not just a handful. Why would we let only a few games decide who had the best games and not the entire library?
When infact it does have sales of hardware and a great library of games.
The Wii has a poor library of games. Just go look at GR to see. You are still putting words in people's mouths because he did not say that you have to have a game rated 10 to win the console race.Â
So here comes the fanboy in you ragnarok :roll:Yea im going to go and check GR for other people opinions on games when I could just easily play them on my wii and judge for myself :roll: The wii has an amzing array of games and alot of shovelware but REAL gamers dont bother with that. IÂ know for a fact that you dont have a wii and take other people opinions on a consoles library instead of making your own judgements.
no more heroes 2 got announced. Due to the high sales of Wii, no more heroes sold well enough to warrant Suda 51's first ever sequal.
if it was on game cube with its lame userbase, you can kiss goodbye to no more heroes 2. But this is wii. So right now we wait for it. Better than nothing. So TC fails.
So here comes the fanboy in you ragnarok :roll:
Yea im going to go and check GR for other people opinions on games when I could just easily play them on my wii and judge for myself :roll: The wii has an amzing array of games and alot of shovelware but REAL gamers dont bother with that. IÂ know for a fact that you dont have a wii and take other people opinions on a consoles library instead of making your own judgements.
And let me guess you're not a fanboy? I've spent time with a Wii, my cousin owns one. The Wii is crap imo. You said that the Wii has a GOTY so that helps in the winning of a console war. Isn't that another person's opinion? Why would I listen to them when I can make the decision myself?
Wii fans also benefit from genres of games unavailable on other systems. Monster Lab, Zack & Wiki, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Lightsaber Duels are a few good examples.
It's Wii's unique nature that benefits from sales the most.
That Clone Wars game got like a 5 who would even wast money on that. Yeah uniquely bad.
no more heroes 2 got announced. Due to the high sales of Wii, no more heroes sold well enough to warrant Suda 51's first ever sequal.
if it was on game cube with its lame userbase, you can kiss goodbye to no more heroes 2. But this is wii. So right now we wait for it. Better than nothing. So TC fails.
What you said made no sense.
[QUOTE="r_gam3"]no more heroes 2 got announced. Due to the high sales of Wii, no more heroes sold well enough to warrant Suda 51's first ever sequal.
if it was on game cube with its lame userbase, you can kiss goodbye to no more heroes 2. But this is wii. So right now we wait for it. Better than nothing. So TC fails.
What you said made no sense.
I thought the game had poor sales.
Do you think developers were happy with the sales of Zack&Wiki and NoMoreHeroes? o_o They didn't benefit from those millions of Wii owners.Nintendo are picking up multiplatforms and exclusives.
Mad World, No More Heroes, Fatal Frame 4, Zack & Wiki, and Fragile are a few good examples of third party games that have made their way to the Wii thanks to tidy sales.
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]So here comes the fanboy in you ragnarok :roll:
Yea im going to go and check GR for other people opinions on games when I could just easily play them on my wii and judge for myself :roll: The wii has an amzing array of games and alot of shovelware but REAL gamers dont bother with that. IÂ know for a fact that you dont have a wii and take other people opinions on a consoles library instead of making your own judgements.
And let me guess you're not a fanboy? I've spent time with a Wii, my cousin owns one. The Wii is crap imo. You said that the Wii has a GOTY so that helps in the winning of a console war. Isn't that another person's opinion? Why would I listen to them when I can make the decision myself?
I am a fanboy but I atleast TRY a consoles library before I make a desicion you just get your opinions off of Gameranking :lol: I dont belive that you have even played half the wii good games so your opinion on the wii library is speculation AT BEST :lol:Looks like they'll never benefit. For two years now they kept on saying how wii would get amazing third party support.
"Devs we're just caught off guard, we'll get some good stuff soon"
"Wii is winning in sales! Third parties have to jump on board!"
Present day, 2008...and christmas for wii is a dry desert. Not too mention it's library is destroyed by the 360 and ps3 according to GS (and GR, if you want).The only remotely good looking thing that was comign this year was TOS2, which flopped at a lot of sites.
2009 looks decent at best. We'll just have to hope titles like mushroom men pull through.
Do you think developers were happy with the sales of Zack&Wiki and NoMoreHeroes? o_o They didn't benefit from those millions of Wii owners.they both made the dev profit and that is what matters.... the same cant be said about a lot of teh hardcore HD games. for a game with no ad's and little dev budget they both exceeded expectations
[QUOTE="Tony-Harrison"]Nintendo are picking up multiplatforms and exclusives.
Mad World, No More Heroes, Fatal Frame 4, Zack & Wiki, and Fragile are a few good examples of third party games that have made their way to the Wii thanks to tidy sales.
[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]So here comes the fanboy in you ragnarok :roll:
Yea im going to go and check GR for other people opinions on games when I could just easily play them on my wii and judge for myself :roll: The wii has an amzing array of games and alot of shovelware but REAL gamers dont bother with that. I know for a fact that you dont have a wii and take other people opinions on a consoles library instead of making your own judgements.
And let me guess you're not a fanboy? I've spent time with a Wii, my cousin owns one. The Wii is crap imo. You said that the Wii has a GOTY so that helps in the winning of a console war. Isn't that another person's opinion? Why would I listen to them when I can make the decision myself?
I am a fanboy but I atleast TRY a consoles library before I make a desicion you just get your opinions off of Gameranking :lol: I dont belive that you have even played half the wii good games so your opinion on the wii library is speculation AT BEST :lol:and I don't believe you have ever touched a PS3 so your opinion on the PS3's library is speculation at best, see? this game can be played on both sides. all these :lol: 's in your posts, aren't helping your argument at all, really. You're probably the biggest fanboy in this thread. before you call me a "cow", I don't even own a PS3.
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]I am a fanboy but I atleast TRY a consoles library before I make a desicion you just get your opinions off of Gameranking :lol: I dont belive that you have even played half the wii good games so your opinion on the wii library is speculation AT BEST :lol:Â
And let me guess you're not a fanboy? I've spent time with a Wii, my cousin owns one. The Wii is crap imo. You said that the Wii has a GOTY so that helps in the winning of a console war. Isn't that another person's opinion? Why would I listen to them when I can make the decision myself?
and I don't believe you have ever touched a PS3 so your opinion on the PS3's library is speculation at best, see? this game can be played on both sides. all these :lol: 's in your posts, aren't helping your argument at all, really. You're probably the biggest fanboy in this thread. before you call me a "cow", I don't even own a PS3.
based on what i have seen from both ragnarok and ghost of onyx, ragnarok is the bigger fanboy and where onyx is just a fanboy rgnarok can be a bit of a troll at timeone thing is clear
sony can maybe push out some first party games and multiplats for another 3 to 4 years.. but thats it.. they wont be able to go further then that
nintendos wii is now a market that can live on its own even without nintendo software.. look at the development shift in japan.. it is already happening
if you want japanese games you will need the wii in the futureÂ
[QUOTE="qewrewq"][QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"] I am a fanboy but I atleast TRY a consoles library before I make a desicion you just get your opinions off of Gameranking :lol: I dont belive that you have even played half the wii good games so your opinion on the wii library is speculation AT BEST :lol:surrealnumber5
and I don't believe you have ever touched a PS3 so your opinion on the PS3's library is speculation at best, see? this game can be played on both sides. all these :lol: 's in your posts, aren't helping your argument at all, really. You're probably the biggest fanboy in this thread. before you call me a "cow", I don't even own a PS3.
based on what i have seen from both ragnarok and ghost of onyx, ragnarok is the bigger fanboy and where onyx is just a fanboy rgnarok can be a bit of a troll at timeYou can't be serious, onyx trolls in almost every single PS3/PSP thread, he's a much bigger troll than rgnarok, I read through many of these threads, I just don't post alot.
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]I am a fanboy but I atleast TRY a consoles library before I make a desicion you just get your opinions off of Gameranking :lol: I dont belive that you have even played half the wii good games so your opinion on the wii library is speculation AT BEST :lol:Â
And let me guess you're not a fanboy? I've spent time with a Wii, my cousin owns one. The Wii is crap imo. You said that the Wii has a GOTY so that helps in the winning of a console war. Isn't that another person's opinion? Why would I listen to them when I can make the decision myself?
and I don't believe you have ever touched a PS3 so your opinion on the PS3's library is speculation at best, see? this game can be played on both sides. all these :lol: 's in your posts, aren't helping your argument at all, really. You're probably the biggest fanboy in this thread. before you call me a "cow", I don't even own a PS3.
I unlike ragnarok play the games on a system and not take my perception of a consoles library of games from a website:wink:Please Log In to post.
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