It probably will, Sony thinks that the PS3 can last for 10 years :lol:
They stated it was a 10 year console. That doesn't mean the PS4 won't release until that 10 year cycle has ended.
It will more than likely happen much like the PS2-PS3, as the PS2 is still supported.
The question is, can Sony even afford to match up with the X-Box 720 when they've now lost nearly 5 billion smackeroonies off of the gaming division? I also forgot to mention that if those 1st party devs give the same amount of time & money for both Killzone 2 & Uncharted 2 on the 360, it will look exactly the same on the 360.
No it wouldn't because the 360 and PS3 perform very differently and also the 360's storage media space is more limited. And compress files make for a reduction of High Deffinition quality.
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