You can't, really. Not in the way that PC gamers tend to like to play (60+ FPS).
Note that the XBox doesn't hold up to that standard either. The issue is, "the X1X runs games at 4K!" But what isn't being addressed is 1) framerate, and 2) what the heck "High" or "Ultra" actually mean for the games that achieve that resolution target. Forza Horizon 4 is a perfect example, developed for Microsoft's platform - you can run that game at 4K 30FPS on high/Ultra mix settings on a freaking GTX970 (which is worse than a 1060 or RX580, for those who don't know). So it's a really well optimized game from the get-go, and it also raises the question of where a dev decides to draw the line and say "yup, that's our Ultra PC setting". Do they set standards comparable to the target console? Probably sometimes - I'd bet it means a lot to MS to have this game "max out" on the XBox... that being said, it looks mindblowing so, from a functional standpoint high/ultra in FH4 really is "high fidelity" and "ultra good to look at"
All the minutiae aside, for me, the X1X is a fantastic price/performance ratio. I'm really surprised how well it has been delivering on its promised performance. It seems to be pulling in numbers ranging from GTX1060-1070 performance, and for 500 or less... forget about it. That's simply a good price for that kind of hardware. No two ways about it.
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