Where is this 4$ for XBL coming from?

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#101 gago-gago
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For me, buying an annual Xbox Live Gold card is like buying a recent movie on blu ray brand new, never pay full retail MSRP price.

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#102 coasterguy65
Member since 2005 • 7133 Posts

Wow it's amazing this thread has made 10 pages. I'll make it easier for some of the math challenged, and fanboys. I paid $29.99 for Xbox Live this year through Amazon (no tax, no shipping). after that it was free for 13 months (13 month card). Actually free 15 months since Xbox just gave me 2 free months this year for a total of 15 months for $30. I look at it as $1.99 a month, but if you don't see that it's ok. For less than the cost of taking my family to 1 movie, I have had, or will have 15 months of Live, and all it's benefits.

To the TC if $8 is too much to pay a month get a 12+1 card, or go to PSN it's free for now. Remember unless you are playing Halo 3 or Gears 2 there is nothing else to do on the Xbox anyway right? :roll:

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#103 gensigns
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My Live is $40.00 a month for the first month and free for the rest of the year!

Gaming is an expensive hobby, get over it. Always has been, always will.

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#104 tutt3r
Member since 2005 • 2865 Posts

there is so much fail in this thread its scary

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#106 ChiChiMonKilla
Member since 2007 • 2339 Posts

I am sure if silver had online multi player nobody or next to nobody would get live gold imo

I get steam on pc that owns live gold for free with servers

I also get psn/home free not as good as live gold but close

So I get a better service for free on pc and a close 2nd on the ps3 for free thus live gold is over priced and any reasonable person will also think so

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#107 jrhawk42
Member since 2003 • 12764 Posts


Basically I goes like this.

official prices.

1 month $7.99

3 months $19.99 ($6.70 per month)

12 months $49.99 ($4.17 per month)

Unofficial prices.

1 month Free (http://m.slickdeals.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1911756)

3 month dunno never see these.

12 months $35 (basically everybody has a $30-35 deal for a year of live at least 1 time a year) $2.92 per month.

So basically you can go either on any extreme of the spectrum which is free or $7.99 a month, but I'd prefer to go w/ what I think your typical XBL consumer pays for live, and that's probably 4.17 per month w/ the official 12 month plan.


Aw the 1 month free thing is expired. :( I know there's a 2 day trail for XBL gold though.

I kinda forgot to mention you could of exploited that 1 month free offer to get 3 years of live for free.

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#108 ianuilliam
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Since we are breaking down one-time fees (a year of Live for $50) into monthly installments, instead of actually using the monthly cost ($8/month) I went ahead and did the math.

Launch 360 ($400) + 5 years of Live ($50/yr), broken down over 60 months: $10.83/month.

Launch PS3 ($600) + 5 years of PSN, broken down over 60 months: $10/month.

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#109 TheEroica  Moderator
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My thread about the game informer reader response has absolutly sent a particular faction of the gaming worl running for cover huh? haha.... they keep caring about the 50 bucks and people keep being satisfied with LIVE and the 360... Let it go already.

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#111 mazdero
Member since 2002 • 1754 Posts

50/12= $4.17?


But you can't pay for it like that so that number is meaningless. its 50 a year(unless you get a better deal) or 7.99 a month. there is NO option to pay 4.17 a month.

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#112 Ugalde-
Member since 2009 • 3732 Posts

It is $50 a year for the best online on a console system. As a online player not that bad. I have a birthday and chrismass so it's not that bad.

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#113 monson21502
Member since 2009 • 8230 Posts
$4 is pure bullocks and people need to stop spreading it. Lems and their nonsense. I just went on Amazon and saw a 12-month XBL card for $40. I'm no math experts but 40/12 =/= 4. Lems need to stop with the BS and come clean.Senor_Kami
i just bought a 12 month card off amazon last week. it took them 4 days to ship and 3 days to get to my house. i shoulda just payed 50 on my 360 with my debit card and got 14 months plus a free avatar blast shield. and i wouldnt have wait a week to play online. luckly i also have a ps3 to play bbc 2 and mw2 on lol
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#114 NukePistols
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I paid $35 for mine so 35/12= $2.92 a month...WarEagle1357
I pay $0.00 a year to play online.
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#115 88mphSlayer
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I paid $35 for mine so 35/12= $2.92 a month...WarEagle1357


[QUOTE="WarEagle1357"]I paid $35 for mine so 35/12= $2.92 a month...NukePistols
I pay $0.00 a year to play online.

you pay for internet

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#116 killab2oo5
Member since 2005 • 13621 Posts


50/12= $4.17?


50 * 5yrs = $250. There's 2 ways to play the numbers game.

That's actually the same way...you just added on 4 more years.There's also various ways to get 12 months much cheaper. On Amazon, for instance, 12 months are $40...that's just $3.33 per month. On Amazon you can also get a 1 month for $2.02. That's $24.24 a year. It's not like people have to get ripped off directly through MS.
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#117 CBR600-RR
Member since 2008 • 9695 Posts

you pay for internet


Correction, my mother pays for the internet. :P

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#118 washd123
Member since 2003 • 3418 Posts

maybe people getting discounts? idk?

officially its $10 a month $20 for 3 months or $50 for a year

nowhere is it $4 per month or $1 per day or w.e **** people come up with

and either way at the end of the day its still $x you have to pay just to play part of a game you already paid for.

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#119 Phazevariance
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This "it's only $4 a month" argument is senseless. You pay $50 (or if you find a deal, that price) in ONE installment. Yes, if you divide things down, it might break down to $4/month, but you can't just set aside $4 every month and have Live for that month. If you saved that way over the course of a year, that's how it works, but that also means the first year you'd have no Live. By this "logic," the PS3 at launch was less than 33 cents a day. Are you too poor to afford 33 cents a day? You could go beg for change for 15 minutes a day and have more than that. Dumb arguments are dumb.LongZhiZi
Obviously, its just for comparison purposes. If you purchase one month of Xbox Live, its like $8.99 or something. If you buy one month at a time, then you are effectively paying $8.99 every month, where as buying it at a one time bulk price of $49.99 allows you 12 months, which when broken down 'for comparison' you end up paying $4.16/month vs the $8.99/month you could have been spending, even though you must pay for the entire year in advance, ie $49.99 one time fee, once per year. It's not 'logic' thats making it sound cheaper, thats just how it works. How would you compare two different payments for two different time scales?
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#120 opex07
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50/12= $4.17?


But you can't pay for it like that so that number is meaningless. its 50 a year(unless you get a better deal) or 7.99 a month. there is NO option to pay 4.17 a month.

Your paying for a service, one that is being determined by monthly increments. If a plumber charges $10 an hour and at the end of the day you pay him $40 dollars are you somehow not being charged by that $10 rate?
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#121 Gxgear
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Basically I goes like this.

official prices.

1 month $7.99

3 months $19.99 ($6.70 per month)

12 months $49.99 ($4.17 per month)

Unofficial prices.

1 month Free (http://m.slickdeals.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1911756)

3 month dunno never see these.

12 months $35 (basically everybody has a $30-35 deal for a year of live at least 1 time a year) $2.92 per month.

So basically you can go either on any extreme of the spectrum which is free or $7.99 a month, but I'd prefer to go w/ what I think your typical XBL consumer pays for live, and that's probably 4.17 per month w/ the official 12 month plan.


Aw the 1 month free thing is expired. :( I know there's a 2 day trail for XBL gold though.

I kinda forgot to mention you could of exploited that 1 month free offer to get 3 years of live for free.

Ooooh can you teach me how with a PM? :P

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#122 skrat_01
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Doesn't matter the price tag, on principle alone it is a massive ripoff, and one of the stains this generation.
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#123 Gxgear
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50/12= $4.17?


50 * 5yrs = $250. There's 2 ways to play the numbers game.

That's actually the same way...you just added on 4 more years.There's also various ways to get 12 months much cheaper. On Amazon, for instance, 12 months are $40...that's just $3.33 per month. On Amazon you can also get a 1 month for $2.02. That's $24.24 a year. It's not like people have to get ripped off directly through MS.

In the end it's $50 a year for most, and like many have suggested you can shop around online for 35 per year.

There's no point to calculate the cost to a weekly/monthly/360's lifecycle price because that's not what you pay at once.

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#125 Elian2530
Member since 2009 • 3658 Posts

[QUOTE="Senor_Kami"]$4 is pure bullocks and people need to stop spreading it. Lems and their nonsense. I just went on Amazon and saw a 12-month XBL card for $40. I'm no math experts but 40/12 =/= 4. Lems need to stop with the BS and come clean.opex07

40/12 is 3.333 repeating which is even cheaper than $4

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#127 Gxgear
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50/12= $4.17?


50 * 5yrs = $250. There's 2 ways to play the numbers game.

Haha, except you played "the number game" wrong. Yours is a total, assuming the person would play Xbox Live for 5 years (even though they could cancel it at any time for whatever reason). It would still, however, be around $4 a month. Yours is cumulative, we are talking average. You shouldn't be ditching math class.

Please, you're trying WAY too hard. People that try to justify XBL by dividing it into a monthly value are just pathetic in general.

The same could be said for the 4 dollar per month calculation. You don't get to decide how many months you want to pay, you pay for the whole year and after the one time cost M$ could care less about you until when it's time for a renewal.

The smart money says anyone who's subscribed to XBL is going to continue to renew it until:

A)The person stops playing their 360 altogether.

B)The person stops playing online multiplayer.

I think it's safe to say that I didn't fail math class, but someone here sure failed reading comprehension, not to mention common sense. :lol:

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#128 mazdero
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But you can't pay for it like that so that number is meaningless. its 50 a year(unless you get a better deal) or 7.99 a month. there is NO option to pay 4.17 a month.


Your paying for a service, one that is being determined by monthly increments. If a plumber charges $10 an hour and at the end of the day you pay him $40 dollars are you somehow not being charged by that $10 rate?

That isn't the same thing because you could actually give the plumber 10 dollars every hour where as you can NOT give MS 4.17 every month. Look, I don't care if people pay for it, its their money, and if their happy then thats all that matters. I'm just pointing out that 4.17 month does not exist for payment purposes. Thats like saying PS3 was only 50 per month, but you can't pay for it like that so it doesn't matter to break it down that way. Anything can be broken down, but not everything can be payed by those broken down increments. To me it sounds like its being done for justification purposes. If you are happy with the service then it doesn't need to be justified and breaking it down becomes even more useless.

and either way at the end of the day its still $x you have to pay just to play part of a game you already paid for.


This guy gets it and is the reason why I don't personally pay for live.

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#129 Eddie5vs1
Member since 2004 • 6085 Posts
$4 is pure bullocks and people need to stop spreading it. Lems and their nonsense. I just went on Amazon and saw a 12-month XBL card for $40. I'm no math experts but 40/12 =/= 4. Lems need to stop with the BS and come clean.Senor_Kami
LMAO, you're right, 40/12 actually equals $3.33. I get my subscription card off of amazon for $38, so I pay $3.16 a month. So how exactly is that "BS"?
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#130 Gangstah-Fresh
Member since 2009 • 510 Posts


50/12= $4.17?


50 * 5yrs = $250. There's 2 ways to play the numbers game.

why stop there.... 50,783x50 = 2539150 imagine that!!!

Now use that math to calculate how much money/revenue microsoft make's/year off it's projected Gold subscribers. This explains why a lack of game's isn't seeing the gaming front of Microsoft decline at all regardless of situation.
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#131 locopatho
Member since 2003 • 24300 Posts


50 * 5yrs = $250. There's 2 ways to play the numbers game.

Haha, except you played "the number game" wrong. Yours is a total, assuming the person would play Xbox Live for 5 years (even though they could cancel it at any time for whatever reason). It would still, however, be around $4 a month. Yours is cumulative, we are talking average. You shouldn't be ditching math class.

Please, you're trying WAY too hard. People that try to justify XBL by dividing it into a monthly value are just pathetic in general.

The same could be said for the 4 dollar per month calculation. You don't get to decide how many months you want to pay, you pay for the whole year and after the one time cost M$ could care less about you until when it's time for a renewal.

The smart money says anyone who's subscribed to XBL is going to continue to renew it until:

A)The person stops playing their 360 altogether.

B)The person stops playing online multiplayer.

I think it's safe to say that I didn't fail math class, but someone here sure failed reading comprehension, not to mention common sense. :lol:

But I (and I thought people in general?) do that for every subscription. I don't think, "O 360 euro for a year at the gym", I think "O, just 30 euro a month." It's the same info, just broken down differently.
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#132 1stPlaceWinner
Member since 2010 • 1120 Posts
[QUOTE="Senor_Kami"]$4 is pure bullocks and people need to stop spreading it. Lems and their nonsense. I just went on Amazon and saw a 12-month XBL card for $40. I'm no math experts but 40/12 =/= 4. Lems need to stop with the BS and come clean.Eddie5vs1
LMAO, you're right, 40/12 actually equals $3.33. I get my subscription card off of amazon for $38, so I pay $3.16 a month. So how exactly is that "BS"?

Its BS because you actually didn't pay 3.16 a month, you paid 40 dollars.
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#133 WilliamRLBaker
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All I can say is been a member of xbox live since 2002, Was in the beta, Haven't paid more then 30 in 5 years, and I have a sub paid up till 1/30/2012

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#135 Eddie5vs1
Member since 2004 • 6085 Posts
[QUOTE="Eddie5vs1"][QUOTE="Senor_Kami"]$4 is pure bullocks and people need to stop spreading it. Lems and their nonsense. I just went on Amazon and saw a 12-month XBL card for $40. I'm no math experts but 40/12 =/= 4. Lems need to stop with the BS and come clean.1stPlaceWinner
LMAO, you're right, 40/12 actually equals $3.33. I get my subscription card off of amazon for $38, so I pay $3.16 a month. So how exactly is that "BS"?

Its BS because you actually didn't pay 3.16 a month, you paid 40 dollars.

Ok, not to be rude, but if $40 breaks my bank then I probably need to pick another hobby.
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#136 KalEl370
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Pretty simple, don't like it, don't pay for it and enjoy your PSN or PC online gaming.

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#137 blue_hazy_basic  Moderator
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It's 7.99 or rounded up, $8 a month. I used to try and explain this to people and I gave up around 2007.

The misinformation spreads and now we see TC's asking questions. The most Damage control I've seen is the I only spend "$30 a year and it's great" without explaining to the SW poster that in reality they got a sale. It goes on and on. I try to pay less too, but I don't try to spread misinformation.

Everything else in SW isn't divided into months, but somehow Xbox Live Damage control is allowed and has been for years.

Sorry you had to find out the hard way TC.


I dunno whats happenned Ty, but you seem to have been given a large does of Sony mind control recently. The TC asked where does the $4 a month come from (I presume in response to the article that got posted a couple of days ago). Who the hell do you know who consistently buys XBL monthly? Why wouldn't people buy it cheaper (as its on sale constantly) than $50? At most its just over $4 a month for 99% of gamers and for most its less. Theres no need to spin dude.

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#138 SolidTy
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It's 7.99 or rounded up, $8 a month. I used to try and explain this to people and I gave up around 2007.

The misinformation spreads and now we see TC's asking questions. The most Damage control I've seen is the I only spend "$30 a year and it's great" without explaining to the SW poster that in reality they got a sale. It goes on and on. I try to pay less too, but I don't try to spread misinformation.

Everything else in SW isn't divided into months, but somehow Xbox Live Damage control is allowed and has been for years.

Sorry you had to find out the hard way TC.


I dunno whats happenned Ty, but you seem to have been given a large does of Sony mind control recently. The TC asked where does the $4 a month come from (I presume in response to the article that got posted a couple of days ago). Who the hell do you know who consistently buys XBL monthly? Why wouldn't people buy it cheaper (as its on sale constantly) than $50? At most its just over $4 a month for 99% of gamers and for most its less. Theres no need to spin dude.

Did I just enter some sort of crazy dimension?

I'm not spinning anything, I see a lot of spin here and all over the place though.

I recently bought Bayonetta for 360. I paid $60. Since when do we break things down per month or week? Bayonetta was only $20 a month so far! You know? We don't do that, except for Xbox Live. It doesn't make any sense, and it results in the TC's post of confusion. That confusion will continue on and on forever.

I don't know about any response to any article, I'm just commenting on confusion I've seen over the years here in SW and in real life. People get confused, and spoke up about it. I don't think I got infected with mind control, I think you did. As far as who the "hell" I know? What does that have to do with anything? The price is there for a reason, people get charged monthly with credit cards all the time, my cousin for instance, signed up for a month last year, and paid $7.99 for 9 months before he told me, and I helped him out of that lame situation. He didn't even care. He's not a hardcore gamer like us. Who knows what the TC is all about, but people are confused, and I try to help educate, and you propose I just keep sticking to the marketing line that Xbox wants me too? I don't think so. It's not $4 a month, nor is it $96 a year.

If we are going to break it down, we should be doing the reverse too (breaking it up). It's a tidal wave of misinformation, and that's why I said, "I USED to try and explain this to people and I gave up around 2007. "

Why wouldn't people buy it cheaper, I don't know man, They should. Convenience would be my first guess, but either way, there is a reality that some here really want to avoid.

It's $50 unless on sale for $35 or whatever a year, or it's $20 for three months, or it's $8 for a month. That's the breakdown.

IF someone says, I bought it for $40, and it worked out to $3 a month, that's a fair statement, That's not what's happening, people think it's literally $4.13 a month, and it's not.

You can't call Xbox and ask to pay for a month at the $4 rate, they charge $7.99, They tried to do that to me one time, as I have two Xbox 360 Live accounts to juggle.

Don't get me wrong, I have been a member of Xbox Live since last generation, for TWO XBOX's, so I know my stuff. I don't pay montly, it's a rip off. That doesn't mean that people aren't confused. I have literally spent 100's of dollars on Xbox Live annual service for my two Xbox's and two 360's ($700?-$800?, I don't remember at this point). It's an expensive hobby, and that overall fee is going to add up every year for all of us.

Buy the $35 deals if you see them, but don't claim that Xbox Live is $2 a year, without explaining your circumstances. I would imagine people at 1-800-4MY-Xbox see so many people paying too much every month, but that's not their problem.

There is no need to spin dude.;) (That was your final line, right?)


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#139 blue_hazy_basic  Moderator
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It's 7.99 or rounded up, $8 a month. I used to try and explain this to people and I gave up around 2007.

The misinformation spreads and now we see TC's asking questions. The most Damage control I've seen is the I only spend "$30 a year and it's great" without explaining to the SW poster that in reality they got a sale. It goes on and on. I try to pay less too, but I don't try to spread misinformation.

Everything else in SW isn't divided into months, but somehow Xbox Live Damage control is allowed and has been for years.

Sorry you had to find out the hard way TC.


I dunno whats happenned Ty, but you seem to have been given a large does of Sony mind control recently. The TC asked where does the $4 a month come from (I presume in response to the article that got posted a couple of days ago). Who the hell do you know who consistently buys XBL monthly? Why wouldn't people buy it cheaper (as its on sale constantly) than $50? At most its just over $4 a month for 99% of gamers and for most its less. Theres no need to spin dude.

Did I just enter some sort of crazy dimension?

I'm not spinning anything, I see a lot of spin here and all over the place though.

I recently bought Bayonetta for 360. I paid $60. Since when do we break things down per month or week? Bayonetta was only $20 a month so far! You know? We don't do that, except for Xbox Live. It doesn't make any sense, and it results in the TC's post of confusion. That confusion will continue on and on forever.

I don't know about any response to any article, I'm just commenting on confusion I've seen over the years here in SW and in real life. People get confused, and spoke up about it. I don't think I got infected with mind control, I think you did. As far as who the "hell" I know? What does that have to do with anything? The price is there for a reason, people get charged monthly with credit cards all the time, my cousin for instance, signed up for a month last year, and paid $7.99 for 9 months before he told me, and I helped him out of that lame situation. He didn't even care. He's not a hardcore gamer like us. Who knows what the TC is all about, but people are confused, and I try to help educate, and you propose I just keep sticking to the marketing line that Xbox wants me too? I don't think so. It's not $4 a month, nor is it $96 a year.

If we are going to break it down, we should be doing the reverse too (breaking it up). It's a tidal wave of misinformation, and that's why I said, "I USED to try and explain this to people and I gave up around 2007. "

Why wouldn't people buy it cheaper, I don't know man, They should. Convience would be my first guess, but either way, there is a reality that some here really want to avoid.

It's $50 unless on sale for $35 or whatever a year, or it's $20 for three months, or it's $8 for a month. That's the breakdown.

IF someone says, I bought it for $40, and it worked out to $3 a month, that's a fair statement, That's not whati's happening, people think it's literally $4.13 a month, and it's not.

You can't call Xbox and ask to pay for a month, and they will charge you $4.13, that's just not going to happen.

There is no need to spin dude.

Because most people buy XBL for $50/year, that simple. Comparing to a game purchase makes no sense. For the vast majority of gamers its about $4/month, hell if you want to be pedantic there are lots of ways to get free XBL (RROD your 360 and MS gives you some! :P ) So because my friend's 360's died and he got a free month of XBL, does that mean XBL=free, no of course not!

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#140 HavocV3
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2 of my friends make new accounts every month.

they don't pay a thing for XBL. see, I like stupid technicalities too:roll:

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#141 SolidTy
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[QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"] I dunno whats happenned Ty, but you seem to have been given a large does of Sony mind control recently. The TC asked where does the $4 a month come from (I presume in response to the article that got posted a couple of days ago). Who the hell do you know who consistently buys XBL monthly? Why wouldn't people buy it cheaper (as its on sale constantly) than $50? At most its just over $4 a month for 99% of gamers and for most its less. Theres no need to spin dude.


Did I just enter some sort of crazy dimension?

I'm not spinning anything, I see a lot of spin here and all over the place though.

I recently bought Bayonetta for 360. I paid $60. Since when do we break things down per month or week? Bayonetta was only $20 a month so far! You know? We don't do that, except for Xbox Live. It doesn't make any sense, and it results in the TC's post of confusion. That confusion will continue on and on forever.

I don't know about any response to any article, I'm just commenting on confusion I've seen over the years here in SW and in real life. People get confused, and spoke up about it. I don't think I got infected with mind control, I think you did. As far as who the "hell" I know? What does that have to do with anything? The price is there for a reason, people get charged monthly with credit cards all the time, my cousin for instance, signed up for a month last year, and paid $7.99 for 9 months before he told me, and I helped him out of that lame situation. He didn't even care. He's not a hardcore gamer like us. Who knows what the TC is all about, but people are confused, and I try to help educate, and you propose I just keep sticking to the marketing line that Xbox wants me too? I don't think so. It's not $4 a month, nor is it $96 a year.

If we are going to break it down, we should be doing the reverse too (breaking it up). It's a tidal wave of misinformation, and that's why I said, "I USED to try and explain this to people and I gave up around 2007. "

Why wouldn't people buy it cheaper, I don't know man, They should. Convenience would be my first guess, but either way, there is a reality that some here really want to avoid.

It's $50 unless on sale for $35 or whatever a year, or it's $20 for three months, or it's $8 for a month. That's the breakdown.

IF someone says, I bought it for $40, and it worked out to $3 a month, that's a fair statement, That's not what's happening, people think it's literally $4.13 a month, and it's not.

You can't call Xbox and ask to pay for a month at the $4 rate, they charge $7.99, They tried to do that to me one time, as I have two Xbox 360 Live accounts to juggle.

Don't get me wrong, I have been a member of Xbox Live since last generation, for TWO XBOX's, so I know my stuff. I don't pay montly, it's a rip off. That doesn't mean that people aren't confused. I have literally spent 100's of dollars on Xbox Live annual service for my two Xbox's and two 360's ($700?-$800?, I don't remember at this point). It's an expensive hobby, and that overall fee is going to add up every year for all of us.

Buy the $35 deals if you see them, but don't claim that Xbox Live is $2 a year, without explaining your circumstances. I would imagine people at 1-800-4MY-Xbox see so many people paying too much every month, but that's not their problem.

There is no need to spin dude. (That was your final line, right?)

Because most people buy XBL for $50/year, that simple. Comparing to a game purchase makes no sense. For the vast majority of gamers its about $4/month, hell if you want to be pedantic there are lots of ways to get free XBL (RROD your 360 and MS gives you some! :P ) So because my friend's 360's died and he got a free month of XBL, does that mean XBL=free, no of course not!

Do most people do that? What's the break down, what's the percentage? I would hope so as it is a much better deal for sure and I will assume most folks do buy the annual (I already assumed that my whole life BTW) for the remander of this chat, but there is no hard evidence that's how most folks do it. Just throwing that out there.

I have had RROD 3 times, and I got a month card everytime...BUT I didn't have my Xbox for 3-4 weeks! So, the card ended up paying for what I lost.:P

That card is to replace your time you prepaid for on Xbox Live, it's not a hand out. I for one would complain if I didn't have my cable/Satellite/Xbox Live service if I already pre paid, woudn't you? So, I never thought that was a great deal, I was angry at the inconvience of my system breaking once a year, and getting some one month card to replace my system I didn't have for 3 weeks. I got a few weeks of Gold for free, but I also had to live without my machine for weeks, which is the exact opposite of why I bought it.

That being said, last gen was much better for free cards. Xbox give 48 hour cards, but last gen they gave 1 month trials, which was awesome...although I only took advantage of that once, since I was always prepaid anyways.

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#142 topgunmv
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It's 7.99 or rounded up, $8 a month. I used to try and explain this to people and I gave up around 2007.

The misinformation spreads and now we see TC's asking questions. The most Damage control I've seen is the I only spend "$30 a year and it's great" without explaining to the SW poster that in reality they got a sale. It goes on and on. I try to pay less too, but I don't try to spread misinformation.

Everything else in SW isn't divided into months, but somehow Xbox Live Damage control is allowed and has been for years.

Sorry you had to find out the hard way TC.


I dunno whats happenned Ty, but you seem to have been given a large does of Sony mind control recently. The TC asked where does the $4 a month come from (I presume in response to the article that got posted a couple of days ago). Who the hell do you know who consistently buys XBL monthly? Why wouldn't people buy it cheaper (as its on sale constantly) than $50? At most its just over $4 a month for 99% of gamers and for most its less. Theres no need to spin dude.

Did I just enter some sort of crazy dimension?

I'm not spinning anything, I see a lot of spin here and all over the place though.

I recently bought Bayonetta for 360. I paid $60. Since when do we break things down per month or week? Bayonetta was only $20 a month so far! You know? We don't do that, except for Xbox Live. It doesn't make any sense, and it results in the TC's post of confusion. That confusion will continue on and on forever.

I don't know about any response to any article, I'm just commenting on confusion I've seen over the years here in SW and in real life. People get confused, and spoke up about it. I don't think I got infected with mind control, I think you did. As far as who the "hell" I know? What does that have to do with anything? The price is there for a reason, people get charged monthly with credit cards all the time, my cousin for instance, signed up for a month last year, and paid $7.99 for 9 months before he told me, and I helped him out of that lame situation. He didn't even care. He's not a hardcore gamer like us. Who knows what the TC is all about, but people are confused, and I try to help educate, and you propose I just keep sticking to the marketing line that Xbox wants me too? I don't think so. It's not $4 a month, nor is it $96 a year.

If we are going to break it down, we should be doing the reverse too (breaking it up). It's a tidal wave of misinformation, and that's why I said, "I USED to try and explain this to people and I gave up around 2007. "

Why wouldn't people buy it cheaper, I don't know man, They should. Convenience would be my first guess, but either way, there is a reality that some here really want to avoid.

It's $50 unless on sale for $35 or whatever a year, or it's $20 for three months, or it's $8 for a month. That's the breakdown.

IF someone says, I bought it for $40, and it worked out to $3 a month, that's a fair statement, That's not what's happening, people think it's literally $4.13 a month, and it's not.

You can't call Xbox and ask to pay for a month at the $4 rate, they charge $7.99, They tried to do that to me one time, as I have two Xbox 360 Live accounts to juggle.

Don't get me wrong, I have been a member of Xbox Live since last generation, for TWO XBOX's, so I know my stuff. I don't pay montly, it's a rip off. That doesn't mean that people aren't confused. I have literally spent 100's of dollars on Xbox Live annual service for my two Xbox's and two 360's ($700?-$800?, I don't remember at this point). It's an expensive hobby, and that overall fee is going to add up every year for all of us.

Buy the $35 deals if you see them, but don't claim that Xbox Live is $2 a year, without explaining your circumstances. I would imagine people at 1-800-4MY-Xbox see so many people paying too much every month, but that's not their problem.

There is no need to spin dude.;) (That was your final line, right?)


People will skew figures to fit their arguments. Hermits will point out all the good deals on pc parts online and then say all console games are 60$. Consolites will say computers are 2000$ and point to the 199$ harddriveless 360 that nobody buys. Cows will say the cost of xbox live is a deal breaker while psn is exuberant. Lemmings will defend perephieral costs and say you're paying for more than you need with a ps3. So on and so forth.

I don't think I was going anywhere with that, just needed a break from writing an article.

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#143 SolidTy
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2 of my friends make new accounts every month.

they don't pay a thing for XBL. see, I like stupid technicalities too:roll:


Nice try. You have a limited number of free accounts you can make on Xbox Live on that Xbox 360.

Why did you throw misinformation like this hoping I didn't know? I don't have personal experience, since I've never been in that sort of financial situation, but I believe the limit is three or four, before Xbox Live completely cuts them off. :P

This isn't about any technicalities, it's just to explain :

Xbox Live Retail is $50 a year, $20 for three months, and $8 per month. Just trying to educate the masses, which is what your post does not do. It was misinforming, and lets people believe they can make new accounts EVERY MONTH, which isn't possible.

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#144 blue_hazy_basic  Moderator
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2 of my friends make new accounts every month.

they don't pay a thing for XBL. see, I like stupid technicalities too:roll:

Nice try. You have a limited number of free accounts you can make on Xbox Live on that Xbox 360.

Why did you throw misinformation like this hoping I didn't know? I don't have personal experience, since I've never been in that sort of financial situation, but I believe the limit is three or four, before Xbox Live completely cuts them off. :P

This isn't about any technicalities, it's just to explain :

Xbox Live Retail is $50 a year, $20 for three months, and $8 per month. Just trying to educate the masses, which is what your post does not do. It was misinforming, and lets people believe they can make new accounts EVERY MONTH, which isn't possible.

Thats like saying the PS3 is $600 because people bought it for that ....
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#145 HavocV3
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2 of my friends make new accounts every month.

they don't pay a thing for XBL. see, I like stupid technicalities too:roll:


Nice try. You have a limited number of free accounts you can make on Xbox Live on that Xbox 360.

Why did you throw misinformation like this hoping I didn't know? I don't have personal experience, since I've never been in that sort of financial situation, but I believe the limit is three or four, before Xbox Live completely cuts them off. :P

This isn't about any technicalities, it's just to explain :

Xbox Live Retail is $50 a year, $20 for three months, and $8 per month. Just trying to educate the masses, which is what your post does not do. It was misinforming, and lets people believe they can make new accounts EVERY MONTH, which isn't possible.

what's the limit. because they're on #5 or 6 by now.

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#146 SolidTy
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2 of my friends make new accounts every month.

they don't pay a thing for XBL. see, I like stupid technicalities too:roll:


Nice try. You have a limited number of free accounts you can make on Xbox Live on that Xbox 360.

Why did you throw misinformation like this hoping I didn't know? I don't have personal experience, since I've never been in that sort of financial situation, but I believe the limit is three or four, before Xbox Live completely cuts them off. :P

This isn't about any technicalities, it's just to explain :

Xbox Live Retail is $50 a year, $20 for three months, and $8 per month. Just trying to educate the masses, which is what your post does not do. It was misinforming, and lets people believe they can make new accounts EVERY MONTH, which isn't possible.

Thats like saying the PS3 is $600 because people bought it for that ....

No, if Xbox Live retail drops down to a lower price, then that's how much it would be (E.G. $40). I'm not talking about using circumstantial sales at Amazon or Walmart, but the official price, the MSRP.

The PS3 was $600, but it's now $300. I'm again, not talking about my joe sixpack getting a PS3 on Black Friday for $190. Again, that's a sale.

The MSRP and official Retail price is the price. That being said, if someone says, "I got it for $35 (which I have done myself)" that's fine.

The problem is when regular folks think it's $4 a month and don't uunderstand what the heck we are talking about. Then, at that point, it becomes a misinformation campaign.

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#147 killab2oo5
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I'm not spinning anything, I see a lot of spin here and all over the place though.

I recently bought Bayonetta for 360. I paid $60. Since when do we break things down per month or week? Bayonetta was only $20 a month so far! You know? We don't do that, except for Xbox Live. It doesn't make any sense, and it results in the TC's post of confusion. That confusion will continue on and on forever.


I don't see what's so hard to get about it. Xbox Live Gold requires a monthly fee. You can VERY EASILY get a 12 month subscription for $50/$40 (not to mention the cheaper prices on Amazon)...which is about $4/$3 per month. :| What of that simple explanation is being spun, and why do you not get it? It seems to me that YOU are the one trying to spin simple facts and make things more complicated than they actually are. It's simple knowledge and common math that you come out much better just getting a 12 month.

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#148 SolidTy
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2 of my friends make new accounts every month.

they don't pay a thing for XBL. see, I like stupid technicalities too:roll:


Nice try. You have a limited number of free accounts you can make on Xbox Live on that Xbox 360.

Why did you throw misinformation like this hoping I didn't know? I don't have personal experience, since I've never been in that sort of financial situation, but I believe the limit is three or four, before Xbox Live completely cuts them off. :P

This isn't about any technicalities, it's just to explain :

Xbox Live Retail is $50 a year, $20 for three months, and $8 per month. Just trying to educate the masses, which is what your post does not do. It was misinforming, and lets people believe they can make new accounts EVERY MONTH, which isn't possible.

what's the limit. because they're on #5 or 6 by now.

When Halo 3 came out, Xbox Live Mngment noticed what folks were doing (Halo 3 really brought it to their attention), and made some sort of limit and can ban that console from continuing. However, if your buddy is somehow exempt, more power to him.

My cousin speeds all the time, and he only got one ticket 2 years ago. Some people are lucky, but that luck eventually runs out.

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#149 blue_hazy_basic  Moderator
Member since 2002 • 30854 Posts


Nice try. You have a limited number of free accounts you can make on Xbox Live on that Xbox 360.

Why did you throw misinformation like this hoping I didn't know? I don't have personal experience, since I've never been in that sort of financial situation, but I believe the limit is three or four, before Xbox Live completely cuts them off. :P

This isn't about any technicalities, it's just to explain :

Xbox Live Retail is $50 a year, $20 for three months, and $8 per month. Just trying to educate the masses, which is what your post does not do. It was misinforming, and lets people believe they can make new accounts EVERY MONTH, which isn't possible.

Thats like saying the PS3 is $600 because people bought it for that ....

No, if Xbox Live retail drops down to a lower price, then that's how much it would be (E.G. $40). I'm not talking about using circumstantial sales at Amazon or Walmart, but the official price, the MSRP.

The PS3 was $600, but it's now $300. I'm again, not talking about my joe sixpack getting a PS3 on Black Friday for $190. Again, that's a sale.

The MSRP and official Retail price is the price. That being said, if someone says, "I got it for $35 (which I have done myself)" that's fine.

The problem is when regular folks think it's $4 a month and don't uunderstand what the heck we are talking about. Then, at that point, it becomes a misinformation campaign.

What regular folks are on SW? Besides if you look at the thread almost every posters says 12 months for 50=$4 and make it clear you can pick up cheaper on sale, its not a misinformation campaign.
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#150 SolidTy
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[QUOTE="SolidTy"]I'm not spinning anything, I see a lot of spin here and all over the place though.

I recently bought Bayonetta for 360. I paid $60. Since when do we break things down per month or week? Bayonetta was only $20 a month so far! You know? We don't do that, except for Xbox Live. It doesn't make any sense, and it results in the TC's post of confusion. That confusion will continue on and on forever.


I don't see what's so hard to get about it. Xbox Live Gold requires a monthly fee. You can VERY EASILY get a 12 month subscription for $50/$40 (not to mention the cheaper prices on Amazon)...which is about $4/$3 per month. :| What of that simple explanation is being spun, and why do you not get it? It seems to me that YOU are the one trying to spin simple facts and make things more complicated than they actually are. It's simple knowledge and common math that you come out much better just getting a 12 month.

I don't see what's so hard to get about it. Xbox Live Gold requires a monthly fee. You can VERY EASILY get a 12 month subscription for $50/$40 (not to mention the cheaper prices on Amazon)...which is about $4/$3 per month. :| What of that simple explanation is being spun, and why do you not get it? It seems to me that YOU are the one trying to spin simple facts and make things more complicated than they actually are. It's simple knowledge and common math that you come out much better just getting a 12 month.

Of course that's the case. YOU didn't explain anything that I didn't agree with or understand. Congrats. :| Meanwhile, I continue to own 2 360's with Xbox Live year after year, and now I got guys explaining things that I'm explaining. Sweet.