so people are trying to argue that PS3's $600 launch price was somehow giving consumers the shaft???? really? other than listing the price what is their argumentare you guys giving to make it a"shaft"?
Let's take a look at what PS3 launched with out the box for it's requested price...
1. Full backward compatablity with PS1 and PS2 libraries
2. HDMI out the box
3. Region free coding to play games from other countries with no modding
4. Blue-tooth compatibility
5. web browser
6. WiFI out the box
7. SD Memory Card,CompactFlash Card,Memory Sticke
8. Playable media types BD-ROM, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM (blu-ray player in 2006 alonecost betweern $500-$2000)
9. Online game service freefor all users out the box.
10. open platform design enablingconsumers to use 3rd party accessories to be used with the pS3 like off brand blue-tooth headsets or lap-top hard drives to upgrade the HDD (up to 500gig)
lets see what xbox360 for a $400 launch price gave consumers out the box...
1. Playable media types...DvD9, CD-ROM
2.madatory $50 annual fee in order to play games that price has been increased to $60.
3. Battery powered controllers that require frequent change out.
4. virtually non-existent backward compatibility capability
5. closed platform design, requiring consumers to pay extreme propitiatory prices for all accessories (ex $100 for a 20 gig hdd)
It's also curious that those people are also only listing $600...there were 2 versions the 60 gig and the 20 gig the 20 gig was only $500.
there are things people can probably argue for consumers getting the shaft with the PS3 in general (not so sure about that when compaired to others) but PS3's launch price is not one of them.
The xbox360 is much more of a shaft for launching at $400 than PS3 is for launching at $600.
more info for the idiotic argument some people are trying to make using the PS3's launch price as a platform...
"CNET's "Best of CES 2006". The player is top of the line and truly lives up to the name "Elite" with features such as 1080p output via HDMI, upconversion of DVDs to 1080i/1080p and networking features for playback of HD video. The player is scheduled for US release in May 2006 and will retail for about $1,800. Please note that this price isn't representative of a standard Blu-ray player, it's an Elite-brand player which usually costs at least two times what a standard version does. Pioneer also displayed their BD/DVD writer (BDR-101A), which is scheduled for US release Q1 2006 and will retail for about $1,000."
long story short. A blu-ray player alone in 2006 cost between $500 and $2000, ALONE! When people bought a PS3 for $500 or $600 they were investing in a tangible value...and that value did not deminishas long asthey still have the hardware today.
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