Well, Bioware is obviously hugely influencial when it comes to RPG's, but they have honestly been going downhill pretty much since Baulder's gate 2.
Not to mention, that a lot of their games are very recycled in terms of story and characters.
I still absolutely loved Mass Effect 2, in some ways more then 1. Dragon Age 2 - while i think the stories and characters are more fascinating (personally speaking), the things they took away or did even started to fall below my personal bar of quality.The constant reuse of dungeons, severe lack of dialog, and over-simplified inventory system are the three things to note that personally annoyed me.
I just really hope Mass Effect 3 is what i read the interviews, re-RPGing and building up off of ME2.
The problem is that its always been pretty much the same story and same set of companions. Not to mention that Bioware is rather bad at doing choices, always has been. Its always very black and white with little impact on the actual game. Their Diologue isnt bad, but I would say average. Theirs certainly a lot of RPG's with worse writing, but their are also ones which are a lot better (Fallout 2, Planetscape...etc). They have high production values and nothing about their games is neccesarily bad, but nothing really stands out much either.
This is rather old, but it illustrates what im talking about pretty well:
Everyone is entitled to their opinon. and i have seen that funny chart before. I partially agree with it. I still find the games fascinating, despite their varying levels of cliche.
But if i had a nickle for every cliche i've ever seen in a game, movie, or watching friends play DnD game. I could literally buy the internets and rule the world!!!!
anyways i'm good, i answered the guys thread, and i tried to give my reasons for it as well.
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