Poll Which Gaming System Had The Best Graphics & Performance This Gen? (128 votes)
PC 56%
PS4/PRO 16%
XBOX/1X 20%
I was curious what SW thought in relation to other general gaming communities. For the most part PC always wins these.
But SW has a pretty diverse audience. I'm very curious as to how you feel about the hardware capabilities each system was able to perform this generation (2012-2020). Which system do you feel pushed their hardware beyond the others.
This is not about who could "Do the best given their hardware". This is straight up which system literally looked the best and ran the smoothest fps.
Would you say XB1X, PS4:PRO, Switch, or PC had the best graphics and performance?
People who pick the Switch are particularly special.
Pedro, it has that secret sauce because its not using a standard AMD x86/x64 system, it is a custom NVIDIA Tegra SOC so it has that secret sauce that makes it 10 times more powerful than an X1X. It has that super custom optimization secret sauce to it.
@zaryia: Again more lies. PS4 exclusives get mentioned every year and make up nearly half the top 10 list. You said top 5 best looking games were on PC( not a single source agrees with you). Credibility shot to hell.
@zaryia: I'll take having parity. The SAME framerate, draw distance and no cheats. PC lobbies dont even fill up, because so many pirate their games. Dont have that problem on console...
@zaryia: I'll take having parity. The SAME framerate, draw distance and no cheats. PC lobbies dont even fill up, because so many pirate their games. Dont have that problem on console...
PC has exponentially more players than PSN, exponentially more active games, exponentially more competitive games, and makes up 99% of e-sports.
@zaryia: Again more lies. PS4 exclusives get mentioned every year and make up nearly half the top 10 list. You said top 5 best looking games were on PC( not a single source agrees with you). Credibility shot to hell.
Just STOP being delusional. PS4 Pro is a laughing stock when you have a direct comparison even to an entry-highend PC (RTX2070/5700XT territory as of now).
@zaryia: Cant argue with the psn point....but I was talking xbox. Thing is, PC is reliant on hand me downs from ps and xbox consoles. Without them youd be stuck with minesweeper.
@zaryia: I'll take having parity. The SAME framerate, draw distance and no cheats. PC lobbies dont even fill up, because so many pirate their games. Dont have that problem on console...
Sooo, this isn't even an argument I care to get into.
So just doing a drive-by post to point out that perfect parity isn't a thing in online gaming.
Just about everybody is dealing with different levels of display lag, which can get pretty extreme on the console side as most of those guys are on TVs.
Then of course internet connections are all over the place, no matter the platform.
And while it's nothing like the countless PC configs out there, I'd assume that base vs upgrade consoles have their differences online.
I've done very little online gaming on consoles this gen, but I've definitely run into more than my fair share of cheaters on previous consoles. Some games completely ruined by them as a matter of fact.
Point taken that consoles are obviously closer to parity, but they still have issues and even their own unique shortcomings when it comes to playing online.
@zaryia: Cant argue with the psn point....but I was talking xbox. Thing is, PC is reliant on hand me downs from ps and xbox consoles. Without them youd be stuck with minesweeper.
I assume you are referring to Xbox console exclusives and PlayStation console exclusives coming to PC, because most AAA games are multiplats that release on PC and console at the same time and are intended to be for both equally, so no PC would not just have minesweeper without consoles. It's OK to prefer consoles and not like PC but please don't be unfair and disrespectful to PC by stating inaccurate things. Thank you.
@ConanTheStoner: Parity isn't even close on PC. People used to turn down their foliage on pubg to see players lying in the grass....not to mention the people who like to kick back a bit with a joypad getting their butts handed to them by those on m&k.
Yes, there are standard vs pro consoles, but the difference is nothing compared to what cab happen on PC.
@ConanTheStoner: Parity isn't even close on PC. People used to turn down their foliage on pubg to see players lying in the grass....not to mention the people who like to kick back a bit with a joypad getting their butts handed to them by those on m&k.
Yes, there are standard vs pro consoles, but the difference is nothing compared to what cab happen on PC.
Online cheating is not possible on consoles? LMAO#1
People don't pirate games on consoles? LMAO#2
A gamepad is only form of input on consoles? LMAO#3
PC is irrelevant unless you can agree on what PC was released this gen, yeah none. The Switch is next gen, so it doesn't qualify either, so you're left with just the 2.
Oh and OP if you're going to say PC, then you have to add your favourite Mobile Phones, because if you add PC as a gaming system, then you need to add Phones, either way you lose.
@ConanTheStoner: Parity isn't even close on PC. People used to turn down their foliage on pubg to see players lying in the grass....not to mention the people who like to kick back a bit with a joypad getting their butts handed to them by those on m&k.
Yes, there are standard vs pro consoles, but the difference is nothing compared to what cab happen on PC.
That apparently doesn't matter as much as you say or PC wouldn't be the home of e-sports or non e-sports competitive gaming. It makes up like 99% of that.
the ONLY thing hermits will be able to hold on to is higher framerate.
Yeah, performance, that's about it. Oh and library. Oh and full choice of controls, some superior. Oh wait, online too. Oh and customizing your experience. Shit, on that note, almost forgot mods. Damn.
Oh and of course the fact that you'll be eating crow as graphics will remain superior as always. Don't you get tired of going through this every gen? You could just enjoy your console experience for what it is.
Really just the first two points alone are enough for me to prefer PC. Bigger and better library of games that run more smoothly. Rest is just a bonus.
Probably still dip into consoles for the occasional exclusive tho.
the ONLY thing hermits will be able to hold on to is higher framerate.
Yeah, performance, that's about it. Oh and library. Oh and full choice of controls, some superior. Oh wait, online too. Oh and customizing your experience. Shit, on that note, almost forgot mods. Damn.
Oh and of course the fact that you'll be eating crow as graphics will remain superior as always. Don't you get tired of going through this every gen? You could just enjoy your console experience for what it is.
Really just the first two points alone are enough for me to prefer PC. Bigger and better library of games that run more smoothly. Rest is just a bonus.
Probably still dip into consoles for the occasional exclusive tho.
It's hard to care about PC's when all they have is 3rd party games.......the quality exclusives titles go to consoles. I don't give 2 **** about improved framerate or performance. The graphics and better games are on PS4......FACT!
It's hard to care about PC's when all they have is 3rd party games.......the quality exclusives titles go to consoles. I don't give 2 **** about improved framerate or performance. The graphics and better games are on PS4......FACT!
All good my guy, we all have our preferences right. I mean, your "FACT!" isn't a matter of fact by any stretch, but that's alright.
But yeah, so the majority of games I play are 3rd party, multiplats or exclusives. So naturally, I prefer playing all those games in their best form.
If 1st party exclusives make up the majority of you game time, good for you, I can see why you'd prefer a console.
For me? I think I average a game per year on Switch. Less than a game per year on PS4. So just as you find it hard to care about PC, I hope you can see how I find it hard to care about my consoles.
Anyways, was only responding to the other guy with facts. No need for the heavily opinionated goal post moving.
@zaryia: I think the PS4 has exclusives that look better then anything in PC and a large portion of the best games this generation. I never said the PS4 was more powerful then PC.
Voted PS4 due to Horizon Zero Dawn. That game was phenomenal.
Are you gonna buy the PC version?
Won't matter as PS5 would mirror or be better than the PC settings hermits get.
You have to realize that SONY is the one porting this and they're already optimizing and updating it for PS5 as we speak. PS5 will likely have settings that the PC version will not see.
Also when HZD does launch on PC...it will automatically be the best looking game PC gamers have seen this entire generation. Hermits will be quick to hail it as the graphic king "on PC" since they've never seen anything like that on PC.
The irony behind that fact is it will prove that PS4 was 3 years ahead of PC in graphics because a 2017 console game will be PC fanboys 2020 Graphics king lol.
Even as a PC fan, if you've played HZD, you already know when it's ported to PC it'll outshine everything else PC has in graphics, yes even RDR2.
Hermits still things these are "bullshots" or pre-rendered lol when it's actually in game gameplay.
They're going to piss their pants when the see the graphics of the games we were playing YEARS ago. This is one reason why Sony is giving Hermits a taste of what they've been missing. The ignorance of PC fanboys is astounding, lol "we have better graphics", Sony like n**** where??
Voted PS4 due to Horizon Zero Dawn. That game was phenomenal.
Are you gonna buy the PC version?
Won't matter as PS5 would mirror or be better the PC settings hermits get.
You have to realize that SONY is the one porting this and they're already optimizing and updating it for PS5. PS5 will likely have settings that the PC version don't so being on PC still won't make PC better.
Nice I hope that PS5 with its 3rd place hardware next gen can finally manage GFX KING after 5 gens.
@boxrekt: HZD PC version says summer 2020, so no official release date has been giving on the Steam page. Either way, it is still my favorite PS4 game and still is to this day. I'm really looking forward to replaying it on PC.
@zaryia: if you’re going technical power, theres no arguing pc is superior. If you’re going by what you think looks best, thats subjective. You have to pick one or the other.
@zaryia: if you’re going technical power, theres no arguing pc is superior. If you’re going by what you think looks best, thats subjective. You have to pick one or the other.
Agreed, and most people think PC looks better. Because it does.
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