Poll Which Gaming System Had The Best Graphics & Performance This Gen? (128 votes)
PC 56%
PS4/PRO 16%
XBOX/1X 20%
I was curious what SW thought in relation to other general gaming communities. For the most part PC always wins these.
But SW has a pretty diverse audience. I'm very curious as to how you feel about the hardware capabilities each system was able to perform this generation (2012-2020). Which system do you feel pushed their hardware beyond the others.
This is not about who could "Do the best given their hardware". This is straight up which system literally looked the best and ran the smoothest fps.
Would you say XB1X, PS4:PRO, Switch, or PC had the best graphics and performance?
@WESTBLADE: It's gaming score is lower due to input lag at 1080p. You are graphics enthusiast correct? So you still game at 1080p? The A8f has the better picture quality period and its input lag at 4k is a non issue. Although if your using it as a PC monitor burn in could be an issue. In pure picture quality the A8f wins.
Consoles rarely push low settings on anything and the exclusives generally have higher assets then the multiplats on the same platform.
You also seem a bit confused. Your not Maxing much at 120fps unless your gaming at low resolution.
PS: Edited with correct model. My point still stands.
Huh? Look at the input lag at every single resolution + it even can't do 4k @ 120 fps + you answered it yourself - PC monitor, duh.
Not maxing out much at 120 fps? Sure, i'll leave that to my next build, but 4K@60 is not such a day dream with my "puny" RTX 2070 - do i have to bother to post my Gears 5 "beyond ultra" benchmark? My whole rig is OC'ed, so "google search" won't tell you the results...
@WESTBLADE: Yea no demanding games are going to run at 4k 120fps. Not anytime soon anyway. I'm about superior picture quality and input lag at 4k is solid. Regardless yes if I was using it as a PC monitor I wouldn't go OLED because of burn in.
You have a 2070? Cool. I'll have a PS5 by the end of the year and possibly a XSX by the end of the year. Console hardware gives you the option to upgrade every 3 years now so it's like their stuck with old hardware.
@WESTBLADE: Yea no demanding games are going to run at 4k 120fps. Not anytime soon anyway. I'm about superior picture quality and input lag at 4k is solid. Regardless yes if I was using it as a PC monitor I wouldn't go OLED because of burn in.
You have a 2070? Cool. I'll have a PS5 by the end of the year and possibly a XSX by the end of the year. Console hardware gives you the option to upgrade every 3 years now so it's like their stuck with old hardware.
You do realize how much you're talking outta your ass, right? 4k @ 120 fps is possible, that is, if you have the money - RTX 2080 Ti / TITAN in SLI say "hi".
I bought my CPU+MB back in 2014 (and that set of RAM is carried over from previous build). So I have a 6 years old CPU and MB (and even older RAM) paired with a GPU i bought at its launch (Q4 2018). So i basically did one "big" upgrade during this whole "console gen" on the PC side, yet i'm on my 3rd PS4... ???
Point is, i don't know what you're trying to boast about with PS5 and XSX and bring some mid-gen nonsense into the mix, but why do you think i didn't make a new build yet? Maybe because this year AMD and Intel will release their new CPU's and NVIDIA brings RTX2080 Ti's successor?
Should we measure our e-penises again by the end of the year?
Inner child activated, so maybe i should throw in another photo to the mix "for massive damage":
LMFAO..Silly fakeboy lem God of War shits on Metro in graphics, but I digress.
Even with that, you go above and beyond with this clam....
"PC Games that look better than GoW: ...Gears 5..."
Lmfao what? 🤦♂️ You just had to let your xbox fanboyism take over.
Now I gotta crush you!
The inclusion of Gears 5 in your desperate, "better than GOW graphics" list proves you have 0 credibility in the subject of graphics and are just another raging xbox fakeboy hiding behind PC.
THIS ^ lol is Gears 5 on PC on ULTRA PRESET! ***Click the link***
Look at those 2006 animations, and the laughable pasty claymation graphics.
This is one of YOUR selected PC GFX kings?
"PC Games that look better than GoW: ...Gears 5..." 😂Just clowned yourself!
Things we can confirm now about @zaryia, you don't have the slightest clue about graphics or what PS4 AAA exclusives actually look like so you'll claim ANYTHING looks better, gotcha!
It doesn't matter what you run that shit on, much like many of those other games you throw in your list screaming they look better than any Sony exclusives; the base graphics are simply inferior to the graphics Sony devs pump out on the lowly PS4.
Thanks for owning yourself though.
The next time you think it's the good idea to claim that one of MS's 2nd tier developed titles are equal to Sony's AAA exclusives.
Lemming let me remind you....
THESE R God of War graphics that takes a steaming dump on your precious PC graphics duds & have you 😥 in your pillow at night!
PS4 exclusives literally look a generation ahead of the shit you're claiming to be "graphics king" on PC.
@zaryia: You're really butthurt and REALLY insecure over this aren't you lol.
Indeed but can you blame him?
Look at the games he's trying to prop up for MS and PC like Gears 5 compared to PS4 AAA exclusives lol. Making a fool of himself in the process.
We were playing games with Graphics like this 3 years ago. lol PC fanboys actually think these are all pre-rendered cinematics even today.
They can't believe these are in game graphics because their 2nd rate upscaled mutiplats don't reach this level. So Sony finally throwing PC peasants a bone with HZD to prove to them once and for all, the shit is real and this is the kind of quality that's simply not available on PC's basement indie and multiplat dependent library.
I might be up$et too if I threw all the power in the world at a game (like Gears 5) and it was still shit on by the graphics of games for a system with a fraction of that power.
Ps is third place in the best looking games list....FACT
Unless you have an Xbox one x and a ps pro then your input in this thread is null and void
You can put a million gifs of god of war of HZD up but I’m afraid they are merely fannyboy pain relief HAH
Ps doesn’t have an open world game that looks as good as FH4 and gears 5 is at least equal to HZD and god of war,as is metro exodus,hellblade and RDR2(xb1x) look better than anything on ps
Put your xb1x and pro images up,if your using pics to try and prove a point,if you ain’t got both your opinion ain’t worth shit HAH
Dreaming that an actual 47 Bn market will fade so as the masses embrace the mighty pc platform.
And so the mighty pc platform will at last lead in the AAA segment. What a brilliant idea.
SW geniuses at work make wonders.
All houses in Eu and USA have pcs, guess what they prefer playing on consoles, gonna change that before your wishful thinking happens.
And while you are at it, change the Asians gaming habits as well. They are the bulk of pc wealth.
You are the one blinded by you fanboy-ism, and i can cope with that.
From 2016 to 2019 the f2p model jumps from 60% market share on pc to 70% market share.
The biggest jump of all its market segments.
This why I say the pc is headed the mobile way if the trend doesn't change. What I mean with the mobile way here, is the economic model used, not the similarities hardware wise.
I already know that, but have a look at the global numbers.
" Ubisoft's first quarter financial report is in, and business is booming. All of Ubisoft's targets for the quarter were beaten, and PC was the breakout success. In terms of profits, PC accounted for 34% of the quarterly earnings, putting PlayStation in second with 31%, Xbox in third with 18%, mobile in fourth with 7%, and Switch and "other" in last with 5% each."
Obviously pc but in terms of consoles the x is a powerhouse but performance more games seem to be running better on the pro. That's probably down to devs more than anything mayne X targeting a higher resolution has something to do with it. Resident evil 3 has proven that.
Perfectly represents the actual slowmo-like framerate when i go from PC to play most of the PS4 games...
BTW, i really hate to post a shitty compressed YT video, but try not to have a stroke if you'll actually watch it in 4K:
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LMFAO, that's some shitty damage control.
Just tell yourself that your eyes are lying to you. The graphics are exactly as you what you see...but if you need to, just pretend your eyes are a lie so you can sleep at night.
Oh 🤭 And then you come back with (the easiest type of game to push out graphics for) a racing game where everything but the cars are static as proof of PC superior graphics?
👌No problem, I got you covered...
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The graphics of a PS4 exclusive racer released in 2014. Since you think simple racers are an indication of the best graphics.
" Ubisoft's first quarter financial report is in, and business is booming. All of Ubisoft's targets for the quarter were beaten, and PC was the breakout success. In terms of profits, PC accounted for 34% of the quarterly earnings, putting PlayStation in second with 31%, Xbox in third with 18%, mobile in fourth with 7%, and Switch and "other" in last with 5% each."
From your link : Consoles profits 49%!!!
Seems like you can count, so here's something recent: https://ubistatic19-a.akamaihd.net/comsite_common/en-US/images/57ubisoft%20q3%20fy20%20press%20release%20english_tcm99-360581_tcm99-196733-32.pdf
Just tell yourself that your eyes are lying to you. The graphics are exactly as you what you see...but if you need to, just pretend your eyes are a lie so you can sleep at night.
Oh 🤭 And then you come back with (the easiest type of game to push out graphics for) a racing game where everything but the cars are static as proof of PC superior graphics?
👌No problem, I got you covered...
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The graphics of a PS4 exclusive racer released in 2014. Since you think simple racers are an indication of the best graphics.
Maybe you should check just a few posts above yours before, 'cause this is like 4th or 5th time i'm posting the same photo just because some people are as lazy as their brains:
I have actually played "a little bit" of the game in that vid i attached + you may notice a white "sandwich" in bottom center:
And now you can check something "familiar" in the top left corner (bought almost all the DLC's as well, so maybe i played "a littlebit" of it too):
So... were you saying something about some "shitty damage control"?
@WESTBLADE: wtf are you blabbering about? I game in a 65 inch 4k oled.. Sony A8F. Feel free to view my setup in the official thread here at gamespot. You haven't said anything that was a fact just meaningless opinion
OK, let's skip the obvious and akward "my Samsung is better then your Sony" moment and since it most likely flew over your head, @zaryia realized the point of my photo - there's a PS4 Pro literally one feet away from my PC, so instead of looking at screenshots or compressed youtube videos, i have "direct feed" from both on the exact same display.
As far as my experience with "PS4 exclusive" games go, well:
Screenshot Evidence of dozens of PC games on Ultra looking better: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/2020-pc-screenshot-thread-of-no-compromises.1518478/
No wonder Digital Foundry said in 2018 GoW5 was not the best looking game of that year. Forget 2019 and 2020 games looking better, it couldn't even take the cake in 2018.
Why are you bringing of God of War 5 when DF said RDR2 looks the best for 2018, and that game now looks significantly better on PC. That literally means RDR2 decimated GoW5, while not even being PCs best (Metro and Control).
@boxrekt said:
Indeed but can you blame him?
A majority of SW disagrees with you. Digital Foundry disagrees with you. Screenshot direct feed evidence disagrees with you.
Better luck next gen.
P.S. Are you going to buy a gaming PC or are you going to play the bad looking/running of nearly all major releases for 8 years again? Why do you always talk about graphics but then play the bad version of most major games? You seem like a poser, and not an actual graphics enthusiast.
@boxrekt said:
@boxrekt said:
Perfectly represents the actual slowmo-like framerate when i go from PC to play most of the PS4 games...
BTW, i really hate to post a shitty compressed YT video, but try not to have a stroke if you'll actually watch it in 4K:
Loading Video...
LMFAO, that's some shitty damage control.
Just tell yourself that your eyes are lying to you.
Yes. Everyone who owns a high end gaming rig AND PS4 that can compare both are all wrong.
People who only own a PS4 are correct.
Durr hurr. There is a reason why you are losing this thread.
Did not even bother adding the crumbs from the Switch otherwise the number could have been a bit higher!!!
And your pdf adds nothing to the argument, except that both consoles and pc are doing well.
So your point???
So when 4 vs 1 is not enough (Playstation and Xbox still covers both current and previous gen of consoles, but let's pretend it doesn't matter, right...), now you have to bring in 5th? LOL.
My point should be obvious - PC is now at 40% : https://venturebeat.com/2020/02/06/ubisofts-uplay-revenue-is-up-73-compared-to-last-year/
" Ubisoft's first quarter financial report is in, and business is booming. All of Ubisoft's targets for the quarter were beaten, and PC was the breakout success. In terms of profits, PC accounted for 34% of the quarterly earnings, putting PlayStation in second with 31%, Xbox in third with 18%, mobile in fourth with 7%, and Switch and "other" in last with 5% each."
From your link : Consoles profits 49%!!!
Seems like you can count, so here's something recent: https://ubistatic19-a.akamaihd.net/comsite_common/en-US/images/57ubisoft%20q3%20fy20%20press%20release%20english_tcm99-360581_tcm99-196733-32.pdf
Have fun...
That shows PC being first place....
Anyways this is all off-topic. You agree PC is gfx king right?
@sovkhan: Once again you are wrong and don't understand or believe my point. Think what you want, I know you are wrong and you keep saying otherwise proves nothing to me. Also those numbers prove nothing about what would happen if consoles did not exist, I was never saying that people would switch to PC from console with consoles existing, I was saying console people would switch to PC in huge numbers if consoles were gone and with those huge combined numbers of current PC gamers and ex console gamers, all the AAA games would be purchased on PC and they would still be made for PC. . I don't think consoles are going anywhere though. I am not a fanboy, you are. I think we are done.
" This is especially true for its PC gaming platform Uplay, which now represents 40% of Ubisoft’s net bookings on PC. "
Uplay represents 40% of Ubisoft revenue on pc, not 40% revenue of all plateforms combined!!!
Let's put an end to this, Let's say all Ubisoft revenues are from pc, it will put it revenue in the AAA segment to a mere 7.5 Bn, which dwarfed compared to the 47.9 Bn generated on consoles.
There are many PCs that are vastly superior to X1X, and besides how many of Xbox owners have the X1X. 5%? 10%? I'd love to see official numbers on that.
LG B9... I get the hype behind OLED, I can't go back to LCD to watch movies. The B9/C9/E9 support GYSNC and HDMI 2.1 at 4K/120Hz, but since no one has anything with HDMI 2.1 its 1440/120Hz or 4K/60Hz with HDR at 10bit 4:2:2.
I can't wait till the 3080 Ti comes out so I can play at 4K/120Hz at 10bit RGB.
Wait, you can't set your TV to 4K/60Hz + HDR10 4:4:4? Because that's my default desktop setting...XD
/EDIT: I meant, usually i don't have enabled HDR by default the whole time, due to tonemapping, but it works fine anytime without chroma subsampling (which kicks in once i go to 4k/120Hz mode)
No TV can do 4K/60 with RGB/4:4:4 at 10 Bits even if the panels support it because HDMI 2.0 doesn't have the bandwidth... Only way to get 10 Bit is through sub sampling which works better for HDR than 8 bit RGB/4:4:4 because that is all you are getting with your setting by they way its not the full 10bit colour depth.
Its why I can't wait for HDMI 2.1 GPU's to come out as my TV has it but no GPU/Console has it, so its a waiting game right now.
I did tests with 8bit RGB/4:4:4 in HDR with windows vs 10bit 4:2:2 and found it better, less blocking and banding in games like Forza 7 with blue skys.
You own both? That doesn't mean anything . Ive gamed on a 2080ti.. do multiplats looks better? Yes. Does it put most of them beyond the best exclusives?? NO!
And a PC gamer owning a high end rig is always going to say his PC looks better. It sucks when a $400 prebuilt box rivals your $2000 rig in any way. The reality was I was tired of wasting money on hardware to find myself not getting any exclusive titles that took advantage of it after Crysis..
Also Samsung is going OLED as they are going to stop manufacturing LCD in 2021.
Also no one is saying every multi-platform game because its on PC with higher settings look better than the exclusives Sony... What we are saying is that out of the 10 best looking games out right now MOST of them are Multi-platfrom and not only look better on PC but run a lot better.
Telling you to stop bringing up 100% irrelevant REVENUE in a GRAPHICS thread is clearly trolling.....
@sovkhan said:
And I did not derail anything, merely responded to someone who was pretending that pc and consoles are equal when it comes to AAA gaming.
You're right. They aren't equal.
PC has more AAA games, and are always better on PC.
@sovkhan said:
That simply not true, pc is more of an afterthought in the AAA segment
No it's not. It is given the most AAA games, and with additional features to ensure they are the significantly superior version.
That's the opposite of an Afterthought. As a gamer, you would choose PC for AAA.
You would have a point if this reduced AAA revenue resulted in reduced AAA games, but it DOESN'T. We have only seen the opposite, with publishers/devs scrambling to put games on PC and not even on competing systems (MS/SONY).
LG B9... I get the hype behind OLED, I can't go back to LCD to watch movies. The B9/C9/E9 support GYSNC and HDMI 2.1 at 4K/120Hz, but since no one has anything with HDMI 2.1 its 1440/120Hz or 4K/60Hz with HDR at 10bit 4:2:2.
I can't wait till the 3080 Ti comes out so I can play at 4K/120Hz at 10bit RGB.
Wait, you can't set your TV to 4K/60Hz + HDR10 4:4:4? Because that's my default desktop setting...XD
/EDIT: I meant, usually i don't have enabled HDR by default the whole time, due to tonemapping, but it works fine anytime without chroma subsampling (which kicks in once i go to 4k/120Hz mode)
No TV can do 4K/60 with RGB/4:4:4 at 10 Bits even if the panels support it because HDMI 2.0 doesn't have the bandwidth... Only way to get 10 Bit is through sub sampling which works better for HDR than 8 bit RGB/4:4:4 because that is all you are getting with your setting by they way its not the full 10bit colour depth.
Its why I can't wait for HDMI 2.1 GPU's to come out as my TV has it but no GPU/Console has it, so its a waiting game right now.
I did tests with 8bit RGB/4:4:4 in HDR with windows vs 10bit 4:2:2 and found it better, less blocking and banding in games like Forza 7 with blue skys.
Oh sorry about that, i was rewriting my post and unfortunately ended up with such a pathetic mess, eh...:\
You own both? That doesn't mean anything . Ive gamed on a 2080ti.. do multiplats looks better? Yes. Does it put most of them beyond the best exclusives?? NO!
And a PC gamer owning a high end rig is always going to say his PC looks better. It sucks when a $400 prebuilt box rivals your $2000 rig in any way. The reality was I was tired of wasting money on hardware to find myself not getting any exclusive titles that took advantage of it after Crysis..
Also Samsung is going OLED as they are going to stop manufacturing LCD in 2021.
Also no one is saying every multi-platform game because its on PC with higher settings look better than the exclusives Sony... What we are saying is that out of the 10 best looking games out right now MOST of them are Multi-platfrom and not only look better on PC but run a lot better.
More importantly.......I can't believe R-gamer called out someone's graphics enthusiasm.
He's actually going around for 8 year long periods playing nearly every major release on low & medium (A few partially on high) and 20-30 FPS (A few almost 60) and actually has the nerve to use that line....
Yet he is calling out people who not only played all those releases with much better gfx/fps, but also all of PS4's smoke and mirror exclusives. What....
This is literally like those Car forums in the late 90's where you had "Tricked out" Honda Civic owners bashing guys with Porsches. So reminiscent. Equally as sad.
You own both? That doesn't mean anything . Ive gamed on a 2080ti.. do multiplats looks better? Yes. Does it put most of them beyond the best exclusives?? NO!
And a PC gamer owning a high end rig is always going to say his PC looks better. It sucks when a $400 prebuilt box rivals your $2000 rig in any way. The reality was I was tired of wasting money on hardware to find myself not getting any exclusive titles that took advantage of it after Crysis..
Also Samsung is going OLED as they are going to stop manufacturing LCD in 2021.
Also no one is saying every multi-platform game because its on PC with higher settings look better than the exclusives Sony... What we are saying is that out of the 10 best looking games out right now MOST of them are Multi-platfrom and not only look better on PC but run a lot better.
More importantly.......I can't believe R-gamer called out someone's graphics enthusiasm.
He's actually going around for 8 year long periods playing nearly every major release on low & medium (A few partially on high) and 20-30 FPS (A few almost 60) and actually has the nerve to use that line....
Yet he is calling out people who not only played all those releases with much better gfx/fps, but also all of PS4's smoke and mirror exclusives. What....
This is literally like those Car forums in the late 90's where you had "Tricked out" Honda Civic owners bashing guys with Porsches. So reminiscent. Equally as sad.
EDIT: BTW, that TV is running the whole time i'm awake, and that is as of now 30+ hours (which apparently starts to show up in my "latest comments" - feeling dizzy). Would you risk do that with your OLED's? Money was not the issue if you look it up, i don't want to have permanent taskbar in my image, thanks...
@boxrekt: stop stop, they're dead already! Lol. Yeah these Lems hiding behind PC amaze me, Uncharted 4, GOW, Spiderman, and Horizon looks better than anything on PC or 1x. These fanboys think resolution overtakes assets, animation, and effects.
@boxrekt: stop stop, they're dead already! Lol. Yeah these Lems hiding behind PC amaze me, Uncharted 4, GOW, Spiderman, and Horizon looks better than anything on PC or 1x. These fanboys think resolution overtakes assets, animation, and effects.
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