Rare killed themselves by betraying Nintendo and choosing to side with the bad guys (MS in this scenerio). MS later cut off all funding from Rare and now they are just a joke and shadow of their former self. See that's what happens when you cross Nintendo b!tches!
They should have gone with Sony instead of MS, they would have gotten treated better, why the chose MS is beyond me. But hey if they want to commit suicide that's fine.And lol @ Rare doing fine this gen, they haven't made any good games this gen period.
Perfect Dark Zero sucked ass big time, Banjo Nut's and Bolts isn't anywhere as good as the origional, and Conker is just a juevinle piece of toilet humor that appeals to the lowest form of people in society.
Only good games Rare made are from the past, and it's painfully obvoius Nintendo doesn't need them, what Rare needs is Nintendo. They only have themselves to blame for choosing to go with the wrong company.
Has anyone ever told you you're an idiot?
If they haven't, than I have some unsettling news for you.... you're an idiot.
That hurt my feelings, gonna cry now because Mr. Internet Tough Guy called me a bad name.
Your just upset that Rare is a joke, and MS is the reason why. Get over it.
Oh, I was wrong. You're a dumbass, particularly if you think I care for Rare.
EDIT- And please don't say I care for MS. Because if you think I do, than there are no words in the English language to describe how stupid you are. I hate MS, and I don't care for Rare. Your statements however still make you an idiot. That or a cow. But 'cow' is internet slang for 'idiot' anyway.
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