I applaud many of you on some nice quality posting, well done, I enjoyed reading through this thread. !! :) Not that I agree with all of you. :P
Anyhoo, It's been a while since I posted this and it does need a bit of updating but never the less, I think the time is right...
PS, STIKA, you still around here under a different name ?
Scores from ALLRARE games from the SNES to the xbox 360 (using game rankings)
16- bit era:
Battle toads (SNES) : 78%
Battle toads (gen) : 72%
Battletoads and double dragon: (snes) : 59%
Battletoads and double dragon (gen): 65%
Battle toads (GB) : 77.7%
Battle toads and double dragon (GB): 65%
Battletoads in ragnarock's world (GB) : 75%
Donkey kong land (GB) : 71%
Donkey Kong land 2 (gb) : 79%
Donkey kong land 3 ( 82%)
Killer instinct (GB) :25%
Killer instinct (SNES): (80%)
The amazing spider-man (73%)
Beetlejuice (GB): 55%
Fortress of fear (GB): 20%
Sneaky snakes (GB) 53%
Championship-pro-am (Gen): 80%
Donkey kong country (SNES): 92%
Donkey kong country 2 (SNES): 92%
Donkey kong countru 3 (snes): 85%
Average score: 69%
N64 era:
Perfect Dark (N 64): 95%
Perfect Dark (GBC): 66%
Donkey kong country (GBC): 90%
Conker's pocket tales (GBC): 55%
mickey's speedway USA (GBC): 81%
Mickey's speedway USA (N64): 68%
Donkey Kong 64 (N64): 88%
Banjo-Kazooeie (N64): 92%
Banjo-Tooie (N64): 90%
Blast corps (N64): 89%
Conker's bad fur day (N64): 89%
Diddy Kong Racing (N64): 89%
Golden eye 007 (N64): 95%
Jet Force Gemini (N54): 80%
Killer Instinct Gold (N64): 74%
Total average score: 82.7%
Gamecube-Xbox era:
Starfox Adventures (GC) : 80%
Banjo Pilot (GBA): 66%
Banjo Kazooeie: Grunty's revenge (GBA): 73%
SabreWulf (GBA): 74%
Donkey Kong Contry (GBA): 78%
It''s Mr. Pants (GBA): 76%
Donkey Kong country 2 (GBA): 81%
Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA): 75.1%
Conker: Live and Reloaded (xbox): 79%
Grabbed by the Ghoulies (xbox) 70%
total Score: 75.2
Current Gen
Perfect Dark Zero (xbox 360): 81%
Viva Pinata (X360): 85%
viva Pinata 2 (X360): 83%
Viva pinata (PC): 79%
Viva Pinata (DS): 83%
Jet Pac: Refueled: (X360): 73%
Kameo (X360): 81%
Banjo 3: 78%
Average Score: 80.4%
Final Score:
1º N64 RARE: 82.7%
2º Current RARE: 80.4%
3º Last gen RARE: 75.2%
4º 16-Bit RARE: 69%
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